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The Colour of War

Ashaman DeRouge

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Here I am thinking everyone knew about this and I was late to the game  ::)


It's basically a documentary series that focus' on a different aspect of WW2 each week, from the War in the Pacific to everyday life on the frontlines. The catch is, they actually have COLOUR footage, filmed by incredibly, stupidly brave cameramen right in the middle of the battles.


These guys are on the boats, on the carriers, in the trenches as the bullets are flying, it's a very illuminating look at war, and not for the feint of heart. Not because of gore or anything(though, be warned, this is a war doco...), but seeing the looks on the faces of some of those poor soldiers as their tiny unprotected boat crawled through hundreds of yards of open fire, dodging mines and mortars... man, it got me.


It is certainly not showing war in a positive light, but it shows the soldiers as the bravest men I've ever seen. It really is quite breathtaking. I've seen war doco's before, and always though "Yeah war is stupid, look at the wastage of life" but never before has the message been driven home so well.




make that 12/10.


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