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The Church


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I think it more has to do with people have lost their ability to trust themselves with reading each other.  Even though it is so easy to do, we expect to be told what people are feeling instead of using our instincts which are not often wrong if you know what to look for.

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I compeletly agree, I feel that many people let what society dictates as a feeling make them more inclined to feel like they aren't "normal" because they don't fall under the constraints they see in the media and public figures.  If we trusted our instincts better I think we would better off as a whole.

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They didn't always used to be though, but I guess if you prentend to be something for so long, or act like something for so long you eventually end up becoming said thing...



(does that make sense?)


MCS - *arches an eye brow* I think it is just fine right here thank you. *smiles* I promise not to break fiddles... <3

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I can really see that as well Anox, I also feel that the media is manipulating that (feeling) as well by taking some of what we feel but twisting it to suite their needs to progress. For such things as holidays, things have be come crazy with adverticing, like Christams shopping in August.. :\


But that's just me..

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Yeah, I'd have to agree with you, not that I'm surprised I am agreeing with you. :)


Holidays are a prime example their origins are so skewed anymore that no one wants to recgonize that all of them have been stolen from virtually every other faith of some sort. 


I do like how Easter, is the modern incarnation of Ostara... I'll never figure out how they successfully combined someone dying horribly and rising, with chocolate eggs.

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