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Happy Love Month, Kinsters!


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We have a few things going on already and I'm pretty sure we'll be adding to this as the month goes along!


Here's what's up so far:


Valentine's Day Exchange: Which is pretty self-explanatory, I think.


Valentine Card Exchange: Where we send each other those cute little V-day cards we used to get in school!


National Library Month: I'm about to start a conversation to see how we want to celebrate this this year. We did a "hug a librarian" day a few years ago. Perhaps we'll try "donate a book day" or throw out a support for Geek the Library this year... *ponders*


Acts of Kindness Day: Where we reward our members (and anyone else that stops by) for the little things they do to make someone else's life a little brighter. We do it all month, rather than just the single day, though...



Oh yeah... and THIS is your sign in this month! *grins* So, sign in and get your smooches!




EDIT: I totally forgot that it's our six month renewal for pen pals, too! Stop in here, if you're interested!

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