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Enough with the Studying......please!!!! [attn Esther aka Elgee]

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Deanne sighed and pressed a hand to her aching temple, her other hand was gently stroking her now large and rotund belly. Honestly, she'd been glad when her grip on Saidar had begun to falter. If Esther had made her go over one more weave she'd have screamed! Over and over Esther had made her do weave after stupid weave, under Coreena Sedai's watchful eye, of course, and Deanne had even begun to dream about it, waking up with a cold sweat and Esther's gruff voice lingering in her ear, demanding it be done over.



But now, thankfully, her pregnancy was interfering with her ability to grasp the Source much less do anything with it and Deanne was extremely grateful for the respite....but oh no...Esther wasn't going to give up that easily! No way! The very next morning she'd thumped into Deanne's small room where Deanne was attempting to have somewhat of a lie-in, bustled her out of bed and downstairs and sat her down in front of a large table that was now groaning under a huge stack of books.


History, Mathematics, Royal Lines, Trading Agreements, you name it it was on that table and Esther was practically drooling over the sight, Deanne was certain she would have started stroking them if it weren't for Coreena Sedai hovering with a sharp eye.


Soon Deanne was wishing desperately that she could Channel again...if only to smack this wretched book over Esther's head! Who in the Light would willingly want to learn about the The Laws pertaining to fishing rights of the River Andrielle??



Wishing she could Channel reliably again...




Esther practically bounced in her chair, hugging Fardida Cumbria's "The Laws pertaining to fishing rights of the River Andrielle" against her chest. It had been one of those books Deanne had tossed out of her bags before they left the Tower, and she'd been slightly ... well not sulking, but definitely a bit unhappy about that since. She gave Deanne a side long glance, then reluctantly put the book to one side. It was a big enough task to get her interested in any book, and she rather doubted this one would do the trick.


She had quite enjoyed their One Power lessons, especially once she’d taught Deanne all those she knew, and Coreena Sedai had started showing them some fascinating new ones.  Esther was sure they would be well ahead of their fellow Accepted back in the Tower. Coreena was an even stricter task mistress than Larindhra, pushing them harder than any of their teachers had before. Besides, since they didn’t have to do any of the extra chores they would have in the Tower, only those necessary for keeping themselves and their rooms clean, they had much more time to devote to their studies.


Esther had even persuaded Coreena to allow them to practice outside late at night, when the light was bad. After all, they wouldn’t always be so lucky as to have perfect conditions under which to channel. Deanne had, predictably, shrieked her lungs out when the first bug landed on her. Luckily, Coreena knew a Weave to keep the pesky things away. She’d taught them that one with a weird smirk on her face, but forbidding them to show it to anyone unless they joined the Blue Ajah one day.  Esther hadn’t had time to ponder why for long, as she’d been too busy being astonished at how quickly Deanne learnt that weave. She’d been almost as quick to pick up some of the Battle Weaves Coreena Sedai showed them. It seemed Deanne enjoyed blowing things up. Esther couldn’t understand why, but gamely joined in as it was a wonder to see Deanne actually put her mind to learning and practising anything.


Reluctantly putting Fardida’s book to one side, she looked at the one underneath. Hmmm … a few of the Greens had tried to interest Esther in reading it, since it was a biography of some famous Green who’d achieved great acclaim during the Trolloc Wars, but wars didn’t interest Esther as much as laws did. The Greens had seemed disappointed. Esther put that one aside too, coincidentally right in front of Deanne, then continued her search through the piles of books in an attempt to find something that would interest the ditzy girl.



Esther Tremaine

Accepted and Teacher Extraordinaire


  • 3 weeks later...

Deanne sighed loudly and then noticed Coreena Sedai watching her with disapproval written all over her face, so Deanne smiled her very best smile at her and hastily opened the book Esther had put in front of her and made a show of studying it deeply.


Stupid Aes Sedai! Stupid Esther! Stupid pregnan.... Deanne's train of thought wavered as the contents of the book finally registered. Esther's droning voice about studying some daft book was at first ignored and then muted as Deanne started reading in earnest.


This book was GOOD! Why had no-one showed her this type of thing before?


Deanne eagerly turned the page becoming oblivious to the world around her and was soon deeply engrossed. Lunchtime came and went and Deanne was only vaguely aware of eating something and Esther's prattle about keeping her strength.


This was something she could study! This was wonderful! She continued to read avidly about a famous Green who’d achieved great acclaim during the Trolloc Wars. The book even had basic information on tactics used in each of the battles that the Green Sister had been involved in. Deanne found herself nodding with each mention of troop placement and attack strategy and she grabbed some parchment and made notes for future reference.


This made sense! Why couldn't anyone have taught them about this kind of thing before? Deanne felt sure she would have been much more attentive if this kind if thing had been in the criteria instead of long lists of names droned on repetitively and the history of things that should have definitely been left there - at least in Deanne's considered opinion.


After a while she felt a bit cramped, so she sat up and stretched and yawned and looked around her. Then she saw the expression on Esther's face.... 



This studying lark is quite fun!


Though she was very engrossed in the plethora of books spread around her, after a while she became aware of something. Or rather, the absence of something. There was no restless stirring, no muttered snide remarks. In fact, there was hardly any sound at all, apart from that of the hurried turning of a page and pen scritching over parchment. Esther looked up hurriedly, panic gripping her at the thought that Deanne must have slipped out while neither she nor Coreena Sedai were paying attention. The fool girl was likely to hurt herself, waddling around without being able to see her own feet past her protruding belly.


Her mouth dropped open at the sight that met her eyes. Deanne. Reading. A book. And making notes! Esther hastily scanned the table, but the only book she couldn't see was the one about the Green. Surely not? Rising as quietly as she could, she tip-toed around the table to peer over Deanne's shoulder. Yes. The Biography. And Deanne was taking notes?? Hmmm ... probably something to do with clothes. Yes, that's it - she's making us think she's reading, but actually she's just ... Battle tactics? Deanne was actually making notes about battle tactics??


Slowly her head swivelled until her eyes met those of Coreena Sedai. The aged Sister's eyes were filled with amusement, and a satisfied smile played across her lips. Unsure of what to do, Esther wandered back to her own chair. Well ... Deanne had seemed to enjoy those Battle Weaves Coreena had taught them, but really ... a Green? Esther's mind boggled at the thought of flighty Deanne fighting Trollocs and Fades and the Light knew what else. No, it was simply too far fetched to believe. Probably just the pregnancy hormones making her go all strange in the head. Talking about pregnancy - by the rumbling of her belly, it must be close to lunch time, and Deanne needed to eat regularly to keep her strength up.


With a curtsy and a whispered word to Coreena, Esther clumped off (quietly) to the kitchen to prepare their midday meal. A few slices of the roast she had made the previous night (Deanne was useless in the kitchen, and Coreena seemed relieved to have someone else cook for a change), some greens and herbs, and a few slices of bread went onto three plates. Two glasses of well watered wine for herself and the Sister, and a healthy glass of goats milk for Deanne joined the plates on a large tray. With her tongue caught between her teeth, Esther concentrated on carrying the tray though to the dining room without spilling anything. She's already received one slap upside the ear from Coreena Sedai for her clumsiness. A frown from the Sister had her trying to emulate the graceful glide of an Aes Sedai. She did manage to clump less loudly.


After a few minutes, it was clear that Deanne wasn't likely to break off her intense studying, so Esther made her a sandwich, put the plate by her elbow and urged her to eat. After finishing her own lunch, and getting Deanne to eat hers with repeated urgings, Esther cleaned up, then continued her own studies.


Eventually darkness started to fall, their supper was ready, but Deanne was still totally absorbed in her book. Esther exchanged wondering glances with Coreena, then cleared her throat. It took a few more throat clearings before Deanne even glanced up, annoyance at being interrupted clearly showing on her face. It was simply unbelievable! With surging excitement, Esther made a mental list of all the books in Coreena's library about battle tactics, as she stared at Deanne as though at a Trolloc doing needlepoint.



Esther Tremaine

Greens! Go figure.

  • 4 months later...
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