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Blue Ajah Welcome Letter


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Welcome to the White Tower!


And welcome to the time of some of the BEST RP at our Division… your youthful Novice and Accepted years. During this time you’re going to get a chance not only to learn the arts of Saidar and become a Sister, but you’ll meet other characters like yours… make new friends, better define who your character is as a person, let your hair down and have fun in ways you can’t as a full sister, and of course keep up with those pesky chores and punishments. ICK!


But just how *will* you choose the right Ajah for you?


There are many ways players choose; some base their decision off which Ajah they liked from the books, some pick it because they like the purpose of the Ajah and think it best fits their characters, and while still others pick an Ajah based off of who they think they’ll have the most fun with. All of these are valid and great ways to choose, but here at a PSW (portal stone world - in which not everything is just like the books) its good to have a lot of information on each Ajah so you can make an informed choice and better enjoy the long term play of your character.


That said, let us tell you a bit about the Blue Ajah of Dragonmount.com’s DRPSW (Dragon Reborn Portal Stone World) and to do that… we’re going to have to inform you a little bit about the Setting of the world as well as the current events in the White Tower.

The Timeline --------------------


Your story is being set in the time of Robert Jordan’s books. In fact, in our world the Dragon has taken the stone of Tear and the events of Dumai's Wells have come and passed. Aes Sedai have been sent to the Black Tower, been Bonded by men that can wield the male half of the True Source, and have only been released a very short time ago. Its about to become a truly cool time to be an Aes Sedai at the White Tower. But don’t worry, because of how our Timeline progresses you’ll have been raised *LONG* before any more major events have occured and so, once you're Aes Sedai, you can begin interacting with them as if you'd been a Sister for many years now.


Because of this “flexible timeline” we can allow many new people to join and simply ignore the main plot (by in large) until they are raised to full Sisters. By the time you’re raised you can jump right in and join us in the world that is set.


Many girls(or men in dresses), in fact, use this flexible timeline to rp themselves as both a young sister (one who travels the world looking for adventure with her warder) and an older sister who is in the Tower during the time of the main plot involving the Dragon Reborn and the politics caused by that event. Speaking of Tower politics... let's talk a bit about what's going on in the 1000 NE Dragon Reborn timeline!



Recent Tower Politics



Unlike in the books there will be no major splitting of the Tower, more like political factions and alliances are being made due to previous and future events. While these won’t effect you greatly as a novice or accepted, they’re good to keep in mind when choosing an Ajah.


Currently the Blues are allied with the Browns and Yellows and have supported such motions in the Hall of the Tower as one of the newest change to Tower Law: Men (unless they claim to be the Dragon) are not immediately gentled upon arriving at the Tower and instead are studied in the hopes of finding a cure to the Madness and the Taint on Saidin.


As you can imagine this change to Tower Law upset the Grays and the Reds who are both now tight allies.


And because of the most recent change to Tower Law (created for the Safety of Traveling Sisters - No Sister may leave the Tower without the Hall‘s permission if she expects danger) the Greens have joined the Red/Gray alliance. And the Blues, who are angry with the Greens for the events surround the raising of the passed Amyrlin Seat & her Keeper, Lanfir Leah & Lyanna, did little to convince the Greens otherwise.


The White remain neutral and throw their lot with whoever they support from moment to moment but more often than not that has been the Brown, Blue, & Yellow alliance... giving them the majority of votes in the Hall of the Tower.


Lanfir Leah and Lyanna (the Amyrlin and Keeper of the Chronicles), die by the hand of Caladesh as he wreaks havoc on the White Tower. Sirayn Simeone is raised to the stole from the Green Ajah.




In Short: at DM the Blues are allied with the Whites, Browns and Yellows. As you can guess this makes for exciting politics and social situations even among the best of friends across the Ajahs!




Current Tower Politics:






Late 999 NE


Sirayn sends a group of Sisters to the Black Tower in an opperation called The Watchers, and many Sisters of all Ajah's are bonded by Asha'aman.




The Sisters have since been released and have made their way back to the White Tower. During this period of time Sirayn Simeone has gone missing, a new Amyrlin had been raised to the stole and staff from the Gray Ajah, has died, and now there is a new Amyrlin Seat, Shevara Edosian of the Red Ajah. (Imagine the Blue Sisters jumping for joy)



It's an amazing time to become a Sister. There will be RP's to come that involve the Bowl of Winds, and the Cleansing of Saidin, and much more!


What’s the Blue Ajah all about?



As you know from the books, the Blue sisters involve themselves with causes and justice. The Blue Ajah believes that each person has a mind and a voice of their own, and each is deserving of basic human rights; rights that cannot be taken away. But every Blue has a specific cause that is near and dear to her heart above and beyond the general Ajah focus. Some may focus on civil liberties of course, while some may decide they wish to promote higher educational standards among the common folk of the world, and yet others may wish to fight the shadow (and there are LOTS of ways to do that), and still others may wish to work in politics and keep peace among nations as well as any Gray. For each woman the calling is different but all are vital to the world that the character’s live in, if only to one person. And to a Blue, if they can help even one person for the Greater Good, then they’ve done their job.


A Blue can appear to be quite like a Brown when it comes to researching a subject that has to do with a cause of theirs. Usually (but not always) Blues have known exactly what they want to do for their whole lives, at least to some degree. This strength of will which is characteristic of the Blue Ajah Sisters helps the Blue Sisters to easily identify future aspirants of their Ajah and begin working with them early on in their years at the Tower. Blue's are more worldly (street-smart) than nearly any of their other Ajah counterparts because unlike the other Sisters, each Blue has her own agenda that does not necessarily have anything to do with any other Aes Sedai of the Tower. They rarely stay in the White Tower at all in fact, preferring to Travel and keeping in contact with their vast network of eyes and ears and working closely with their chosen cause.



What do other’s think of Blues?



Other Sisters see the Blue Ajah as so ready to save the world that they lose themselves. As meddlers of the most extreme degree. According to some Greens, in fact, a Blue Ajah Sister only likes men as long as they share her causes and do not get in her way! (See below under traditions for more of a reason why that makes sense!)



Eyes and Ears?



It has the most extensive network of eyes-and-ears. We take great pride in the idea that we, more than any other Ajah, really have a great opertunity to rp with other divisions as we do a TON of traveling and dealing with world events. If you're looking to adventure, we're the Ajah for you!






Currently there are many TPC characters (ie: characters not played by any person as their own character but as a “Temporary Player Character“) but that just means that there is lots of room for your character to come in and help shape the Ajah. It also means that there is a great chance for advancement to Sitter in our Ajah! Current Members Include:


Serena Morrigan (Ajah Head - First Selector)

Estel Liones (Sitter )


Espara a'Dautry (Sister)



Sample Blue Causes?



Can’t think of what you’d be all about as a Blue, here are just a few of some great ideas out there for you to use!






Equality (among sexes, people of different countries, races (ogier, aiel, west Landers etc.)




The Light (battle the shadow’s big bad minions, dealing with small stuff like weeding out dark friends, and smaller stuff like trying to promote good stuff.)


The Children of the Light (Trying to bridge the gap)


Education (helping make sure everyone has a chance to get one, trying to improve the standards of education in rand land by starting schools and such… could make good rp with the browns!)


Ending Hunger (maybe you’re trying to find new and better ways to farm, or using Saidar to discover new ways to provide food like they did in the Age of Legends)


Restoring the Age of Legends


Cleansing Saidin (this would include curing madness ideas)





Blue Ajah special stuff that you didn’t know you wanted to know!



1. The Head of the Blue Ajah, who no one but our Blue Sisters knows the identity of, is called the First Selector.


2. It is Blue Ajah custom that sisters should not marry so that they can instead focus on their duties and stand as example to the others of the Tower where our priorities should lay first and foremost.


3. There is long standing animosity with the Red Ajah. (Only two Amyrlin Seats have ever been removed from office, both Red and both replaced with Blues.) Now, make no mistake, the Blues don’t dislike the Reds on sheer principle or even necessarily because they seek to gentle males… however where the problem comes in, is that Reds and Blues agree on the problem but not the solution. Blues for example are particularly passionate about their causes as are the Reds, this combined with the idea that Blues work towards cures to problems while Reds are about prevention makes them a volatile mix. Reds see Blues as meddlers who don’t know when to give up, while Blues view Reds as women stuck in tradition who are afraid to do whatever it takes to solve the problem for all eternity. Reds also see Blues as cold, not caring who or what they hurt in getting the “cure” to whatever problem they’re working on… Blues see Reds as cold because they are so concerned with preventing problems that they are blind that the problems they wish to prevent will always be there if no “cure” is found. So it is often said that two Ajahs who are both so passionate are likely to never see eye to eye. As such no Blue Sister ever wears the color red to demonstrate a unity in their dislike of the Red Ajah and their ways and vice versa.


4. The Blue Ajah has a secret weave that controls insects & one that induces fear.


5. Most recently raised Blue gives the shawl to the new Sister. Youngest Blue lays shawl on shoulders of new Sister and welcomes them to the Blue Ajah. Then they are taken back to the Ajah Hallway where all Blues welcome them clad in their own shawls. Every sixth sister who welcomes them they owe a pie to. Once this is done the new Sister is clad only in her shawl and given a tour of the tower and grounds so everyone can welcome her. During the tour the tour guide (an older sister) tells the new sister about customs and traditions of the Ajah.


6. Every new Sister is given a Staff when she is raised to the Shawl and asked to add something personal to the Staff. When she returns to the Creator (ie: dies) the staff is passed to another Blue. Each Staff given is a legacy of the Ajah and a symbol of Ajah pride as much as the Shawl is… and it's less conspicuous.


The Sisters of the Blue Ajah while small is often seen as the most influential Ajah in the White Tower. Each Sister takes for herself causes which are inspired by her pasts or what she wants for the future. Each plays roles in politics and justice, interacting with other Ajahs, Kings and Commoners alike. To the outsider, it may seem like a Blue Sister is a cold and scheming woman bent on her own ideals, but in truth Blue Sisters are perhaps some of the most passionate women in the White Tower. To be Blue is to dream, to strive and to persevere to victory.


Do you have what it takes to be a Blue… if so… please contact SerenaMorrigan  or reply to this letter!


"We've waited long for you Sister... welcome home!"





~Serena Morrigan


Head of the Blue Ajah

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