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Professor Holly Wassaling steps up to the podium in front of a crowd of excited and chattering students.  Holding her hands up, the sparkling jingle bell’s on her wrists ring out, bringing everyone’s attention to the front and quiet falls…..


Hellloooo!!  Welcome to the Kin University’s, Interterm of Halloween Week courses!!!  

Kin University will be hosting a variety of seminars about this fabulous holiday of bewitchment, spooks and scariness!  Our group of Professor’s will be facilitating discussions that uphold our motto of  P.O.K.E:  Pursuit of Kinstyle Education!  

If you will look in the Trick or Treat bags under your chairs you will find a brochure about our courses this interterm  AND  a complimentary Kin knitting needle in our University colors of Orange, Black and Purple!  Dazzling aren’t they?  Feel free to give a friendly poke to your neighbors this week!  You will also find a copy of our motto…

P.O.K.E.  Pursuit of Kinstyle Education

in a lovely print with our logo..suitable for framing!  Please note the copy of our interterm school song:  The Twelve Days of Halloween, that we will be singing this week, along with several other Pumpkin Carols!



This year I am pleased to announce that we have expanded our  Halloween Interim of Fun and Frights!  Along with our course offerings, we have a new feature:  AROUND CAMPUS!  You’ll find games and the opportunity to hang out with our very own Campus Guru:  Auld Manriva!  LOL  Last I heard he was holding forth on Geezerology 101 out there!


*smiles*  Our History course for this holiday interterm is course number 1313: The Horrors of Ancient Civilizations. Every week  our Professor’s will be presenting a variety of interesting and FUN subjects!    Discover the history of Samhienn Celebrations and today’s practice and celebrations!  Why the Chinese celebrate with boats, and Mexicans have picnics in the cemetery!  Always popular, will be a review of the History and traditions of All Hallow’s Eve of course, and  a walk into the superstitions and why black cats scare us!


This year the Art Department is no longer just an elective!  *grins and bounces, her bells ringing*  There will be four different projects to make and enjoy!  Everything from toys, to yard decorations and costumes!


Always a favorite is the Literature Class!  This year the focus is on Ghost Stories!  Telling them, writing them, sharing them and of  course…being SCARED!  Be sure to bring a friend to walk home with after this class!


New this year, and actually quite a natural to the program  DIVINATION!  *grins and looks around at the excited whispers and scratching of pens!*  We will be taking a walk through the veil to introduce Tarot, Runes, Palmistry and perhaps even reading Tea Leaves!  


Also new this year, our wonderful Food Administrator, who is also a Profession and Chef by the way, will be tempting and delighting our palates with Potions, Feasting and Tricky Treats!!  Look for new recipes every day, ideas for entertaining!  Be sure to bring a napkin..you will be DROOLING over some of her...creations! LOL


Finally, a surprise participant, the Architecture Department!  That’s right, they have left the steel buildings and drawings of mega centers to teach us how to build a Haunted House!  LOL  I can’t wait for this one folks..it looks to be exciting and practicle!  They are going to focus on a homestyle feature made in your OWN backyards!  Maybe some of students will even construct one on campus for us!


giggles tosses out candy from the plastic pumpkin sitting on the podium


You will want to stop by the Welcome and Orientation thread each day for a list of topics and themes,  and friendly chatter and poking of course!  We also invite everyone to play any and or all of our word games during recess!!!


Now if you will all stand please?  We will sing our Interterm School song of the Twelve Days of Halloween!


Hums until all are in the vicinity of being in tune


(I’ll be posting this from the twelfth day back to the first to alleviate the super long typing out of all twelve days twelve times!)

On the twelfth day of Halloween my true love gave to me:

Twelve bats a-flying,

Eleven masks a-leering,

Ten ghouls a-groaning,

Nine ghosts a-booing,

Eight monsters shrieking,

Seven pumpkins glowing,

Six goblins gobbling,

Five Scarey Spooks!

Four skeletons,

Three black cats,

Two trick or treaters,

And an Owl in a Haunted Tree!


Claps and bounces, grinning


WONDERFUL!  I just LOVE Pumpkin Carols!  Well done everyone!


Well children, that should set you on the right track for investigating Kin U this month!  Be sure to check this thread often for updates!  I know our  Dean and Elegant Eldest, Lor  will be posting a couple of surprises here soon and a very BIG announcement!  Don’t miss it!



Classes officially start tomorrow..BUT you are all welcome to explore and post on the opening threads and introduce yourself, meeting the Professors and fellow enthusiasts!

Now go!  Have fun!  Spook somebody!!!


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*Sweeps into the room, as Elegant as possible*


I would like to welcome everyone to Kin University for our Fourth Annual P.O.K.E. Festivities! I am Loraine, the Headmistress of Kin University and I know you're going to thoroughly enjoy this season's classes! Feel free to join in wherever you like, whether you're a member of this Org or not! We welcome everyone to play along!


A few beginning of term announcements, before we get started:


For the newcomers:

Our single rule is that there is NO DRAMA on these forums. If at any time, you feel the need to be contradictory or derrogatory, we welcome you to visit elsewhere to express it. If there is a problem I need to know about, please PM me and we'll do our best to see it handled. If you fail to adhere to this rule, you will be escorted from the premises and will no longer be allowed to visit within our Halls.


For everyone:

Remember the point here is to have a good time. Nothing done in this forum is ever serious enough to be taken as anything but entertainment. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything, at all!



So, without further ado, let the games begin!



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*grins and wanders around talking to students on campus relaxing and tosses candy to folks from her plastic punkin*


Well children..*grins*  we have had a wonderful beginning!  And  all the tree's are turning the most glorious golds and reds just for us!


I hope you've had a chance to check out Mirsh's candy corn toys, and Torrie's sweet treats!  LOL  and you better jump right in on guessing the Candy COrn!  LOL Jade is a fierce competitor!  In fact she also won the wheel of Terror's first word..Mmeesh got a tickle penalty *grins*  and a new word is up! 


Mirsh has led off with an interesting and informative discussion about All Hallows Eve and Samheinn...hmm what am I missing?  Oh!  lol Runes of course!  We are chatting, but lectures begin later today!


*grins*  and I've had word the Geezer is soon to behere!



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