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The Punishment Thread - Mmeesha


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Talya stood on the stage next to an object covered in black silk. She stroke it gently with a wry smile on her lips before walking up to the microphone.


Me Dear Officers, Asha'sman, Dedictated, Soldiers and civilians. It is with great sadness that one of our members has to cruelly and without remorse attack a ref, namely Me, in a match which was unsportsman like.


Bring the Prisoner up.


With that command, two Asha'man hooking arms with the condemed walked swiftly up to the stage, almost pulling Meesh along with them.


Meesh you have been found guilty of insulting and attacking a ref a warning. You will now spend the rest of this thread in the Stocks.


With the last word Talya pulled off the black silk cloth to reveal rustic wooden stocks. With an indication from thier leader the two men Unceremoniouely put meesh in the wooden bars and locked her there. They then stood by the stocks cutting Meesh off from the OP so she could not channel.


Talya returned to looking back at the waiting crowd.


There are rotten vegetables all round the stage feel free to participate in this old but fun custom. Shielding herself with air, before anything should go astray she exited the stage pretty damn quick!





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*steps out of the crows and throws off his brown cloak, revealing himself to the mob*


*places himself in front of meeshal*


Listen to me, people!  Listen-


*ripe tomato hit's him full in the mouth*


*yells out from behind Sage, dripping with mushy veggies*


Go ahead, throw your rocks!  His muscles can take it!


I'd pat you on the back, but I can't; my arms are preoccupied.


So I'll just say good luck. :P


And thanks for standing in front of me, although--*is hit with some of Elli's ammo*


And too bad I'm shielded! *grins like a loon*


That's okay, I don't--*eats ammo*


--mind getting--*right in the ear*


--hit, every so oft--*SPLAT in the eye*


*growls and bares teeth at Zep*


If you edge around to the side, you can see me growl and bare my teeth at you behind DSage! ;)


Hey, look at what I found.


*picks up Shiny REd*


I would have figured Tal would have put this somewhere safe.


What to do?


*gasps in horror at the thought of dear Shiny Red in Zep's hands*


*regrets the gasping as she inhales some rotten cucumber*


hmmm, should I be responsible and give it to The OL for safe keeping, or should I be irresponsible and wreak havoc with this.........................





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