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Guest dragonsworn1991

I knew I hauled in this PS2 for a reason.


*Pete sits down and grabs some strawberries and get's to playing. Pete was winning and he got entranced in the game, he never saw the leapingtacklesnugglebiteglomp coming his way*


Hey that's no fair  :P

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*grins evily and sits on Pete while she continues to kill him every time he respawns* He he he.. Yes it is. ;D


---- *15 hours later* ----


*sighs contently*


What a fun gaming session!


*looks at the time* O_o


Umm... yeah...


*get up and straightens her clothing up after such a hard x-box session* ;)


Now, to the other reason I called you here.


Pete, my Charmer, would you do me the honor of being my bonded here at the church?



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Guest dragonsworn1991

My goddess Limi, it would be my honor. My wit, my words, and my spaming skills are your anytime you need them, along with my loyalty, devotion, and respect. You make me smile a lot, what else would I do.  ;)

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Guest dragonsworn1991

*Shakes himself from the surprise*


So she has said, so it is done.


Now what about those stilettos, you still haven't used them ;)

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Guest dragonsworn1991

I was just to in the zone.


I wonder how much you could keep me distracted, without poking or tackling now that you are in my head.


Wait never mind, I don't think we need to try that just yet.


*Sends a rush of emotions to his newly bonded.*

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