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[GAME] Halo 3: ODST


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I think the biggest mistake I made was giving out my gamer id to Krak. He loves to message me.  The most recent message was "How is ODST?  You should write a review about it on Chan."  So here I am writing a review because it is much easier than trying to type it out on the Xbox.


Did you play Halo 3?  Then you have basically played ODST.  I mean it uses the same game engine and all the multiplayer is Halo 3 MP.  When I say that, I mean the game is actually two disks.  Disk 1 is the 4 - 5 hour Campaign and Firefight.  Disk 2 is the EXACT Multiplayer from Halo 3 (including all the map packs).  EXACT!  So basically there is no new Multiplayer, just a new campaign and Firefight. 


Campaign - As stated, it is short.  I played with Seggie and another friend on Legendary and we had basically no trouble beating it over two days. Did I like the campaign?  Yeah, it was good.  You roll around a darkened city as a recruit looking for clues to what happened to your team.  When you find a clue, you flash back to what happened and play as the different team members.  I can dig it.  For the few hours we played I was having fun... and then it was over. 


Firefight - Horde from GOW2.  Instead of having 50 waves though, the game turns on different skulls.  At the moment a friend and I are trying to get the achievements for 200K points on each level.  We get about halfway before we get bored.  This mode will keep me playing the game for maybe another week.


Multiplayer - I already played this.  Sure I got a few new maps I didn't buy when they came out.. and I am sure my friends and I will explore them.  Then get pissed off at all the kids hopping around and owning us as we have not played Halo 3 for a year. 


Overall, if I had not trading in games that I was not playing and got the game for under $10 dollars I would feel ripped off.  This is an expansion pack that is being sold for full price.  If you LOVE Halo, buy it.  Otherwise wait for the next real game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dunno dudes...


Admitedly I am a halo nut, but I know how to recognise a bad game. Not a fan of Halo Wars for instance.


Sure its a full price title, but think of it from the perspective of someone who HASN'T bought Halo 3. They get a pretty good title, a decent campaign, and the most up date Halo 3 Multiplayer experience possible. But hey, whatever.


I love it. I love it so hard. Firefight for me, only get's boring if you are camping. If you run around, make life interesting for yourself, it's a blast. Especially, and this sounds wierd, by yourself. I chuck on some custom playlists, run around Lost Platoon like a madman, and try and headshot the crap out of as many grunts as possible. If you've got a team together, play a smaller map, so the enemies spawn quicker. Move around. OR if you love the tactics, form a plan, stick to it, and love the clockwork like team-ness going on.


Hell even if I DO camp out in the 'hog, it's always funny as hell if a group of special op brutes come at you, all camo'd up.



Sure the game is a stop gap before Reach. Yes, the campaign isn't as long as Halo 3 or whatever. But they could have just done nothing! They didn't have to release this at all. They gave the fans want they wanted. A new challenge. The ability to earn Recon armour. A "Horde" mode (even though I've never played GoW). New multiplayer content.


I dunno dudes, I love it!

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I will admit, Firefight is fun.  I will also admit that after a week of playing it with another friend I am tired of it.  Just like Horde. 


Brutal Legend comes out tomorrow and then at the end of the month is Borderlands.  I think I might be done with this game.

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I think the biggest mistake I made was giving out my gamer id to Krak. He loves to message me.  The most recent message was "How is ODST?  You should write a review about it on Chan."  So here I am writing a review because it is much easier than trying to type it out on the Xbox.


Did you play Halo 3?  Then you have basically played ODST.  I mean it uses the same game engine and all the multiplayer is Halo 3 MP.  When I say that, I mean the game is actually two disks.  Disk 1 is the 4 - 5 hour Campaign and Firefight.  Disk 2 is the EXACT Multiplayer from Halo 3 (including all the map packs).  EXACT!  So basically there is no new Multiplayer, just a new campaign and Firefight. 


Campaign - As stated, it is short.  I played with Seggie and another friend on Legendary and we had basically no trouble beating it over two days. Did I like the campaign?  Yeah, it was good.  You roll around a darkened city as a recruit looking for clues to what happened to your team.  When you find a clue, you flash back to what happened and play as the different team members.  I can dig it.  For the few hours we played I was having fun... and then it was over.   


Firefight - Horde from GOW2.  Instead of having 50 waves though, the game turns on different skulls.  At the moment a friend and I are trying to get the achievements for 200K points on each level.  We get about halfway before we get bored.  This mode will keep me playing the game for maybe another week.


Multiplayer - I already played this.  Sure I got a few new maps I didn't buy when they came out.. and I am sure my friends and I will explore them.  Then get pissed off at all the kids hopping around and owning us as we have not played Halo 3 for a year. 


Overall, if I had not trading in games that I was not playing and got the game for under $10 dollars I would feel ripped off.  This is an expansion pack that is being sold for full price.  If you LOVE Halo, buy it.  Otherwise wait for the next real game.


This is a real game. BAAAAWWWWW!!!!!!!

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