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O_o It's part of my goddessness. <3 I poof, have a whip, and stilettos <3

Whips... You still need to show me a whip...


Alanna wishes she could poof, but generally just stumbles in.

Stumbling is overrated. You need to stalk in and out of places.

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*eyes 13* I have to show YOU nothing. *arches an eye brow*


Alanna - it's a serious weapon my dear. ^^ But I have on here, and of course the greens have whip as well when you become raised to full AS with them <3

:o You promised! *strafes towards the quote, but can't find it* I feel like moving about using s-words today...

Hmm... Alanna, you should show me your whip when ye gets it.

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*wishes he had a little bit more fire so that he could create a fire whip*


Lord of 13 frowned in concentration as he teased out a fine thread of Earth into being around a lazily floating dandelion puff, trying snare it before it floated away again. He cursed as the seed and its fluff was carried away by a idle zephyr. His focus marred by his anger, the skein of Earth flared suddenly and he was forced to release it. Channeling his anger towards the OP, Lord of 13 wove a net of fiery wisps and caught the dandelion puff. Slowly tightening it, as fisherman might to his haul of fish, he strove to bring the fluff into his waiting palm.

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