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Least Favorite Scene/Quote.

Angel of Death

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I am actually totally suprised, that some people on this thread hate the seafolk. You always hear about someone not liking the Aes Sedai or one of the girls or Perrin... never realy heard people not liking the saefolk before. Though thinking of good old Harine... *chuckles*... ok... I understand...lol.


Having said that... I was very sad to read about the fate of Nesta din Reas Two Moons in Ebou Dar. That was definately a 'gasp' event in my books.



Mike, your reply is totally off topic, out of order, spiteful and unneccessary.


I suggest everyone treats that post with the contempt it deserves and ignores it. You can not argue with someone who instead of making a considered response to a discussion goes about making personal attacks on people. My guess is that Mike is one of these people that just can't be happy until he has caused a row. Let him have one on his own.


The rest of this forum knows that not liking some parts of a story has absolutely nothing to do with ones overall appreciation of a fantastic work.


i can't be happy until i have caused a row?!!

you cry foul too aften.

i suggest letting folks answer before inserting yourself in a mother goose, knee-jerk traffic cone fashion.

step back, ma'am, and look at what i pointed out. too many here get pumped full of air if one disparaging word is muttered about this story - or should i say "THIS group of folks that clammer on about it"?

one of you posted asking "if there are any scenes you dont like or simply hate and always skip over" and it was acceptable. if it were my post it would have gotten the "danger" traffic cone or an edit job courtesy of majong.


some of the replies were as bad as the reason of dislike.

how can you dislike that which you hold so dearly??

if you close your eyes during the scary parts of a movie you will never know what actually happened.


the title of the thread should have been "WHAT DO YOU HATE ABOUT WoT?" the british form might of been "WHAT IS IT YOU DISLIKE MOST OF THE WoT?"

the lag time between books it comes down to this, is it? why not dice or cat's cradle?

rather than intelligent literary conversation, discussion centers around personalities of imaginary people and if someone "out of the clique", such as myself, joins in it tends to be swept away as rubbish and smoothed over as if it never happened.


i take the phrase "off topic, out of order, spiteful and unneccessary" to be your attack on my being.


this whole dealio started in 1989, correct? i picked it up in 1991 and have had to reread several of the earlier books X times over to keep abreast of a new one on the horizon. the last reread caused me to look on the internet to find any hope for closure. if any has an "overall appreciation of a fantastic work" i would most certainly include myself.


...taking a van halen break to chill ...


do me a favor and lay off of my replies as they have as much weight as any here. i "may" evoke different insight than some and spur conversation other than what you might be used to seeing here. i have been involved with the moderation of websites for years and have read these books, as well as others. though i might not follow every book on the "dragonmount reading list", i am quite literate.


Lovely weather today, isn't it :)



I also really dislike the scene where Rolan dies so unfairly...not that I don't appreciate it as realistic, but it was still really upsetting to me when I read it. And I also really dislike the bully sea folk...I wish they would try to bully some Wise Ones and learn it doesn't work with everyone!!


Mike ...



There is a LARGE separation between disliking a fictional character or situation, and choosing a moment of personal crisis to bring it to the attention of the real, living author. Expressing discontent with one, in a thread specifically created for that purpose, and wishing a possibly mortally sick person well, in ANY forum, are completely separate rational reactions. It is entirely possible to like a story overall and find some characters annoying. In fact, I would not like a story completely WITHOUT annoying characters, because it would be unlike real life.


Please understand the context of differing situations. And I don't believe anyone has suggested that you are illiterate. I think that the reason that people respond to your posts confrontationally, is that they use confrontational language. If you are nearly as smart as you indicate yourself to be, then you must be aware of that. I'M aware that I come over as smug and arrogant, overconfident to the point of hubris, so when people get angry and point it out, I'm able to grin and shrug, and, using my best New York/Italian accent say, "Whaddya gonna do?"


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