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We have the rain...and it is horrible underfoot with that slushy-icy mix on the ground. I lost count the number of times I nearly slipped over between home and the bus stop and the Underground station and work.

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Today was an incredibly beautiful day.  It rained on and of all yesterday before clearing up late at night.  Today was bright and sunny, a balmy 65 degrees, and with just enough wind to warrant a light jacket.  It was a great day for a road trip, or driving back from a weekend trip to a friend's cabin.  It was even warm enough to drive with the windows down.  It was glorious.

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By the gods, are you all that unused to snow???? Ice is the problem up where i'm at, snow melts then freezes at night, then becomes slick when it starts melting again. overall it makes things difficult. but are you all from the south or something? I mean, the most snow i've seen is close to 20-24 inches. and you folks are complaining about 4-6?

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I wouldn't say that we're not used to snow, we're just complaining because we're sick of dealing with the snow.


I may not have the 20 inches here in Missouri but we did get 10 inches and then 6 inches within the same week, so it was close to 20 lol

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I agree with that statement wholeheartedly. Once is nice, twice is okay...after that, it becomes a pain and annoying. But you can guarantee that we will moan when it becomes too hot...so there is no pleasing some of us! lol!

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