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What is the history of the WT at DM?


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What RPs have we done? What's our history?


For anyone knew to the WT Div, it's confusing and hard to find out exactly what happened.  I'd like to compile a SHORT but COMPREHENSIVE RP history, not only because Teh Admins want one, but also for our members to easily find out.


There's a lot of info out there, and we'll link in here what we find, but it would be helpful if especially older members could give a brief synopsis of whatever they know.


Here's the official White Tower Timeline:




Current Year – 1000 NE


1000 – (Late) future. Bowl of the Winds RP. Cleansing of Saidin. (book 8 & 9)


Early 1000 – present. Rebellion against Aiel in Cairhien. Illian is freed from the Forsaken. Annais Nevell is Raised to the Stole.  Annais is killed one week later in a fall from her horse, and Shevara Edosian is raised Amyrlin from the Red.


1000 NE – (Early) Watchers RP [Red Ajah]. Kandor RP. Sirayn Sedai is deemed missing.


999 NE – (Late) 7 months ago. Caladesh wreaks havoc in the WT and Lyanna and Lanfir die. Sirayn Simeone becomes the Amyrlin Seat. The Shadow takes Kandor.



999 NE – (Late) Dumai’s Well.

http://whitetowerdiv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2167  (thanks, Claire  :D)


999 NE – (Mid) Adine Sedai is crowned Queen of the Manatheren. [Major]


998 NE – Quiet year in the WT. (book 5)


997 NE – (Mid) My Brothers Keeper RP. [Red Ajah]


997 NE – (Early) In the months after the Dragon has taken Tear, the Sitters find out that the Amyrlin Karana Majin knew about him all along. They try to bring her under heel but she refuses. The Hall sees no other option but to Depose and Still her. Lanfir Leah Marithsen becomes the Amyrlin Seat with the support of the Red/Gray/Green faction. Whites act as the decisive factor and other Ajahs support her choice over Asyndara of the Blue when Lanfir promises to take a Blue Keeper. Asyndara is exiled from the WT. Lanfir fails to keep her promise and chooses her old friend Lyanna instead and this angers Blues, Browns and Yellows who actively form an faction that opposes the rest of the Hall.


996 NE – (Late) Dragon Reborn declares himself and takes Tear.


Mid 996 – Namandar RP. While all the Green Sitters are gone, a Law is passed that requires Sisters leaving from the WT to dangerous missions to have the Hall’s permission. The Green Sitters strongly oppose and join the Red/Gray faction.


996 NE – (Early) A large Trolloc horde attacks Tar Valon but is rebuffed.


996 NE – (Early) False Dragon Jaron Alainin in Arad Doman. While the Red Sitters are chasing him, the Gentling Law is changed. The Gray Sisters are almost only ones who oppose and when the Red Sitters return, the Grays form an alliance with them.


996 NE – (Early) EotW event. Seanchan take Falme and are rebuked soon after.


996 NE – False Dragon Dramon Calgar in Borderlands.


995 NE – (Early) Crimson RP. False Dragon in Caemlyn. [Red Ajah]


986 NE – Karana Majin is Raised to the Stole. Arette Nentiar is Keeper. (Brown) – 10 Year Reign.


985 NE – The Shadows Eye RP. [Yellow/Red Ajah & CotS]


976-8 NE – Aiel War


972-5 NE – Andor-Cairhien War


* 942 NE – Sisters in the 90 – 210 Age Bracket are Raised to Sister under Kathana as Amyrlin.


917 NE – Fal Dara RP.


950 NE – Fall of the Malkier.


* 912 NE - The Great Holding - propose adding in here



910 NE – First Borderland RP. [Green Ajah]


866 NE – Kathana Travelear is Raised to the Stole. Many Keepers. (Brown)


* Sisters in the 210 – 280 Age Bracket are Raised to Sister under Parania as Amyrlin.


817 NE – Parania Demalle is Raised to the Stole. (Gray) – 49 Year Reign


* Sisters in the 280+ Age Bracket are Raised to Sister under Zeranda as Amyrlin.


797 NE – Zeranda Tyrim is Raised to the Stole. (Brown)


754 NE – Myriam Copan is Raised to the Stole. (Green)


732 NE – Feragaine Saralman is Raised to the Stole. (Blue) – 22 Year Reign


705 NE – Marasale Jureen is Raised to the Stole. (Yellow) – 27 Year Reign


681 NE – Cemaile Sorenthaine is Raised to the Stole. (Gray) – 24 Year Reign


638 NE – Varuna Morrigan is Raised to the Stole. (Green) – 43 Year Reign


601 NE – Gerra Kishar is Raised to the Stole. (Gray) 37 Year Reign


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999 NE – (Late) Dumai’s Well.

http://whitetowerdiv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2167  (thanks, Claire  :D)


BEFORE the All Divs Outline


Not RPed out: An embassy of Sisters is sent to speak to the Dragon Reborn. The embassy heads to Tear, the Dragon's last known location but unknown to them Jarron has already headed to the Waste. The Aes Sedai are not informed of this and thus are left steaming that Jarron will not see them.


Kidnapper Phase #1: HALL RP - The Hall's Decision

The Hall receives word of the slight in Tear and Adrai pushes for the Dragon to be kidnapped and brought to them in the White Tower with full support of the Red and Gray Ajahs and few other Sitters. A party of Aes Sedai is put together for this purpose and this group has a number of Black Sisters among them. The party leaves the same night.


Rescuer Phase #1: An Amyrlin's Rebellion

The Amyrlin Seat looks upon this with disfavour, understandably, but cannot anger the Lesser Consensus of the Hall by defying it openly. To be able to act, she needs the secret support of the Sitters who voted against the kidnap. It will take few weeks to gather this support and during that time the Amyrlin gets confirmation of the Black Ajah involvement in form of a Prophecy. With the secret support of the Sitters against the kidnap, Lanfir organises a rescue party to stop the Kidnappers with the Black Sisters infiltrated to it. The Rescuers are to take the place of the Kidnapper group at the order of the Amyrlin Seat and to advice the free Dragon Reborn rather than bring him to the Tower. Wary of Black Ajah involvement, the Amyrlin sends all interested Hunters along with the rescue party as well as other Sisters whom she trusts.


All Divs Outline STAGE 1 (1 week: 1.-7 Nov 2004)


Kidnapper Phase #2: The Caged Dragon

Has occurred: The kidnappers have approached the Shaido Aiel and a deal has been made that the Shaido help the Aes Sedai escort the Dragon Reborn to the White Tower. The kidnappers met Jarron a few times in the Sun Palace of Cairhien and it became evident that he was not going to return with the sisters to the Tower. The kidnap plan was carried out and the Aiel guarding the Dragon Reborn were left into belief that he had simply made a Gateway and left Cairhien. The sisters waited a week after the kidnap before leaving the city with the Dragon Reborn, everyone presuming that they left in anger because he had not returned.

Now: The kidnappers have the Dragon Reborn in their custody and travel toward the Tower in the protection of the Tower Guards and the Shaido.


Rescuer Phase #2: The Forces of Light to the Rescue

The members of the secret rescue party have left Tar Valon through different gates and gather together to form their strategy.


All Divs Outline STAGE 2 (2 weeks: 8.-21 Nov 2004)


Kidnapper Phase #2: They Have Caught Us

The sisters maintain a Shield on Jarron even as they travel onward. The party stops unexpectedly as news of the approaching army reach them. This is the window that Jarron needs to break free.


Rescuer Phase #2: We Have Caught Them

Has occurred: The rescue party has headed after the kidnappers, who already have few weeks' lead. But even amid the rescuers, there are Black Sisters and these work secretly to sabotage the party's progress. The Hunters are suspicious but they don't know who may be Black Ajah, even one of the Hunters could have been turned or resworn their oaths to the Dark One after the Black Ajah Hunt, and have continue with all haste.

Now: The rescue party encounters a group of scouting Tower Guards and they get a report of what has befallen. Their plotting of a new emergy strategy is disturbed by new Tower Guards bringing a word of an approaching army.


All Divs Outline STAGE 3 (2 weeks: 22 Nov - 5 Dec 2004)


Kidnapper and Rescuer Phase #3: The Battle

The rescue party, having suffered sabotage by the Black Sisters within them, arrives at Dumai's Wells. The Battle of Dumai's Wells occurs. The kidnapping party allied with the Shaido Aiel stand against the Asha'man, Wolfkin, Band (?) and White Tower rescuers. The Dragon Reborn is freed, the Shaido killed & scattered and the White Tower kidnappers dealt with. The Aes Sedai of the rescue party are forced to swear fealty to the Dragon Reborn & are apprenticed to the Wise Ones.


All Divs Outline STAGE 4 (3 weeks: 6.-26 Dec 2004) (hasn't been fully planned out yet. I will plot with Tia (Aiel Wise Ones) and Dali (BT) to think up nice interaction RPs for you. Personal activity is most welcomed too.)


Sworn Kidnapper Phase #4: Da'tsang

The kidnappers labour in useless tasks like digging holes and then refilling them. They decide to swear fealthy to the Dragon Reborn also and become apprentices to the Wise Ones too.


Sworn Rescuer Phase #4: Apprentices to the Wise Ones

The Aiel Wise Ones are given custody of the sworn sisters and they become apprentices. These sisters may also interact with the da'tsang, BTers, Wolfkin and Banders.


AFTER the All Divs Outline ICly but RPed out at the same time OOCly


Phase #5: HALL RP - Aftermath

A TPC Red Sister who was with the kidnappers, but escaped Dumai's Wells, returns to the Tower along with a few of the rescuing party. The Red Sister informs the Hall of what happened. The Hall is forced to make a scapegoat out of the Red Sister who lead the kidnap party.


NOTE: At this point the Lesser Consensus Sitters don't know that the group of rescuers was sent and Lanfir doesn't know what happened to the rest of the rescuers so she won't hiss a word about them until she receives news.








Kidnapping Party

Sheena Amoren (PC non-Black Blue)

Evina Cassin (NPC non-Black Brown)

Marita Cedras (TPC non-Black Gray Sister) NPCed in this RP

Liata Ethelion (TPC non-Black Green Sister) played by Claire

Allegra Toren (TPC Red) played by Lanfir

Zara Corez (TPC Black/Red Sister) played by Perine

Charlotta Sharlandt (TPC Black/White Sister) played by Eldrenne

Georgina Evanellein (NPC Black/Yellow Sister)

10 young NPC AS (their Ajahs don't matter)


NOTE: Only 7 Sisters approached Jarron officially, one from each Ajah. These sisters were Sheena of Blue, Evina of Brown, Marita of Gray, Liata of Green, Annabel of Red, Georgina of Yellow and Charlotta of White. Since 13 sisters were needed to Shield Jarron but he allowed only 3 of these 7 at one time close to him, the 10 rest were young NPC AS who had not yet reached agelessness posing as servants carrying a trunk with false bottom covered with money.


Rescue Party

Kartos Dal'Avier (PC non-Black Blue)

Serena Morrigan (PC non-Black Blue)

Kara Sedai (PC non-Black Green)

Cerianth De'Corenn (PC non-Black Yellow)

Miranda Carial (TPC Yellow/Black) played by Lyanna

Nicola Selvern (TPC Yellow) played by Lanfir

Sarai Decoa (PC non-Black Yellow)




Kidnapping Party

Annabel Triabel (TPC non-Black Red) played by Callie and/or Para


Rescue Party

Ja'varan Durlani (Forsaken / Green sister)

Sirayn Simeone (PC non-Black Green)

Tayline Jolryn (PC non-Black Green)


So that makes 10 sisters for the rescuers and 5 + 14 Sisters for the kidnappers.





So - did this happen like this?

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999 NE – (Late) 7 months ago. Caladesh wreaks havoc in the WT and Lyanna and Lanfir die. Sirayn Simeone becomes the Amyrlin Seat. The Shadow takes Kandor.



One Last Stand

Phase one: Betraying the Master, Sins of the Fallen (Closed) - Duration: 1 day IC

After escaping from the White Tower for the second time, Caladesh thinks to himself that the White Tower is weak, and partitions Osan'gar for a strike to be made upon it. After a long and verbal argument with Osan'gar over it, Osan'gar forbids Caladesh to do anything.


Caladesh disliking this, and feeling the resentment and hate towards Osan'gar grow he ignores the Chosen, revealing a secret that even Osan'gar did not know. Drawing upon his Angreal he draws more of Saidin then even the strongest of the Chosen, Osan'gar, could. And declares himself no longer a part of Osan'gars Order. Osan'gar attacks him, only to be warded off, and watches as Caladesh weaves a Gateway into the holding cells he was kept in.


But Osan'gar is still one of the Chosen and not helpless, and as Caladesh walks into the gateway Osan'gar severs cala's connection to the Dark One, yelling something suitable out, and watches as the gateway closes.


Inside the Holding Cell Caladesh is surprised by the presence of Aes Sedai, moving before they can react he quickly skims away, only to appear in the main hall/entrance of the White Tower.



Phase Two: Before the Storm (Closed) - Duration: half a day IC, overlap with Phase One

Lanfir and Lyanna go through their usual routine of the day, from morning to somewhere in the middle of the afternoon, when they become aware of trouble downstairs and make ready to see what is going on.



Phase Three: One Last Stand (Open for All) - Duration IC: half an hour tops

Caladesh is a very strong channeler, plus he wields Saidin naturally. Basically he attacks everything within sight, trying to kill as many as possible while shielding himself and drawing strongly on the Angreal he has in his posession. Lyanna and Lanfir will enter the Hall as well and join in the fighting. You may link with others and try to kill/incapacitate Caladesh how you see fit, but note that you will not succeed. Before this fase moves on to the next, Caladesh will have wrecked portions of the main hall and will have blown the main entrance doors off its hinges.



Phase four: Song of Lyanna (Open for All) - Duration IC: ten to fifteen minutes

Lanfir and Lyanna have linked by that time, which brings back memories of the other time they linked and where one of their weaves unraveled, killing another in the circle. They manage to lure Caladesh away from the main entrance hall to a side chamber where he can be more easily contained and prepare to weave something utterly destructive - Balefire, which they learned from Ja'varan whom they held captive for a while. It is a weave which is strictly forbidden, and therefore they will never succeed in completing it. What happens next is for everyone to RAFO hahaha - you can be part of it, but like I said, be aware that you will be severely hurt and left unable to channel for days.


End of this fase results in Caladesh being captured and brought up for trial.



Phase five: Trial (Hall RP - Sitters and Phaedra Eskarne as High Judge, open for all) Duration: half a day IC

This Hall RP takes place upon the next day - the trial in which Caladesh will be held accountable for his crimes and will be scheduled for execution upon the morrow.



Phase Six: Pounding like rain (Closed RP) This takes place on the evening after Caladesh's trial

The contents of this phase are not revealed lest it takes the surprise of the entire RP away Very Happy



Phase Seven: Blood for Blood (Closed RP) This takes place on the evening after Caladesh's trial

Lanfir's revenge and Caladesh's demise. Again - RAFO Very Happy



Phase Eight: The Last Remaining Light (Closed RP) This takes place on the evening after Caladesh's trial

Lanfir's ending with a twist ... RAFO haha!



Ok. If you want to be part of the opened parts of the RP's, by all means join in on the fun. The RP will commence this weekend with the first phases, and each phase will start in a different thread with a clear title so you can easily find it. Naturally the largest parts, save for the first, will take place on the White Tower roleplay boards (new forums). Each phase will opened up when Caladesh/Lanfir/I deem it is time so that the speed of the RP will not be lost. Previous phases will not be closed however, so you can keep adding to those when you see fit.


Have fun!


What happened?

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* 912 NE - The Great Holding - propose adding in here



The Great Holding


Timeline: 912NE. This would place it at 85 years before the events of the main story.


Players: (Will Edit if changes)


Rayne Leseduire (Aes Sedai, Red Ajah)

Kartos Dal'Avier (Aes Sedai, Blue Ajah)

Shaneevae Al’Edware (Aes Sedai, Brown Ajah)

Deyalyn Mhan’din (Aes Sedai, Grey Ajah)

Lanfir Leah Marithsen (Aes Sedai, Green Ajah)

Nyaneve Maryim (Aes Sedai, Yellow Ajah)

Isra Alisandair (Aes Sedai, White Ajah)


Dawn Raelene (Accepted, Grey Aspie)

Inara Feitar (Accepted, Red Aspie)

Carise Doraile (Accepted, Red Aspie)


Katrinya - as a TPC Assassin


Aidan Kajima (Garryk) (Tower Guard)

Herman (Tower Guard)

Daruun Daedron (Tower Trainee, sponsored by Herman)

Urien (Gaidin)

Carleon (Tower Guard)

Cairma Vishnu (Tower Guard)

TPC Tower Guard - Inara


Asidne Esfela - Tairen High Lady (TPC) - CaleB

Tanlin Jalaer - Tairen High Lord (TPC) - Garryk




Rayne has been studying Gerrin Yordise, a man from Tanchico who has been gentled by the Red Ajah. Obviously the usual decline in mental state is beginning to happen, and Rayne has been trying to understand it, and to stop him from dying of it. In her research on the topic, she reads an extract from a book on mental health about a Ter’Angreal that allowed the user great insight into their targets mind. Little is known, but it was lost in Tear, and presumed to be in their Great Holding. She also reads of a Ter’Angreal that allows a woman to sense when a man who can channel is nearby. Both interest her sufficiently that she brings the news to Kathana Sedai, the Amyrlin seat at the time.


Being a Brown Kathana had a particular interest in Ter’Angreal, and so between them they come up with a plan to go to Tear and petition for the release of these, and certain other, Ter’Angreal. Since the Amyrlins fondness for Ter’Angreal was well known, other sisters have come to her in the past about items suspected to be in the Great Holding, and a selection of these sisters are rounded up to go, one from each Ajah, thus indicating to the Tairens how seriously the Tower takes the matter.


Suspecting there is little chance the Aes Sedai themselves will be permitted access to the Holding, three Accepted, and several Tower Guard, are brought along to do the searching, while the Aes Sedai deal with the politics.


STAGE 1 - Petitions [Aes Sedai]

The various petitions to the Amyrlin from each sister, made retrospectively, allowing a chance for elaboration on the reasons for wanting and descriptions of the Ter’Angreal.


STAGE 2 – Gathering to leave [Everyone involved]


The gathering of the party who will be going, the eldest (Lanfir if I’m not mistaken) will be allocated leadership of the group (makes sense considering where she is now!) and they’ll set off for Tear, sending news of their coming ahead of them.


STAGE 3 – Arrival in Tear [All involved]


Everyone will arrive in Tear, and be accommodated in the stone, since this is an official delegation from the Tower at the order of the Amyrlin Seat. Obviously the rooms will be crap, and the reception hostile. I have placed two FLPC Bios on the board for approval, and would appreciate it greatly if anyone else would be interested in doing the same, a bonus if they have the intention of playing them! These Tairen Lords and Ladies will great the party, and begin talks to obtain the Ter’Angreal. These talks are initially unproductive, but the Aes Sedai succeed in convincing the Tairens to allow several ‘servants’ (Accepted and Tg/TT/Gaidin) into the Holding to have a look. After all there is no point discussing the matter if the Ter’Angreal are not there. For a description of the Great Holding have a look in Chapter 15 – ‘Into the doorway’ of The Shadow Rising.


STAGE 4 – Assassins! [All involved]


That evening, as the Aes Sedai retire to their rooms, and the Accepted/TT/TG/Gaidin rummage through the Great Holding, Asidne Esfela




and Tanlin Jalaer




implement their plans to have everyone murdered. Assassins show up in the Aes Sedai’s rooms, and surprise the Accepted and Co in the Holding. Cue mayhem. Some of the Aes Sedai will be terribly wounded (but as PC’s survive) and some NPC Accepted/TT/TG will die, along with the PC’s also being wounded.


STAGE 4 – Compensation [Aes Sedai]

The Aes Sedai, having recovered from their ordeal, enter more ferocious negotiation, demanding compensation for their losses. The Tairens concede to allow the specified Ter’Angreal to be taken. Voila!


There are a couple of things that need to be sorted before we begin.


1) Each of the Aes Sedai: if you can PM me your idea for a Ter’Angreal, and use the following format,


Name (optional):


OP connection/Trigger (if necessary):



RP idea:


2) If anyone wants to play some Tairen FLPCs, write up a bio and that would be spiffy! If not we shall have to make do with my two, which anyone can play if they like.

3) If any Tower Trainees, Tower Guard or Gaidin want to come along with us, I’ll wait and give them some time to sign up.


As examples, here are the Ter’Angreal for which Rayne is searching;


The Mask


Description: A Golden mask, with the eyes closed, holes for the lips and nostrils. It is of a non-descript gender, and of average features, but it shapes itself to fit whatever face it is placed over, covering from chin to hairline. There is no visible way of fixing it to the wearers face. Around the forehead of the mask, and extending in a loop to its posterior, is a silver diadem that looks like it has been woven from silver thread, it is so fine. Yet it is as strong as iron many times its thickness. Suspended in the centre of the diadem is a tiny ruby, carved to look like an eye. One can remove the diadem from the mask using the Power, otherwise it remains firmly fastened.


OP Connection: To unfasten the diadem requires Spirit [4]. Attaching the Mask to someone’s face requires Spirit [6] and activating the diadem requires Spirit [8].


Use: This Ter’Angreal can be used to enter into someone’s mind. The subject wears the Mask, and when it is attached, they immediately enter into a sleep-like state. The Aes Sedai in control can then wear the Diadem, channelling powerful amounts of Spirit and they too enter a similar state. They then enter what is not unlike a Dreamer entering someone else’s dream, only the entire contents of someone’s mind can be searched through, in symbolic form. A disciplined mind can resist the reader, but only to an extent. To leave this state, the reader simply stops channelling Spirit. The Mask must be removed before the subject can awake.


History: This was created after the Breaking, by Aes Sedai wishing to understand the influence that the taint was having on the minds of male channelers. Bare mention of it is made, and it has not been used since, though items matching its description have been linked to treasures brought to Tear.


RP Idea: Within the context of the Tairen RP I wish to return and study, as they did after the breaking, the minds of a gentled male channeler. However anyone with mental illness could technically be investigated, and perhaps cured.


Saidin’s Roses


Description: Stud earings, made from rubies, in the shape of rose buds.


OP Connection: N/A


Use: These, when worn, warm the ear slightly, like the heat of sunlight on a warm day, when a male channeler is nearby, with the heat increasing relative to his proximity, and how long he has been channelling. The heat can vary from almost imperceptible to almost uncomfortable.


History: Believed to have been made by the Sisters immediately after the breaking, this Ter’Angreal assisted them in their hunting down of male channelers. Presumably a sister bested by such a man and killed lost the Ter’Angreal, and it made its way to the Great Holding, where an item matching its description has been described.


RP Ideas: Self explanatory for a Red!


Thanks people!


Rayne Leseduire

(Rayne) (WT/DMPSW Handle)

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Did this happen at all?




* Aes Sedai arrive to Tear and find out from their E&E that Blacks are in the Stone. Warders are set on watch to see if they come out so that they could be captured as doing it in the Stone would be near impossible. They report sighting Aiel on the roofs.


* BT sieges Tear. Aes Sedai are of course horrified of an army of channeling men but there is nothing 13 sistas can do but lay low. And they have more important target anyway, the Black Ajah. Sisters might report back to the Tower, tho.


* Very soon after this, comes the BT's and Aiels' big rush to Stone and in the chaos that ensues, the Aes Sedai slip in. They take no part in any battles except in self-defense until they find the Black sisters. Few Blacks and Hunters die, one TPC Hunter is Stilled, 3 Blacks are captured (and killed before they can tell anything meaningful) and rest of the Blacks flee.


* Jarron takes Callandor, makes Osan'gar swear fealthy to him with Oathrod found from Rhuidean (though it has to be something else now when he's going to Waste only after Tear) and BT realizes that the dude they were following was not the Dragon Reborn and submit themselves to Jarron. Battles cease.


* Afterwards is time for interactions between Divisions but Hunters should return asap to Tower to report to the Hall. All inter Division RPs should be IMO planned out well beforehand and the outline should be approved by the DLs (and possibly even by Incarns if it actually affects something bigger than two chars). *s* Jarron will give his Amnesty to male channelers so sistas should have something to chew on.


* Raina will Heal the Stilled TPC and Yellows can start learning AoL Healing from her now when she has proved that it is at least as good, if not even better method of Healing than the one the Yellows use.


POST-TEAR and before Dumai's Well:


After the news about the Dragon Reborn and the fact that Karana knew about him all along but didn't tell anyone are confirmed, the Hall tries to put her under their thumb. Karana refuses to yield so she will be Deposed and new Amyrlin Seat is Raised from the Green Ajah by coalition of Reds, Grays and Greens. Inner politics poison the air of the Tower as the new Amyrlin dismisses her first Keeper (Blue) who was the condition on which Browns, Yellows and Blues accepted the new Amyrlin. Whites remain neutral, supporting the faction that benefits them in each situation.


Karana gets freed by a party of Brown allies, and disappears. She will later turn up at Jarron's side.


The candidate of the Blue/Yellow/Brown faction who contested the Amyrlin's spot and failed is sent off the Tower as the Law dictates. Her former devotion to the Tower turned into bitter hatred, she approaches the Kin and reveals them that the Tower has known about them all along. *eyes Liam for further details*


Jarron makes his Amnesty for the male channelers and the Tower has to cope with the fact that they cannot Gentle anymore. The new Tower Law that states that male channies should be studied before Gentling to find a cure to Taint could open way to negotiations with the Black Tower about co-operation with this task.


The White Tower would want some kind of control on their patients, though because naturally madmen cannot determine their own conditions. A deal Tower could accept might be that when Yellows and Healers among Black Tower say that someone is getting dangerous to his environment, BT can deal with him in what ever way they see the best as long as he won't cause any disturbances.


WT sends an embassy to Jarron who would ignore their advice... possibly by running off to the Waste before they even see him. Since he cannot be brought under control, the Hall will divide with decision what to do to him (and no, no Split mind you, just internal Division). When Jarron returns from the Waste (chasing the Shaido ?), decision about kidnapping him is hammered through with slight majority. Kidnappers make deal with Shaido and spark Dumai's Well.


Another group (lead by a Black sister) leaves after the kidnappers/new embassy in attempt to stop them but they fail. They participate Dumai's well on Jarron's rescuers' side and afterwards are forced to swear fealthy which pisses the Tower off immensely.


That is the outline Arette has worked out for you, hopefully this covers all that you need to know?


BTW apparently the BT guyus have already moved into the area around Tear, so go get em girls*g*





Now...I'm still not sure which parts are going to be RP'ed out and which parts will be written up by the Staff (or did I miss something?)

I think we also need to decide whom of the TPC Hunters die, and who gets stilled. Suggestions?

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  • 1 month later...

Damn .... missed your reply totally, Aubrey - thanks for the info!


Here's the short history for the WT that's up at the Main PSW one:


- White Tower: Amyrlin Seat Sirayn Simeone vanished mysteriously, and the Hall was forced to declare her gone for good and choose a new Amyrlin, Annais Nevell of the Gray Ajah. Sirayn had sent a party of Aes Sedai to observe the Black Tower and the thirteen Sisters were captured and Bonded by the Asha'man. Annais was the negotiator sent to get the Sisters free and as a condition, the White Tower had to acknowledge the existance of the Black Tower to the rulers of the world. Sending a letter which included this decree was one of Annais' first deeds as the leader of the White Tower.


To be added:


Annais is killed one week later in a fall from her horse, and Shevara Edosian is raised Amyrlin from the Red. Soon thereafter, Sisters are dispatched to Altara following a rumour about a Ter'Angreal which can help fix the weather. Unknown to anyone but the Red Ajah, a delegation from the Black Tower arrives and request a meeting with the Amyrlin. They ask for help against the Darkfriend Channelers, to which the Reds and the Amyrlin agree, on condition that the Asha'man agree to Bonding.


Is everyone happy with this, or do you suggest any changes / additions?

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