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Guest BaLefireP

I feel abused...why am I being sat on and used to quiet sounds of...honking?!?!







*rolls around some more rawr-ing at people*


*ties Ed up and tickles with a knife*


Where have you been?

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I renounce wanting to be in a house >.>


The Houses





Reasoning: When Naamah offered herself to the King of Persis, she trembled to lay aside her modesty.

Motto: With eyes averted.

Canon: Modest

This House understands the allure of the illicit. Whereas most of d'Angeline society is very open about sexuality and desire, Alysseum House values modesty and the desire inspired by prohibition and it's transgression.






Reasoning: Naamah came in compassion when she offered herself to the King of Persis.

Motto: Rest and be soothed.

Canon: Compassion

The House of compassion, Balm seeks to soothe the weary soul and understands the healing value of friendship and kindness, Balm Courtesans are trained in massage and relaxation techniques. Some former Balm courtesans go on to become chirurgeons or pursue other medical professions once their marque is complete.








Reasoning: When Naamah offered herself to the King of Persis, she made a good bargain in the exchange.

Motto: Wealth seeks company.

Canon: Cupidity and wagering

Bryony is the home of wealth and avarice. They understand the relationship between coin, power and desire and play their hand thusly. The only House to wager patronage, they are trained in mathematics and calculation, and rarely lose when gambling. Some former Bryony adepts can be found throughout the banks and treasuries of Terre d'Ange working as clerks.











Reasoning: When Naamah lay with the King of Persis, her unveiled perfection caused him to go blind for two weeks.

Motto: Without fault or flaw.

Canon: Perfection

Camellia House is in constant search of perfection. In this pursuit, there is the implicit recognition that perfection is never truly attainable, as it is an ever-changing ideal. They understand that striving for perfection is a lifelong goal, and as such are very aware and hardworking.







Reasoning: Unknown, though according to Jacqueline Carey, it would be held that the sight of Naamah's ephemeral beauty would have left the King of Persis in tears.

Motto: All loveliness fades.

Canon: Pale fragility

The founding House of the Night Court, over 650 years prior to the setting of Terre d'Ange Mux it was established by Enediel Vintesoir. Held First amongst the Thirteen, the Dowayne of Cereus represents the Night Court of the city judiciary and in government. Fair and transient, in some members of Cereus House, once their blush of youth fades, an inner steel is revealed.






Reasoning: When Naamah offered herself to the King of Persis, she bestowed herself like a queen.

Motto: Upright and unbending

Canon: dignity and regality

Regal and confident, Dahlia is a House of pride where adepts understand the allure of reaching the unattainable in touching royalty, and being deemed worthy. They hold themselves to be Kings and Queens in their own domain, who bestow themselves upon patrons, honoring clients with their presence and sexual favour.






Reasoning: Naamah charmed the King of Persis with the sweetness of her song

Motto: To create is to live

Canon: Genius, song, and performance

Entertainers and creators, these are the artists of the Night Court. Eglantine House understands the value of pure entertainment in it's tumblers and performers, as well as the allure of imagination and the act of creation in it's various artists and artisans. To patronize Eglantine is to be enveloped in human creations, in art and artifice, and perhaps to touch the spark of imagination that flows through them.





Reasoning: Naamah was filled with visions when she offered herself to the King of Persis.

Motto: Truth and vision

Canon: Mystic purity of spirit

Gentian House sees the beauty of vision and spirituality. They understand the desire in people to see the future and to touch something greater, something divine. As such, they offer patrons an ethereal experience, and are very knowledgeable with regards to lore and theology. Some former Gentian courtesans go on to become priests and priestesses in the service of the various Companions and Elua.






Reasoning: When Naamah lay with the King of Persis, she basked in love as in the sun.

Motto: Thou and no other.

Canon: Love and devotion

The House of romantic love, Heliotrope offers it's patrons just that, an open heart. They understand the appeal of a loving embrace, and offer it freely. Members of Heliotrope House must remember though to take their heart back when the patron leaves, for otherwise they might have less to offer the next one.





Reasoning: Naamah gave herself to the King of Persis for the pleasure of it.

Motto: For pleasure's sake

Canon: Pleasure and sensuality

Jasmine House values the exotic and it is rumored that Bodhistani blood runs through the veins of those borne to it's courtesans. They value darker skin tones, and revere sensuality above all else. Patrons are treated lavishly, and all senses engaged for sensual pleasures, and there is certain quality about their offerings that tend towards languid encounters.





Reasoning: Naamah chose her patrons like victims and whipped them to violent pleasures, leaving them sated and half dead.

Motto: Yield all

Canon: Sadism and dominance.

Mandrake House requires the use of the signale in all contracts for the sake of the patron. Skilled in the use of pain of control, patrons go to Mandrake to give over the reigns and follow the lead of their confident courtesans and adepts. The use of the flechettes is permitted with the consent of the patron and all courtesans are trained in their use. Patrons who are very controlling in everyday situations often enjoy the feeling of submission found here.



<a name="The Court of Night-Blooming Flowers-The Houses-Orchis">Orchis


Reasoning: Naamah lay with the King of Persis for a lark.

Motto: Joy in laughter.

Canon: Mirth

Laughter and joy are held in highest esteem by Orchis House. Patrons frequent this House in order to wrap themselves in joy and elevate their spirits. It is said that when one leaves Orchis, they are smiling for days, and peaceful with the world, finding joy in all.






Reasoning: Unknown, though according to Jacqueline Carey, Naamah yielded to the King of Persis' will in order to free Elua.

Motto: I yield.

Canon: Algolagnia and submission.

Valerian House uses the signale for the sake of the courtesans, who may end their activities at any point. Patrons who go to Valerian are seeking to control the courtesan and enjoy the feeling of power over them. Ever yielding, the adepts and courtesans of Valerian submit themselves to the will and pleasures, often sadistic, of their patrons. Potential apprentices are given a spiced candy at the age of 6, and only those who understand that part of the pleasure of the candy is the sharp bite of the spice are allowed to remain. Many Valerian courtesans bear scars for their assignations.

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