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Meeting the second (Atten: Jaydena and Visar)

Rasheta Ardashir

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Rasheta stared at the ceiling in her room and wondered at her either good fortune or downright bad luck, she had two warders, a first for her, and now she had to brave taking the second one to see Jaydena. She had nothing against this tradition but her warders were always so nervous and having that in her head made her worse. She wasn't sure if or what Dante had told Visar about his trip. She sighed and put an arm over her eyes in the hopes that she could pretend it wasn't time to get up. She could hear either Visar or Dante moving around in the outer room and she was sure if she didn't get up and appear soon. Either of the warders would come in and wake her. She got up and dressed in her best, she wound her hair into braids as usual and she added some beads to the end in blue, red and green it added a little more formality to her outfit. She picked up the shawl with the longest fringe she had and then she opened her door ready.


She nodded to Dante and said to him. "You try and behave while I take Visar to meet Jaydena." She gave him a smile when she felt amusement through her bond to him. She turned her attention to Visar, he seemed to be dressed as formally as she could expect she smiled at him as well and said to him. "Come its time you met our Ajah head." She went to the door and walked out into the hall.


It wasn't a long walk from her room to the head of Ajahs. She knocked once and waited, Jaydena usually didn't require more then one knock she was nothing if not prompt and efficient. Rasheta wasn't surprised when she heard the call to come in and she opened the door, ushering in Visar. She nodded to her Ajah head and said. "Jaydena I bring to you my second warder Visar. Visar this is Jaydena the Ajah head of the Greens. From now till the day you return to the creator you must keep who she is a secret. No one other then Greens and there warders know her as anything other then a Sitter for the Greens." She smiled at Jaydena and added. "I'm sorry Captain General I think that was something for you to say." Rasheta sat down and allowed the two to speak as they would.

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Visar dressed in some of his best clothes, making sure he looked presentable enough.  He wasn't as well dressed as any nobleman would no doubt want to be, but he was a Warder; it did not matter as much how he looked, or so he tried to convince himself.  Fastening the fancloth cloak to his shoulders, he checked his sword and dagger, making sure they were securely sheathed and wouldn't get entangled awkwardly in the cloak.


Dante made an appropriately funny quip at his appearance, putting Visar's mind only slightly at ease.  Rasheta entered from her room, looking every bit as formal as Visar did.  She spoke to Dante and then told him it was time.  Visar followed closely on her heels as they left, shutting the door carefully behind them.


Visar was almost surprised at the relatively short walk, but was glad that there was not a lot of time for tension and anticipation to build up.  He was looking forward to getting this over with, that was all, he told himself.  They entered Jaydena's quarters, and shut the door behind them.  Rasheta began, explaining the necessary secrecy of the information Visar was being told.  He nodded solemnly, but said nothing.  It was not his place to speak out of turn in a formal setting, he reasoned, even if this was just for the Captain General to get to know him.


The introduction over, and Rasheta sitting slightly to the side, Visar faced the Captain General, tried a slightly awkward bow and said very seriously,

"Well met, Jaydena Sedai.  Visar Falmaien, at your service.  The knowledge which you have entrusted to me I shall not utter, not even under pain of torture and death."

There was a slight pause, the stillness heavy in the room as if Visar had just sworn an oath, and then Jaydena replied.

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  • 3 months later...

Jaydena tossed and turned, her thoughts turbulent and torn, her sheets soaked with her own nightmarish sweats. Shooting up in bed as the trollocs pulled her warder off the platform at Namandar she wiped the tears from her eyes. Nightmares were part and parcel of being a Green Sister, nightmares of real events, and sometimes nightmares of things yet to come. This one however was not a nightmare of things to come, this one had happened. She had lost Corbin and Jared at Namandar, as the swarms to shadowspawn came after them and the underground city had collapsed around them, Jared and Corbin had saved her life, along with Coran. Jared and Corbin were her first warders, bonded on the same day within the same minute, one had gone down inside the dome, taking a blade to save her life, and the other one and the other one had gone down and died on the platform on the way back to the sky before anyone could heal him. Her own short comings as an Aes Sedai had killed him, she wasn't strong enough to heal him, and has become to weakened from fighting the Dreadlords and Ladys and their minions to channel much more than a spark. He had died and his heart had stopped, he had kissed her good-bye, and than his heart had given out. She shuddered as she thought about it and than pushed her long and wavy auburn hair out of her eyes. Time to get over it she thought and than climbed out of the huge bed that always seemed a bit to big alone. She wasn't one of those Aes Sedai or Greens that slept with all her warders, but she had slept with one of them, and he had died on that platform so long ago.


She shook her head and pulled the green comforters back over the bed, making it carefully before she walked over to take a bath and get ready for the day. A short time later she was dressed and pressed and sitting with a cup of her favorite tea and a book when someone knocked on the door. She unfolded her legs from underneath herself and called out for the person to come in. Rasheta stood before her with a man in tow, he looked a bit stressed and so did she but Jade could tell by the look of him that this must be the new Warder than Rasheta had mentioned she was hoping to bond. Jaydena motioned for them to come in and take a seat, as Rasheta began to speak, "Jaydena I bring to you my second warder Visar. Visar this is Jaydena the Ajah head of the Greens. From now till the day you return to the creator you must keep who she is a secret. No one other then Greens and there warders know her as anything other then a Sitter for the Greens. I'm sorry Captain General I think that was something for you to say." Jaydena eyed the other woman for a second and than turned to Visar. "Well met, Jaydena Sedai.  Visar Falmaien, at your service.  The knowledge which you have entrusted to me I shall not utter, not even under pain of torture and death." Jaydena nodded her head, "Welcome to the Halls of the Greens as one of our treasured Warder. I appreciate that you understand the gravity of the situation and that you won't share that knowledge. Visar, may I ask you, why have you decided to allow Rasheta to bond you? Do you realize what it means to be bonded to a Sister of the Battle Ajah and what does it mean to you?"

Jaydena Mckanthur

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"Welcome to the Halls of the Greens as one of our treasured Warder. I appreciate that you understand the gravity of the situation and that you won't share that knowledge. Visar, may I ask you, why have you decided to allow Rasheta to bond you? Do you realize what it means to be bonded to a Sister of the Battle Ajah and what does it mean to you?"


Visar nodded solemnly, remembering the few battles he had been in so far.  "Yes.  I'll try to explain.  Forgive me if I ramble on..."  Visar closed his eyes, remembering where he had come from.  Remembering his own struggle between who he was and who he should be, who he yearned to be.  Remembering each and every battle which had led him to becoming bonded to Rasheta Sedai.  He silently thanked the Light and his friends for helping him this far.  He began, "I believe I owe both Rasheta Sedai and the White Tower a debt. This debt is not one of money or of one-time favors to be paid back at my convenience.  No, this debt can only be paid with my life; either a life in service, or my life's blood for trying to uphold what I believe to be right and good, to protect a cause greater than myself. A debt for helping me and my friends in the battle against the Shadow when I would have surely died, and a debt for helping me in my own battle, to conquer and put aside the young fool I was in the past."


He surprised even himself by the confidence he felt.  Even if he felt he had so little faith in himself to truly uphold it.  At least the cause was worth fighting for, and he tried to put that feeling in words.


"Because Rasheta Sedai has always supported me as long as we've known each other, even when I doubt myself, and because I have always felt drawn to support her as well in what limited ways I can, I allowed her to bond me.  I believe this Ajah you both are a part of stands for what I believe too.  We are not only a battle Ajah to fight the external forces of evil in this world, but an Ajah of internal discipline, of strength through hard work and unity in working together.  An Ajah that fights the Shadow within all of us, and would come out victorious and ten times as strong.  That courage, that passion to stand your ground and fight against impossible odds, even when every inch of me still feels that I am weak and afraid.  That is why I felt drawn to both Rasheta and to this Green Ajah of yours.  That strength and simplicity of purpose is something this fractured world desperately needs.  And I mean to help you in that, however I may."


Visar ended, his voice trailing off a little.  Despite his confident words, he did not feel in the least bit confident against Jaydena Sedai's calm, measuring gaze.  He felt he was not worthy to be a Warder, yet he was committed to being one anyway, whatever that meant.  What did it truly and fully mean to be a Warder anyway?  He felt he was still not sure on that.  Visar hoped he would learn this over time, but what if he did not have that time?  He kept his doubts to himself.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ooc- I apologize for the wait you two, my aunt passed on as Rashie knows and I am just feeling ok enough to post today. Again sorry!


Jaydena looked the other man over, noting his physical structure and his stance. He obviously took good care of himself which would work well for Rasheta and him both, he also appeared to be fairly confident in himself and in her presence. Many times she had seen the men tongue tied in her presence and this one didn't seem to have that affliction. The man nodded in all seriousness to her, "Yes.  I'll try to explain.  Forgive me if I ramble on..." Jaydena almost laughed at that, she herself had a propensity to ramble on so she wasn't likely to be horribly bothered by someone rambling, unless it was taking a huge chunk out of her day, than she might get upset. The man closed his eyes and than began to speak, she looked over at Rasheta as he closed his eyes, and arched her eyebrow at the other woman, making the other woman smile. "I believe I owe both Rasheta Sedai and the White Tower a debt. This debt is not one of money or of one-time favors to be paid back at my convenience.  No, this debt can only be paid with my life; either a life in service, or my life's blood for trying to uphold what I believe to be right and good, to protect a cause greater than myself. A debt for helping me and my friends in the battle against the Shadow when I would have surely died, and a debt for helping me in my own battle, to conquer and put aside the young fool I was in the past." Jaydena felt the mirth fade from her face, Visar was dedicated and passionate. His words had almost brought her to tears. It had been some time since she saw a man as dedicated and passionate in speaking his feelings in front of others. It didn't appear that he was going to be one of those boring warders that never spoke and drove you crazy with their lack of communication.


"Because Rasheta Sedai has always supported me as long as we've known each other, even when I doubt myself, and because I have always felt drawn to support her as well in what limited ways I can, I allowed her to bond me.  I believe this Ajah you both are a part of stands for what I believe too.  We are not only a battle Ajah to fight the external forces of evil in this world, but an Ajah of internal discipline, of strength through hard work and unity in working together.  An Ajah that fights the Shadow within all of us, and would come out victorious and ten times as strong.  That courage, that passion to stand your ground and fight against impossible odds, even when every inch of me still feels that I am weak and afraid.  That is why I felt drawn to both Rasheta and to this Green Ajah of yours.  That strength and simplicity of purpose is something this fractured world desperately needs.  And I mean to help you in that, however I may." She nodded at his words and than spoke, "Being bonded to a Green is one of the hardest jobs of any Gaidin or Gaidar. It's a constant battle filled with never being aware when you might be sent out for another mission. Not knowing if one or both of you won't come back. Watching your fellow friends and Sisters die on many missions. I watched and felt the heartache when friends of my Warders didn't make it home and I felt the pain first hand when I bonded a woman who's Aes Sedai had died. It's something you both have to be aware of, there is a reason we are called the Battle Ajah. Being bonded is a special connection which you will learn very quickly. If you are both lucky you will end up knowing each other so well you could finish each others sentences if you wanted and have learned to respect and communicate with each other.


Jaydena smiled softly at the man and bowed her head slowly in a sign of respect, "You truly are passionate about Rasheta, your bonding, and the Tower. That is exactly what I like to see in a Warder of the Greens. Rasheta is truly blessed to have met you and to have bonded you and it sounds as though you feel as blessed to be with her. You have my full blessing and the blessing of the Battle Ajah. I look forward to fighting near you in coming battles with the Shadow and watching you two develop as a bonded couple. Congratulations Rasheta and Visar you have been bonded under the light and all that is good. Take good care of our woman or I will come and find you my dear." She smiled again at Visar and than turned to Rasheta, "Have you given him a fancloak, I have extras in my office if you need one?"


Jaydena Mckanthur



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  • 1 month later...

OOC: Sorry slight mix up...I thought it was his turn he thought it was mine...that will teach us not to chat about it. *laughs*  :-*'s Visar




Rasheta listened with interest as the two spoke, it was a little different than when she had brought Dante to meet Jaydena. Dante had been quiet but sure of himself, she wasn't sure if anything rattled Dante much. That was probably the trait that drew her to him the most. Rasheta smiled when Visar spoke about why he had wanted to bond her. Yes she could admit feeling affection for the young man but in a wholly different way then Dante. Visar was much more gentle, not when he fought no one seeing him could think he would show mercy when there was no need. However, while they had gotten to know each other Visar was a little clumsy and unsure of himself.


"Have you given him a fancloak, I have extras in my office if you need one?"


Rasheta jerked herself back to the present. "I am sorry I wasn't listening what did you say?" Jaydena repeated herself and rasheta shook her head.


"No, I have not given him one yet. I was thinking I would present it after he spoke to you." She turned her attention to Visar, "If you would not mind waiting a little longer in order to be given the cloak. Dante will i'm sure tell you about getting his and regal you with stories of the glory of wearing it around Tar Valon." She rolled her eyes at the silliness of warders and then continued. "If you would rather I present it to him now I will gladly use one of the cloaks you have and do what must be done." She glanced at Visar. "I believe the choice is up to you."

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  • 5 weeks later...

Jaydena watched as Rasheta brought herself back to the present, it was very clear by the way the other woman was starting at her warder that she was very happy with her choice for her second warder. She thought wistfully of the days that she was happy to have a warder and shook the sadness that settled into her at the thought away. This was Rasheta's and Visar's day and not about her own sadness or lack of warders. "I am sorry I wasn't listening what did you say?" She chuckled softly and spoke, "I just wondered if you had given him a fancloak yet?" She smiled at the other woman and than at Visar as she waited for an answer.


"No, I have not given him one yet. I was thinking I would present it after he spoke to you." Nodding she watched as Rasheta turned to look at the man, "If you would not mind waiting a little longer in order to be given the cloak. Dante will I'm sure tell you about getting his and regal you with stories of the glory of wearing it around Tar Valon." Jade snorted softly as Rasheta rolled her eyes at her Gaidin's behavior. She totally understood as she had seen the same things before. Though she could understand it in a way, the cloak was a badge of honor that many Tower Guards never achieved. Only the strongest, most cunning, and often the most handsome made it into the ranks of Warder. Rasheta turned her attention back to her and spoke again, "If you would rather I present it to him now I will gladly use one of the cloaks you have and do what must be done." Rasheta spoke to her warder again and Jaydena stood, "No that's just fine you two. I just wanted to make sure that you had one in your posession. I have some here and in my office so I can give them to sisters who don't have any." She turned to Visar, "I think you will be an excellence Warder to her and I don't think I need to tell you to do your best to protect her, for I can already tell you will. Welcome to the ranks of Green Ajah Gaidin my dear." She smiled at him and turned to Rasheta, "Congratulations on your new Gaidin Rasheta, he seems worthy of the task. Treat him with respect and honor and he will be an excellence companion, friend, and warder for many days to come." She started walking towards the door and the two of them followed, "I will let you get back to your day and getting him that cloak I am sure. Again Congrats!" She smiled and watched as the two of them walked from the room...


Jaydena Mckanthur

IC Captain General

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(ooc: my bad on the wait!)


As to receiving a warder's cloak then and there, or wait till later, Visar briefly suggested the latter option.  "I do not need to make some grand ceremony out of it.  Whenever you decide to give it to me is fine, Rasheta Sedai.  If that is alright with you, Jaydena Sedai?"

She replied in the affirmative, thankfully.

I think you will be an excellence Warder to her and I don't think I need to tell you to do your best to protect her, for I can already tell you will. Welcome to the ranks of Green Ajah Gaidin my dear.

Visar bowed humbly at the compliment, feeling that he didn't really deserve them yet.  He needed to prove that he was a good Warder before he felt himself fully vindicated as one, and that would take time.  But complaining about that would be even worse than just accepting and doing his best.


Staying close on Rasheta's heels, they left the room with Jaydena Sedai's blessing.  As the door finally closed, Visar breathed a sigh of relief.

"That wasn't so bad." he said, venturing a smile.  "So...what next, Rasheta?"  He supposed she should present him with the fancloth, but that wasn't really his place to decide.  From everything that he had been taught, he was supposed to aide Rasheta Sedai in a supportive role, other than the obvious function of protecting her physically.

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