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In meesh's nose


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As the whim takes me.  I don't go through and post in every thread in any sort of real order... It's all random.


I'm tired, kind of, and a bit achy, for some unknown reason, but I'm in a good mood.  Mostly.  It was better a little bit ago, but kind of dampened by something. :D

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I noticed she does that....  I can't say I'm a huge fan of people who do that, but I don't complain because I've done it before.


Although, I never force myself to post.  If I can't think of something to say, I leave it to someone else.  I often leave threads for pages and pages, because I have nothing to say.


At any rate....


Naw, it's a kind of sad dampened mood.  I just want to pout. :P  Some sort of miscommunication happened with my BF and his work, and he almost got fired... But it's all right, he didn't get fired, and he still has his job, because his boss is awesome.


MY issue is, that not getting fired is reason enough for him to lay low, put his nose to the grindstone, and be a good little employee for a while...and that means not being able to ask for time off for a while.  Which means no idea when we'll be able to meet.  It's not just asking for a day off, it's asking for a whole week, or longer, and that's not something you want to do right after you narrowly avoided being fired, even if the time you're asking to have off IS a little way off yet.

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I've given up on keeping up; my internet isn't the greatest and I don't have the patience to try and keep up anymore. :D


I don't know exactly what happened yet, so I can't really say who was mostly at fault in this situation.  But yeah, things are fine.  He heard from his boss not too long ago about it, actually.  Said his boss was really understanding and whatnot.  Aside from keeping his job, it sounds like he's not even in trouble for whatever it was that happened, so that's good.


Yup.  Wait...just about everyone else in Fiddles (and on DM) knows who my BF is, and I've said many times that we're trying to get together, and he lives in Utah....  I'm kind of surprised that you're asking if it's a long-distance relationship. :D

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:D  You must have had just the wrong timing, then, every time I've ever mentioned it.  I've mentioned it a TON. :D


My BF is DSage, my Warder.  He's well-known around here, or at least WAS, before he went inactive and Fiddles saw an influx of new people who never got a chance to interact with him.


I met him on DM a little over 2 years ago.  We were bonded almost 2 years ago (April 12th or 13th, during the Feast of Fools in the WT).


It's too bad you folks haven't gotten to meet him; he's awesome! :D

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