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*enjoys the huggles* :)


Meh, I really don't handle it well. I'm terrible with time-allotment, or so my parents tell me. It's more like 50% internet, the rest split with school, chores, etc. lol


I would read all day if I had the choice but my parents don't like me reading.

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They don't like me online as long as I'm talking to real people on Facebook or working on the games on my mom's facebook account. Now, forums and books: to them, those people aren't real and I should find my way back into reality.


I have odd parents.



Reads summer's post: *is jumped* SUMMER!!!! Hey sis!

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lol, My Momma was thrilled once it became obvious I was a book addict. Even the fantasy stuff, although it wouldn't have been her first choice :P.


and I have come to the conclusion that there are some things that parents just don't need to know. What good is it gonna do?

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Shoot, I lied to my parents about EVERYTHING in HS! But, I then realized that it doesn't help to lie (usually cause they find out eventually anyways) and they will bug me less if I randomly tell them about things they might eventually ask about. My poor dad has to hear it whenever anything mildly interesting happens at work >.<

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