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The Kin's Biggest Loser


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Ok, so a few of us would like to shed some pounds!


Post here and let's talk about how to set this up! NO CHEATING PEOPLE! *grins*



I think the only thing we need to keep tabs on is progress and cheerleading (I'll get my pompoms for us! *shakes*). So, how would you like to do this?


1- I can set up a spreadsheet on googledocs and give ya'll access to it so you can edit in your progress charts.

2- You can PM me your info and I'll keep track of it without anyone else having access to it.

3- We can hunt down a site to handle it for us.



Are you in?

What's your opinion?

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I prefer a spreadsheet, it seems the easiest way. :D


Though, if other people would rather have one person keep track, and have the info be confidential, I'm fine with that too. :)


And I am SO IN!


Too tired right now to contribute much else; I needs ma sleep and I'm hitting the hay!

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I think a spread sheet would be great. I have one problem, though. I don't weigh myself. Never have. I tend to go by my clothes size. When my clothes get bigger I know that I have lost weight and right now my goal is a size 10. 

I guess I can get a scale.


I have always liked the idea of listing what you eat, too. List what you eat, how many calories were in it, and the serving size.



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I think we need to stick with something we can measure, unless we just want to turn this into a cheering thing. I think we'd work harder for it if there was $$ involved. *laughs*


As for counting calories, I don't have that kind of dedication to it. I'll try to keep up with what I eat, but I suck at that, too. LOL I start off great, then totally bomb out. I did have a website that counted the calories for you a few years ago. Let me see if I can find it. Maybe we can buddy each other and keep up with calories and stuff that way...?




edit: FOUND IT! Check this out, you'll love it... http://www.sparkpeople.com. I'm U4ea02 there!


Edit 2: I started a Spark Team there, too!  Here we are: http://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/groups_individual.asp?gid=39056&gcode=NMA2G93DK8

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Just got set up there...looks pretty neat!


Hope you figure things out about the site, j-lo.  It kind of stinks that they reject diabetics like that unless they have doctor's approval, but I can understand where they're coming from.


Of course, even if you can't use the site, I'm pretty positive that we can all figure something out for those of us who don't want to/can't use it. :D

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They wouldn't let you register, really? I opt out of the meal plans, honestly. I just use it as a weight, food and nutrition tracker. Come to think of it, I ignore just about all of their suggestions and use them shamelessly! *laughs*


We can find a way to track it, either way! :)

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I'm not so into counting kilos and grams, but I'm in on the losing a few inches all over. I work out with light exercises once a week at the physio therapy center, but I also try to stay as active as I can during the time between appointments. Have tried Core Wellness, which is good for the core muscles and the abdomen. I need to lose at least three to five inches around my upper body (my waist width is ok, really), bottom and thighs.


I'd prefer to just have a spreadsheet of my own with my numbers, and then I can share what I want to in this thread. Would that be ok?

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Not as well as I would like but not bad either. I am trying to cut the fast food.


Yesterday my dad had an emergency and I had to rush out to his house. By the time I was done with him it was lunch time and I was starving so I stopped and got something to eat.


I am looking into getting the Wii fitness for exercise. I don't think I want to coach soccer this year so I need to find something to do.

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Whatever makes you happy, Onis! :D


And chin up, Torrie! Sometimes it's that slip up that re-energizes your faith in staying on the straight and narrow.


And Frenchie, the site is FREAKIN' awesome. I get a daily spark-mailer that you can tell it not to send you in your profile, and have yet to trace it giving my address to anyone else. I recommend you give it a gmail account address so that gmail will filter the crap out for you. :)


I have to say that I do like the site for calorie management and exercise tracking. I am planning on getting a decent pedometer when I get paid this weekend, too.



My goals are staying under 2,000 calories every day and drinking more water. I don't drink near enough and I think it shows! :)

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I won't be joining that site, because calories and that stuff is real triggering to me. I used to have anorexia several years ago, and am not going to register at places that may give me more trouble than help.


do what makes you happy, dear! You can always not use their nutrition tracker. It's not a requirement. *shrugs*


And I got addicted to water while I was pregnant. Ever craved something so bad that you'd hurt someone and have to watch everyone else drink it and not be able to? OH, Peanut's birthday was hell on me... just because I wanted water so bad!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still have to make it to the doctor's office to weigh myself...


But when I have to eat at work, I've been trying to make the healthiest choices I can (I work at McDonald's currently), and now I'm trying to get up early enough so I can pack a lunch to save money AND cut calories.


That's the only active thing I've really done for weight loss this year; it's too cold for me to walk to and from work, at least until I get a new coat (I don't have one right now), and being on my feet all day apparently doesn't actually do that much, or at least the effects it has are nullified by the food...



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10,000 steps will burn 2,000 calories! You can pick up a really cheap pedometer for about $5! It might be worth checking out! :)


I can't get past about 4800... *laughs* When it warms up (or I clear out some room for the treadmill...), I'm hoping this will change...

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Well I have to say even though I do not think I have lost any weight I feel better with cutting out the fast food. I am still eating yogurt for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch and then what ever we make for dinner.


I just feel more... happy with myself.


Even without any results I know I am doing something that i good for me.  :D

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