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*pokes Aust with her spare spear*


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Red you came!!! :D I'm afraid that once again you have fallen into my web. *pushes Red into giant web*


You have NO idea what I had to eat in order to spin this giant spider web here in SG. Things no good little SG'er should have to eat. No! Don't ask I won't tell you! Just don't look at me funny if that web smells like Trolloc droppings.


Now, hold VERY still... and...


*slices off Red's rat-tail with a rusty knife and nails it to the wall*


Ok, I realize this may be somewhat upsetting for you, but really I've done you a favor. That rat-tail is a horrible throw-back to '80's hair styles and truly I have done you a service in removing it. It shall remain here nailed to this wall in SG as a warning to any who would think to reclaim any other bad hair styles. Next thing you know, you Aiel warriors will be wearing banana-clips. Now, all I have to do is get the wise-ones to stop wearing those mullets...



And now, your reward! You have been a tremendously good sport, and I shall forever be in your debt. As a token, please accept this talisman, which will grant you protection from the night creatures here in the Blight. So long as you wear it, you will be safe from them. Yes, it is my big toe-nail that I have hewn off and attached to a string, but the monsters will recognize it and leave you alone. Wear it with pride. (it may actually be the smell from the fungus that keeps the monsters away... so um.. don't wash it).


Thanks Red!!!







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lmao.  just remember Aust, pay back is a nasty little thing that vengeful little redheads specailize in ;)


and i have something very special planned for you indeed *chuckles in an evil way*  :-*



btw, thanks for the haircut ;) i've been needing to get one





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