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I'm looking for someone to start out some of my accepted reqs.  Be it an Aes Sedai to teach me, or a novice for me to terrorize teach, I'm easy to please.  Rochel isn't ... but that's not overly important. :D


So then ... anyone game?


Well Venca is a bit of a trouble maker so far and she doesnt have her intro class yet. might make things interesting when they get together because Venca can be very stubborn too


I totally want to play! Some of my earlier plans for world domination haven't happened yet unfortunately, and Estel is hiding...but I'm happy to teach a class for you if you like, like Spirit weaves or something...hmm actually that could help me too as it could lead in with her shielding talent....


anyway, never mind my own distraction. I'm keen to play! I'll even have a fresh new novice for you to terrorise as soon as her bio is approved :D


Arath, one of your choice reqs is teaching a Class, and their are always novices around who need the Intro class *eyes Kenny and grins*


Just remember that all OP classes have to be approved by Staff/MoN.


If you want to do the Intro, I've got the layout for both AS (4 posts) and Accepted (5 posts).


Lavi, if you want to do a Spirit class, that would be awesome! Please send it to me for approval prior to opening sign ups though, please. (N&A: if you do OP classes after the Intro and Inter, you get extra points towards your OP Skill.)


Kewl.  I'll do both then :D


It'll be interesting to see Rochel take on a few novices.  And turn about is fair play too ... so I guess a session with Lavinya would be in order as well.  Especially since we never really got around to the whole mentor thingy.


Just a question Elgee - does that include existing classes? I wasn't meaning to create a new one, rather use an existing class from here http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/whitetower/?page_id=14. Just wanting to clarify, would I have to get permission to teach a class that's been around since well before I was a novice lol? Or did you only mean for new classes...or do you like to keep tabs on all OP classes, hence they all need permission each time?


And Arath - I don't mind what you want to play. I can do you a class to work towards your bonus skill, or we can do something else entirely. Just let me know :)


That site basically only gives the weaves, so I normally ask people to submit an RP outline beforehand, or supply them with the Intro one.


I know this seems like a lot of work, but I've had a few cases where people treated these classes as an opportunity to ramble on about their own character's stuff, or disregard what the Reqs say about post and word count, and thereby waste the N&A's time. I don't take kindly to people messing with my N&A, so now I ask for outlines from everyone ... lol.




But don't tell the N&A that - as far as they're concerned, I'm the big bad scary MoN who paddles their bottoms ... *bribes Lavi with MoN cookies*  ;)


Policy's not my field but I've had my share of seeing certain policies fail because they're not useful :)


1. I am a firm believer that looser reqs is good. Reqs are guidelines for developing your character when RPing.


2. Regulating teaching threads is not a bad idea. You do have a valuable point here.


But people submitting outlines aren't going to include all the personal stuff they'll be injecting. You'll therefore be making more work for yourself. More importantly, the attempt at micromanagement will fail.


You are asking for an rp outline, "what're you going to do?"


People will invariably make character-centric posts after submitting the outline.


The two don't actually go together. So your failsafe is actually ineffective. It's become another beaurocracy. And it changes/affects/forestalls/aids/interdicts/abnegates . . . nothing.

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