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Hello, I am new here (obviously). I have just finished reading book ten. Of course I would have to finish it on a Saturday and not be able to get to a book store until Monday. I noticed this web site in the back of my book and thought I would check it out. I read a few of the posts and took a quick look around and signed on up! I thought I was the only one this big on the books. I knew they were popular, but I had no idea it was to this extent. 


Kathleen Welcome to nerd planet Er.. Amazing people place! We are all huge nerds, so feel free to be totally nerdtastic with us! ^_^



Ed - Wow, how polite you are sometimes.. :P


Thanks for the welcome.


I've been really slow to read the books. I started in 2005. A friend of mine had been reading them and told me a little about them. I said it sounded interesting, and then he bought me the first one for my birthday in mid August. I had it finished by September, but wasn't able to get the next one. I had my first child that December 23rd, and my friend gave me book two for Christmas. It took me longer to read it as I had a newborn to take care of, so I had very little time to read. Then I moved three times, and changed jobs, met a wonderful man and got married and had another baby just a year ago. Putting it down in writing really makes you notice how much life can change in five years. And I just realized that even with all that going on I still managed to read an average of two books per year..wow!



Congrats on the kids!


It only took me about 4 months to finsh reading them because I read them junior year in high school for the first time.


Oooh! I have a 1 year old nephew, kids are so wonderful at this age!  :D


I've heard that the audio books help a lot if you can get your hands on copies. That's what my brother and sister-in-law do to stay caught up! ^_^


Thanks. I've been looking around more and it just keeps getting better. I hope to get involved with more actively posting but since I've taken five years to read the books and haven't read the two newest, I'm finding my memory or detail a little bit off, and I'm a little hesitant to look at threads for fear of spoilers! 


Hey man, welcome to Dm!  I'm Krak and I'm the moderator over at the Entertainment Discussion Group and I'm also the leader of the Infantry over at the Band of the Red Hand Social Group.  Entertainment Discussion is pretty self-explanatory; we talk about movies, tv shows, and games.  So if multimedia entertainment is your niche, you should definitely drop by and give us your input.


Band of the Red Hand is all about music, travel, and food - everything a good soldier lives for.  We're in the middle of moving our off-site boards to DM, so it's  a little messy at the moment, but that's no reason not to drop by.  So if any of this sounds good, stop by and introduce yourself.


Enjoy DM and have a good time.


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