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Chemistry Chat up Lines!


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On a different theme  :P


If i was a strong acid, i'd fully dissociate in you.


I'd like to put my conjugate acid in your base.


When i touch you it feels like an exothermic reaction.


An ether is a C-O-C linkage, i'd like to make an ether to your arse.


The second law of thermodynamics says you have to share your hotness with me.


When i'm finished with you, you'll look like a proton NMR graph, you may experience splitting.


Get me hot, i'm sure you'll get a reaction.


Can you help me fill up this test tube?


This tea needs some more C6 H12 O6... dip your finger in it.


Nice lab coat, it would look better on my bedroom floor.


Excuse me ma'am, does this cloth smell like chloroform to you?


I have surface tension when I'm around you.


Wanna complete my orbital?


I lost my atomic number, can I have yours?


You make me harder than the covalent bonds in diamond.


You make me tremble so hard I emit alpha particles.


I want to shoot my neutron into you so we can make lots of little molecules.


Hey baby, what will it take to get over your activation energy barrier?


Our relationship is like caesium... explosive.


If i could rearrange the periodic table i'd put uranium (U) and iodine (I) together.


I put the ass in acetone, baby.


Hey baby, will a little more alcohol catalyze this reaction?


If i was an enzyme i'd be a helicase so i could unzip your genes.


I'm a proton, and i'm positive you must be an electron, cause your so damn attractive.


Your so hot your denaturing my enzymes.


I'm like an Sn2 reaction, I come from behind


I'll be the photon to your electron and take you to an excited state


Wanna come to my Kryptonite?


I have a slow reaction rate and a strong yield.


Hey baby, I've got my ion you.


Baby, you make my dipole permanent.


You must be very electronegative cos you're pulling me.


Baby if we mix atoms, you might just make my metal harder.


What do you say we make like pestle and mortar? A little bump and grind.


I'm like a transition metal, i'm gonna need 6 of you around me.


Is the room shrinking? Because you're getting hotter by the second.


I bet we'd have a really high boiling point, cos there's a strong attraction between us.



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