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Welcome LanceManley To The Black Tower!


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Well, the pencil was to the left of the plate so if the plate was looking at it, it had to be left.  Which is not right.  Which is wrong. *which is Eeblish logic triumphant*



I'm 19, at University of Waterloo in Canada. I've been reading the Wheel of Time for the past 6 years. Have read all the way from tEotW to tGS and even "The World of Robert Jordan's the Wheel of Time". Currently reading "New Spring".


I like stuff, and other stuff too.


Wooo Ontario! What's your major?


Ooh and welcome to the BT! :D


Here are some helpful things I picked up when I first joined:


1. Locke is unusual. But, surprisingly witty.


2. You must visit the tavern at least once, but heaven help you if you try to keep up. If you do visit the inn, be careful of those two women running the place. They are incorrigible!


3. Talya is super nice and has the best brownies ever!!


4. Ed is also unusual. Not quite as witty as Locke. (Hi Ed! :D )


5. I, of course, am completely typical and somewhat boring. I'm waiting for the taint to set in. Maybe if I roll around in it?


6. Go sign up for the 50 questions so we can interview you in the best tradition of Barbra Walters!


There are also points 7 through 10 but I have to run now...








i think you are getting there slowly Aust ;)


Personally I quite like other stuff, but not when I'm doing stuff, I really do find they clash, just don't get on at all ...*nods*


Hmph, and I thought Aust liked us... I think I may need to tell Limi to cut him off of the booze.


I have to say, I'm a big fan of stuff, preferably the fun stuff, but not so much the traditional and boring stuff, that stuff smells funny.


Do you really think it's starting to set in Talya? Yay! :D


Oh and Adella, I do greatly admire you both! Although you also both terrify me, just a little bit, but in a really good way. Like the terror you feel when you just start the decent down on a really big roller coaster, and you start to have some worries that maybe the wheels of the roller coaster are not so secure on the tracks as you would like them to be, and perhaps the scaffolding is just a tad rickety, and then you regret having all that vodka before getting on the roller coaster (please don't cut me off), and as your car starts to head down, you have a moment of terror as you realize your safety bar is not really secure at all... Nothing will ever compare with the experience, and you'll have the odd desire to do it all again if you manage to survive the first time!


Also, the worst is when you wear mismatched stuff. Be wary of that, LanceManley.


Adella you need to quote him.


Welcome Lance, I am one of the moderators here and it will be great to get to know you. I'm sure you'll have full access to the Black Tower shortly. In the meantime would you like a brownie?



*notices Al Jenn enter, walks over to him with an innocent look on her face. As she gets close, then innocence turns to pure evil in her eye and she pulls out a taser and zaps Al in the back for a few seconds, watching his whole body go rigid and twitch*




*Watches as Adella doesn't say anything and just tazes him again*


Really? *Weaves the tazer away from her*


*Takes his hand and makes a gun like form with them. Speaking in a high voice I say*


Pew Pew *As I weave threads of air hitting her lightly in the stomach*


*Rolls his eyes*


Women, I just don't get the whole you tazing me all the time thing. It isn't nice, now I wish to find Limi and dance with her. Though I don't think she would appreciate me waking her at 3 am. Which I totally would if she didn't work tomorrow.


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