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Oh, uhh, please excuse her, she tends to get a little carried away. hehehe Marta. Marta! Come out of the dark place. There's no more need for blood. Shhhhh, it's all good now, okay? She'll be fine in a moment everybody. O.K., Marta breath. In, Out, In, Out. good. See? She's O.K. now.....*notices the glare from Marta* hehehe, just kiddin ya know Marta, uhhh, hey now, no need for any of, uhhh, yeah...I have this thing..to a, well...ya see....I gotta go *starts to turn from Marta to hide his urgency and quickens his pace out to the door*

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hehe, No hard feelin's, right darlin  ;), hehe OUCH!! (notices the small belt knife in her hand go back to it's sheath) Thought you said you weren't! goin to take my blood!...man! nobody can take a joke anymore. big jerks. See if I try to be funny anymore! No appreciation! That's what this is.grumblegrumblgrumble

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