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what does the white and blue ajah actually do?


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Reds - hunt men who can channel


Yellows - healers


Greens - Battle ajah


Greys - Negotiators


Browns - Knowledge buffs


Whites - The books say they are all 'cool logic', but thats they're personality, what is their role?


Blues - ?


Yea blues "involve themselves in the world" I guess it could be contrasted with Browns, who majority wise, exclude themselves from the world.


With whites, im in the same boat with you two...maybe they are a source for reasoning that others can approach for "sticky" situations.


The whites deal with philosophy. The nature of existence and so forth, as well as logic which aside from being a personality type is also a type of knowledge... basically the mathematical way of deciding if an argument is reasonable. Things like...


If A, then B.

A is true.

Therefore B is true.


Also questions of what is moral and so forth.


You know in KoD when you overhear the sisters guarding Leane discuss mathematical theorems in relation to the movement of the rooms and such inside the Tower... thats sort of what they do.


And yeah, Blues follow causes... its part of why they are the smallest Ajah... not exactly many massive causes around. I imagine most with that inclination would join the Grey. It does explain, however, why so many Blues end up as Amyrlin. Not much of a bigger cause then leading the Aes Sedai.


I always saw the whites as kind of scientist - while the brown are historians. But both more seeking knowledge just for its own value. Like the ivory tower researcher who seems to lose touch with real live sometimes.


The blue are kind of politicians - while the grey are diplomats, more the UN special envois or people that figure out peace plans like in the Kosovo but never actually appear on the political stage as a Minister or President.


For the blue, grey and green - knowledge needs to serve a bigger cause.


In a sense your right, but then science was a philosophy until just recently. I mean now we go on about the scientific method and the like, but that all came out of philosophy... specifically logic.


Yea, there's the thinkers and acters. The Whites and Browns are more pure thinkers. The Whites reason things out logically, using different methods, they're the ones you'd expect to give the final word on whether something is so or not, if it is possible. For this reason they are cool, since emotion has nothing to do with fact and only hinders things. The Browns seek knowledge on various things, in order to have full understanding on matters, but they don't participate in the world for this, because they wouldn't want the world to distort the facts they want to gather, so the need doesn't get to affect the knowledge. Ideally, neither make use of their knowledge and reasonings, but dole them out impartially when needed.


So then the Blues want to make the world better in various ways, Greys give the world peace and justice, Yellows heal injuries and sicknesses, Reds prevent another Breaking of the World, and the Green fights the Shadow.


I always thought of the Blues and Greens as being very similar, which is why they usually stand together. The main difference that always stuck in my mind was that the Blue's followed their causes with more thought and manipulation whereas the Green's hit it with their head so to speak. For instance Alanna is considered volitile "even for a Green." That says to me that they are a very emotion lead group of people.


As to the Whites, think nerds. Brief description, but anyone who can seriously sit and argue math scares me.


Yea, I suppose it's cause there's little use for manipulation and schemes when it comes to the Shadow, it just has to be fought head on. The world however is a complicated thing to change.


I think nerd is a little inaccurate for Aes Sedai, it's more of a school thing. Perhaps it would go with some novices. Whites are however professionals in what they do, and it's a rare field of study where the scientists don't argue with their collegues, I'd say. Philosophers and mathematicians no less I presume. Or pretty much anyone else in their profession whatever it is.

IThe blue are kind of politicians - while the grey are diplomats' date=' more the UN special envois or people that figure out peace plans like in the Kosovo but never actually appear on the political stage as a Minister or President.





But Carl Bildt who has been very active in the Kosovo conflict (UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for the Balkans etc...) was prime minister of Sweden between '91- 94 :wink:

  "Graendal said:
it's a rare field of study where the scientists don't argue with their collegues' date=' I'd say. Philosophers and mathematicians no less I presume. Or pretty much anyone else in their profession whatever it is.[/quote']


doesn't make them any less nerdy :twisted:


Working in the IT field I get called a nerd and a geek all the time for talking about things that I find interesting but others don't, thats just the way it is.


Yea, it's the way of the world I guess. Still, there is a difference between profession and hobby. Like sunday skiers and slalomists. I'm from the physics branch, and though anyone trying to fit that tag you mentioned on me faces the full verbal wrath, some things do have to be done and people impressed in order to be taken seriously in other matters.


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