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thats the problem, i hate driving. I have to drive over seven hundred miles to and from work. The only way im gonna drive somewhere is if i have someone to ride with, and my pickins are slim atm. Its amazing how many friends you give up when you marry a woman like my ex. *shudders*


any way, now that i am done whining and complaining, are you still in Idaho? and if so, how is the snow? I myself have already got too much to care for, and am looking forward to having frozen water hatred.

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I am still in Idaho actually, I don't move for a a couple more weeks actually. And we don't have that much snow right now honestly, we do how ever have freezing cold temperatures... it's so cold they canceled school for every one..


The hills are prolly getting a lot though, they may be able to open the ski resort sooner than they thought

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you are about ninety percent accurate lol.



Wyoming, the most beautiful and exalted state, the one i live in is south of Montana. Utah is south west of Wyoming. South of Idaho.


warm milk sounds good. I was actually contemplating drinking myself to sleep, but the thought of it made me want to hurl.

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