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The Church


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*growls in MCS' face, watches him flinch for a moment.. Then lets him go so he can scurry away again*


Anyways! *brushes imaginary dust off her skirt* If there is anything you need while you are here at the church, just let one of the initiates know, and we will be sure to help you where we can ^_^

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Actually Stoker made his based on the real Count Vladimer the 3rd of transilvania.  Also know as known as count draco...nickname due to being part of a group called Knights of Dragon/Order of the Dragon. Count Vlad led a interesting and at parts sad life. In the end he faced a smear campaign after his death by the Church and other powerfull political enemys.  Who said he would drink the blood of his enemys to gain insight and strength. Among other horrors.


Oh and BCE vamps..really werent vamps just anouther type of demon.  Yes I did some homework on the subject and find it all interesting. Different cultures, religeons, etc with similar tales.


Ok...class is done for now hahahaha.


Thanks Adella I will try and remember that.

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