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Handle: Mystica

Character Name:  Namore Lazra

Character Type: Freebooter

Email address: mystica_mystica@hotmail.com

Division: Freelanders

Age: 18

Gender: female

Physical Description: she has a tall, slender figure, lucious and curvatious even to domani standards. Her skin is coppery and smooth, almost silklike in appearance. Her hair is of a deep black with a blue hue to it and her eyes are bright green. She is considered an exceptionally beautiful woman by all domani, which is saying something.

Strengths/Weaknesses: She is selfish, no question about it. She knows it and thinks it only right that she should get her way, all the time, every time. A sore loser, her temper flares up at the slightest infractions on what she considers her Light given Right! Her unparrallelled beauty is rivaled only by her skills in the arts of seduction, bargaining and making people, especially men, do what she wants. She's never learned to be too subtle, she's never had to, for in most cases a lift of her eyebrow was enough to get her way. Despite her temper, she has no skill in defending herself, having never felt the need to work up the sweat or devote the time training for it. After all, who would dare attack her?

Place of Birth/Raising: Arad Doman


Character History:


Namore was the only daughter of the House of Lazra and her parents spoiled her from day one to such degree that the child grew up with an absolute belief in her own superiority over just about everyone. She was the bane of many girls and the secret dream of all the boys. Oh she had friends, or rather people she called friends so long as it suited her. Namore had no problem using and disguarding people as tools to reach her goal and thought it only right that she should do so. After all, none equalled her in beauty or grace. As she grew, so did her temper grow exponentially and by the time she was fourteen she faced the first of quite a few confrontations with the laws of her country. The Council of Merchants were all women, and so she didn't quite get away with nearly as much as she would have if they had been men, but that was ok. Her House was one of the most influential and powerful Houses in Arad Doman and what she could not get through her beauty, her parents got through their power. That is, until that faithfull day.


She found them in their beds when returning home from the market, a train of servants following her, each loaded with packages and bags of her newest purchases. At first she thought they were sleeping and went to investigate her new treasures. It wasn't till later that day, when they did not appear for dinner, that she sent up one of the servants to demand they attend her. She hated to dine alone and miss the lavish attention that was rightfully bestowed upon her and she would not put up with it just because they were too lazy to get out of bed. The servant's scream infuriated her and she stomped up to her parent's bedroom, intending to slap the silly girl for disrupting her sensitive ears like that. Her parents still lay in bed and she totally missed how they hadn't moved from the position she had found them in hours earlier. Rounding on the servant girl she started to berate her and slapped her several times across the face. The girl didn't even flinch. What was wrong with this idiot? Didn't she realise that she was the Daughter of House Lazra? Meantime several of the House guards had found their way up the stairs and they took one look at the bed and started pushing everyone, including a now furiously fuming Namore, out the room. "They're dead! Go down and stay quiet!" the Leader of the Guard barked at her, not in the mood to deal with her famous tantrum fits. The older man had long since come accustomed to the girl's tricks and was perhaps the only one in the kingdom to have learned how to shield himself from them. Namore was so shocked, more at how he addressed her than at the news, that she obeyed before she realised what she was doing.


Her parents were dead. The Council had stripped her house from it's rightfull place in the kingdom and now House Lazra was in disgrace, down at the very bottom of the social ladder. She had made too many enemies along the way, her parents enraged too many Council members in their acts of protecting and supporting her wishes. They had to go. Of course, no one would say it out loud or even hint at it, but it was the truth nevertheless. They explained to her that they regretted things had gone this way, but surely she understood that the well being of the kingdom must take precedence over the position of one House? No! She didn't understand! It was her right to be at the top of that ladder! Her right!! The following year was spent trying to sway the other Houses to her will, and where she succeeded in making the men see reason, the woman grew more and more determined to say no. And it was women who truly ruled the Counsil. Everyone knew that. She cursed at her fate, her parents for leaving her destitute like this, the Creator for being so very cruel to her, the Light for having abandonned her. The whole world was against her! Didn't they see that she was the Daugher of Arad Doman? The rightfull queen to the next King? Her mother had said so on many occasions. The next King would surely pick her as his bride, elevating her above all others and put her in her rightfull place on the throne next to his. How dared they threat her like this?


But they dared even more, it seemed. For her constant tantrums and demands for them to defer to her had finally pushed even the most tolerant of them over the edge. It was shere luck that had her awake at the time the assassin came. The Council had slipped, sending this youth to her. A boy barely a year older than her, on his first job. More than likely the Council hadn't want to spend too much money on this and so they picked the cheapest they could find. And that was their mistake. For the boy took one look at Namore's green sparkling eyes, slipped his gaze over her lucious body, barely covered by the flimsy nightgown as she stepped out of the bathroom and he froze. Knife in hand, mouth agape. She may have a temper the size of which had not been seen since the Breaking, but she was not completely dumb. Instantly assessing the situation, Namore slipped into her most seductive routine, one she only reserved for the most difficult targets. She wasn't about to take any chances with this one, no matter how much drool was dripping from his chin. Reaching up to take out the pin that held her hair in place for the night, she slowely sashayed her way over to the boy, shaking her head to let her hair fan out over her shoulders, a slow, enticing smile on her full lips, his eyes locked in hers. Her other hand rose to rest lightly on his chest, while her left leg brushed softly against his body, coming to a full stop right in the middle between his two legs. This move effectively blocked his arm holding the dagger, though he could of course still stab her in the back. Hence why it was vital to keep him paralised with the front. She licked her lips as if to moister them, hinting at her pleasure of the feel of his body under her hand as she moved in to lean the rest of her body to his, her eyes still locking his. She could feel his heartbeat pouncing in his chest, saw the bloodvein in his neck pulsing rapidly as he gulped a few times. He never noticed her other hand moving around him and up, holding the pin like a dagger. The rapt smile didn't leave his face even as he lay at her feet, her pin portruding from his neck.


Namore knew now that it was time to go. They wouldn't make this mistake a second time. She was betrayed, she knew. Her own guards had allowed this assassin to get this far. And then it hit her. They had also allowed her parents to be murdered. It hadn't occurred to her before, for she had more important things to think about. Namely Namore. But now she saw it all too clearly. The traitors! She would have them skinned alive and dragged through a field of salt! But first things first. She had to get away from here. Find a place of safety. A base from where she could plan her revenge on those that had dared defy her. She dressed quickly, packing only two bags of necessities and stuffed her pockets full of coins. She'd have to see to transferring her money kept by the bank to some place untraceable. That would come later though, bankers never did give in to House rivalry, for they never knew which one would get on top of the other at any given time. They were notorious for keeping themselves neutral and loyal to their customers, no matter who those customers were. Yes, she would have her revenge. And her rightfull place in the kingdom. And she would see each of those that opposed her receive what they so deserved.


It was a lone figure that drove off in the night. Towards Saldea, towards her future.

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