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Rand vs. The One...

Impressive Bosom

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Okay, not 'vs.', really... but think about The Matrix (and blot out the ill-conceived third act if you can). Specifically think about the Architect discussing the purpose of 'The One', an anomoly created by the system and designed to essentially draw in all the other anomolies that would otherwise crash the system if allowed to go unchecked, then rejoin with the Source and essentially reboot the world/program/dream.


I know that's oversimplifying it and many more pages than this have been filled discussing the nuances of the supposed meaning behind that little speech. But consider it in the context of Rand Al'Thor as 'The One', the purpose of Ta'veren in general, his gathering of all the peoples who had gone awry or astray from their true purpose (entire peoples like the Aiel, the Seanchen, the Sea Folk, the Tinkers, even people of lands lost like Malkier or Manetheren or in some cases just single individuals who are lost but have important roles to play). Look at the Prophecies, the cyclical need for some sort of massive correction that resets/saves reality from itself. A LOT of correlations can be made...


Now, to be very, very clear - I'm not suggesting any sort of plagerizing or lack of originality on anyone's part. None whatsoever. I'm merely pointing this out to add to the discussion a clearer view of what Rand's purpose might be in the greater scheme of things by parallelling it with another well-known savior in pop-mythology... I also thought it would make for an interesting discussion considering the semi-spiritual nature of the Matrix mythology.


I also believe strongly in what Joseph Campbell referred to as the 'mono-myth', certain stories with core similarities that are repeated amongst all peoples of all times, and done so as a reflection of the truth of the human spirit and condition. I think Mr. Jordan was more tapped into that universal consciousness than most, and revere him for it.


Eh, I'm not sure I see a lot of connection between WoT and the Matrix. The whole idea of a single powerful hero to save the world is a universal archetype and is in basically all fantasy. On the other points: sure, you can see some similarities but I think the Matrix and WoT are entirely different entities. Interesting point of view, though.


I think Mr. Jordan was more tapped into that universal consciousness than most, and revere him for it.


                              You mean......


              ....RJ was....





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