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Anyone in Tar Valon?

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a simple throwing axe would be essentially the same thing.  I don't know of any characters here that use them, but they probably exist.  What's your idea for stumbling across Visar, btw?  I'm not sure walking right into the Tower asking for warder training is a good idea :P


And what will Visar get in return for his help?  Your character's a musician right?  Visar has a singing voice, but hasn't really worked on it much.  Care to accompany him to a few songs for a laugh?

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Ok, here's an idea:

Visar is in the city looking to buy something, he gets sidetracked and hears you playing, stops by to give you a couple coins and compliment your harp playing.  Let's say he has his fancloth cloak on, you notice that and strike up a conversation asking the favor to look for his sister.  Or something like that perhaps, I'm open to other ways the two of us might meet.


Whenever you're ready put a thread up and I'll get back to it, ok?

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alright the first post is up.  Inveli, if you've got a character and you want to jump in that'd be fine with me, but you should let me and Visar know first.


What? Who? I don't have a character. I've participated in many RPs before, but this just...confuses me. Seriously, what are these divisions? Why does there have to be admin to supervise your role-playing? Why does know one just use a sign-up thread? And what are these divisions? Is this a Muitiverse? Does your character have to strictly be one of the divisions? Bah! I'm so confused I just want to RAAAAAGGGGGEEEEE!!!!!!

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Each division has a different way of doing training and advancement in the ranks, so it's easier to be organized that way.  Asha'man characters are all under the Black Tower Division, Aes Sedai under the White Tower Div, Wolfkin and Wolves under the Wolfkin Div, and so on and so forth.  It keeps things organized, and lets us keep track of members easier.


Generally, a character has to stay within one division.  That being said, there is nothing to prevent you from having multiple characters.  You can have up to 3 in each division, and in each sub division I believe (groups like the Kin or the Aiel are under the Freelanders, Shadowspawn and Dreadlords under Congress of Shadows).  I currently have 3 characters.  2 Asha'man and a Freelander (Freelanders are for those undecided folks :) )


Admins just keep the peace between divisions and make sure that things run smoothly.  And crack down on the occasional rule breaker.  Those weirdos who want to balefire every other character. :P

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Each division has a different way of doing training and advancement in the ranks, so it's easier to be organized that way.  Asha'man characters are all under the Black Tower Division, Aes Sedai under the White Tower Div, Wolfkin and Wolves under the Wolfkin Div, and so on and so forth.  It keeps things organized, and lets us keep track of members easier.


Generally, a character has to stay within one division.  That being said, there is nothing to prevent you from having multiple characters.  You can have up to 3 in each division, and in each sub division I believe (groups like the Kin or the Aiel are under the Freelanders, Shadowspawn and Dreadlords under Congress of Shadows).  I currently have 3 characters.  2 Asha'man and a Freelander (Freelanders are for those undecided folks :) )


Admins just keep the peace between divisions and make sure that things run smoothly.  And crack down on the occasional rule breaker.  Those weirdos who want to balefire every other character. :P


Well, what if you want to be super-ultra perverted fire-breathing chicken that shoots lasers out of it's eyes...and talks?! Huh?! Doesn't anybody care about the people who make the most obscure characters, huh?! You guys never care about what we feel....

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Look out Brave Sir Robin! It's the Giant Chicken of Bristol!   :P


Seriously, though, this wider Multiverse thing, while worth discussing, is way off topic for this thread. 


Uh, sorry, I got a little carried away...BUT WILL SEE A TALKING CHICKEN!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!



Ahem, yeah, uh, carry on....

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