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Fantasy Football Week 1

Justen Diablos

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As Corki once pointed out neither Emp or I really do a weekly recap when we lose, as we're too busy licking our proverbial wounds (and random passerbys on the bus) but that is not a problem today for me. 


Thank You Tom Brady.


Let me start with my game first, so that I can get it out of the way.


Team Diablos - 67.95

Boyo's Soy Bombers - 62.39


Let me start by saying this, I have never in my many years of playing this game we call fantasy football have such a dissapointing week as I was having heading out of Sunday.  My star running backs, Matt Forte and Steve Slaton, who I've banked my season on both underwhelmed, scoring 5.5 and 3.2 points respectivly.  My starting wideout Anthony Gonzalaz was injured without scoring a single point (he was just walking and tore a ligament (could be out 6 weeks)).  My Defense scored the least amount of points I've ever seen a defensive unit score in my life, as Dallas went for 4.43 points (Aweful! Aweful!) and the best player on my team was Chad Ochocinco, who had a glorious 9.7 points and was my overall team stud.  On the plus side, Soy's team was having a similar day.  Over on his side he had Andre Johnson (all world reciever) bring in a 3.5 point day.  TJ Houshmanwhateverhisnameis, Willie Parker, and Lance Moore combined scored a ten piece, and while his Bear defense scored a respectable 14 points they did so against his own QB Aaron Rodgers who needed a 50 yard TD pass with a minute left to even make it to the 17 points he ended up with (Dissapointing for a guy with Rodgers expectations).  And so it was, we entered Monday with Team Diablos down about 22 points. 


Scene-  Tom Brady, late fourth quarter, had already passed for 300 yards, but had yet to score a touchdown.  Team Diablos was down 11 points, Brady's own team the Patriots down by 11 with five minutes left when Tom Brady engineered an 80 yard drive taking only about 3 minutes off the clock, capping it with a TD that left me down less than two points, just a two point conversion shy of pulling out a tight victory over Soy Boyo's Soy Bombers.  Bam, Brady intercepted on the two point attempt.  Interesting fact here, the two point conversion doesn't count toward stats, so technically it's not an interception, merely a failed two point attempt (Something I never knew, as I worried initially I would lose two points for Brady's poor pass, glad I didn't).  Patriots, down 5, decide to kick it long to the Bills instead of attempting the onside kick with 2 minutes and six seconds left.  The kick carried into the end zone, and for whatever reason the Bills returner hesitated and then decided to bring it out of the end zone (I think it was to run through the two minute warning instead of it coming during the following drive to add an extra stop to the clock).  And then it happened... FUMBLE! and the Pats recover!  Now, I'm down 1.8 points, and the Patriots are on the 30 yard line, even all those yards won't do it for me, I need a touchdown.  And thus it ended, with 50 seconds on the clock, my eye firmly on stat tracker, Tom Brady delivered a strike to the End Zone to close out both the Bills and the Bombers in one fell swoop.  With that Team Diablos pulled to 1-0.  Karana/Emp/JD all picked this game correctly.


Yard Chiefs - 88.34

Corki's No Hopers - 56.49


I have no idea how this happened.  Theoretically Sham's mix of Chiefs and not chiefs can win if everyone on the team plays well.  Everyone on the team played well.  Not Chiefs Fitzgerald and Tony Gonzalez both had a good day, scoring almost 30, the Steelers D added 16 and then the Chiefs took over.  Brodie Croyle...that's right, Brodie Croyle (fantasy football stud Brodie Croyle?) put 20 points on the board.  And Dwayne Bowe had 10.  Great mix of Chiefs and non-Chiefs.  Then there was the no-hopers.  Not a bright spot on the team this week... well, that's not true, Fred Jackson/Matt Ryan/Santonio Holmes all scored about 20 points each.  The thing they all had in common, they spent all their time riding the No Hoper pine this week, and unfortunately for Corki those not benched didn't play as well.  Anthony Fasano scored -3 points, Reggie Bush had 5, Derrick Mason had 4, and Antonio Bryant had 2.  Corki's Dolphins played almost as badly as my Cowboys with an 8 point effort.  Upside... Kevin Smith, 13 points and a good game for him. Philip Rivers did score 16 but it was also dissapointing for the second best fantasy QB of '08.  Chiefs, Win.  Karana picked this game correctly (really?) and JD/Empy picked WRONG!


Summer Brees - 128.6

Paityr's Pickles - 91.77


Drew Brees scored 50 fantasy points this week.  That is all you need to know.  That's why Empy's Bro is whooped Pait this week. More stats? Marion Barber had 14, Chris Cooley had 10, Titan's defense went for 20.  And Randy Moss brought in 15.  All in all a good effort by just about everyone.  Yay!  Paityr had his whole team play poorly.  Matt Shaub, 8 points, Terrel Owen and Brandon Jacobs, combined 10 points.  Brian Westbrook and Marques Colston both played well but not exceptionally.  So how did Pait make it close (30 points is close now)?  Eagles D, who scored over 40 points (A Defense scored 40).  Otherwise Pait's line would have been worse.  As it is it wasn't good enough.  Empy/Karana picked this game right while you're boy JD picked this game WRONG


ibleedorange - 90.15

Empy's Sex Panthers - 72.09


Let's start with Empy, since his problems were shared by many of us this week.  His studs just didn't play well, a lot of NFL studs didn't play well.  Is it because starters don't play pre-season? Is that why they were all dissapointing in week one?  Would that explain why Steve Smith had 2 points, Kurt Warner 15 (How does Warner only score 15 in that arial assault down in Arizona?), and Ronnie Brown had 5.  The Bucs defense only scored 5 points for Empy, making that the second worst fantasy defensive performance I've ever seen in my life.  De'Angelo Williams did score 13 thanks to the only Panther TD (how was that game for ya Empy? (And I don't say that in malice as I'm a Bear fan, after this weekend I hurt)) but even Williams had trouble moving the ball this week.  As for the winners of this game?  When Ibleedorange selected MJD as the fourth pick in the Fantasy Draft we all held our breath... Wait? No Chad Ochocinco? No Carson Palmer?  I thought you bled Orange?  In fact, there's not a single 'Orange' player drafted in the first five rounds by that team.  I insist you change your name.  Speaking of Carson Palmer 7 points.  Braylon Edwards (also Orangeish) 1.2 points.  MJD on the other hand, 18.3 points.  Giants D played well, Ryan Longwell played well, Antonio Gates played well, and Greg Jennings provided the dagger, both to Empy's Sex Panthers and my beloved Bears when he scored on a 50 yard TD reception with one minute left in the game, a reception worth 11 fantasy points to Ibleed(not)orange and a night of sobbing for your boy JD.  Empy/Karana/JD all picked this game WRONG


Karana's Crusaders - 107.9

Hax's Hussies - 103.5


This game could have been the game of the week.  It went down to the last game on Monday night and could have gone either way all the way to the end, but I've chosen another game for that.  Now, I've heard some people say they don't like the first pick in the draft, because it makes the rest of your draft difficult, your picks are far apart and you don't see round two until pick 24.  Two words for you, Adrian Peterson.  If there is a player who's not Drew Brees who can single handidly win a fantasy championship it's All Day AP.  38.8 points.  I would say AP's day ranks as better than even Drew Brees'.  QB's are going to score a lot of points in our format, while AP dominated his fellow RB's thoroughly.  His supporting cast on the Crusaders did just enough.  Farve had 10, Winslow 10, Ray Rice 13, Niel Rackers 12, and the Chargers D held off Hax's late charge with 15.  Hax shouldn't hold his head down in shame (well, at least not because of fantasy football).  His team played well.  LT avoided the Hax curse and scored 9.6, Peyton had 17, and Thomas Jones scored 20.  Jeremy Shockey, who has been on every fantasy team I've had for the past 6 years or so (I always reach early for him but thought I could cheat this year and no one would take him (DAMN YOU HAX *shakes a fist*) scored two of Brees' many TDs and put in 15.  It was a good day for Hax, good enough to win against most of the league, just not quite good enough to win this week.  Karana/Empy/JD all picked this game right.


Game of the Week


"I don't see how Kyn doesn't win this..." Empy 9/10/09



Hines Ward struck first for Seggie, scoring 9 on Thursday.  Then it was Kyn answering with Donovan McNabb (21) and a couple Colts Reggie Wayne (25) and Joseph Addai (11).  Then it happened.  The doormat of the league last year, a man who's team autopicked both Brandon Marshall and Michael Crabtree at WR answered all the question marks, and he did it with a Cowboy (that sounds dirty heh).  There was no more fitting hero for this man on this day than Tony Romo.  34 points, and he threw all over the Tampa Bay bucs (sorry Emp), scoring four long TD passes.  It not only made Seggie's Sunday, it (along with Frank Gore's 16 and the Vikings D scoring 20) gave Seggie a 25 point lead going into Monday.  Enter Kynwric, He had the Pats Defense and Nate Keading both going on Monday night.  Pats D, good stat line, they scored 16, leaving Keading only 10 points shy of victory.  Going against the Raiders you'd almost pencil Keading in for the necessary FGs, against the Raiders you could almost figure SD for enough TD's that Keading could have scored 10 on XP's alone.  Didn't happen.


Seggie's Sithlords - 99.82

Kynwric's Ghosts - 96.96


How bout them Cowboys!  Karana/JD picked this game right while Empy clearly and resolutely picked this game WRONG!!!!!!!!!


Karana's picks... 5-1

Empy/JD ... 3-3


I'll be back shortly to look ahead to next week.




Week 2 Breakdown



Team Diablos (1-0) vs. Kynwric's Ghosts (0-1)


Team Diablos can't possibly have as bad a day as we did in week one.  I've got Tom Brady coming off a big game, and I expect him to lead us again to the promised land in a division matchup with the NY Jets.  Ochocinco and Witten were both good last week though neither broke the end zone barrior, I look for another good week from Witten and hopefully from Ochocinco.  Gonzalez is hurt, and Percy Harvin, rookie Minnesota WR will have to step in and fill his shoes, and the big one... Darren McFadden, who I expect will feast on the Kansas City defense and I'm so confident I'm willing to pull Slaton (who has to play Tennessee) in favor of the Raider stud.  Here's hoping he holds on to the ball.  Forte plays Pit this week, so I look for another tough day running for my number 1 pick.


The Ghosts have an injured QB, and that's why you never trust an Eagle in fantasy football.  It's possible McNabb will go, though not looking likely early on.  Eli Manning would be his backup provided Kyn doesn't go searching through free agency.  Michael Turner had a tough week last week, and he has Carolina this week (who I thought was better than the whooping Philly put on em) as does Roddy White.  Kyn's other WR Reggie Wayne (FROM THE U!) should score big points again as Peyton's only reciever in Miami, Addai looks to be the starter unless Kyn pulls him for Mike Bell who had a huge day for New Orleans.  What?  Oh, that was against the Lions?  oh, okay.


I have to pick myself to win this of course, because I'm a confidant man. *nods*  Though it could be close.


Pick:  Team Diablos



Boyo's Soy Bombers (0-1) vs. Empy's Sex Panthers (0-1)


On the bright side Aaron Rodgers and Andre Johnson should both play better this week.  Rodgers against a week Cincy defenst and Andre Johnson against Tennessee who should force Houston to pass quite a bit.  Unfortunately Willie Parker is still the only viable option Soy has at RB (how did he let such a thing happen?) though Derrick Ward did look very promising in week one, so perhaps he'll get the nod over Lance Moore, who was in an offense that scored 9 million TDs and he still only ended up with 3 points.  Houshmanwhateverhisnameis should be solid this week, The Bears D are without Urlacher for the year but they're still a stout unit who plays Pit this week while Carolina plays a tough Atlanta Team.


Empy, Empy, Empy, How did you lose to a Carson Palmer led Orange Crush?  Back to the drawing board my friend, and I'm sure in his weekly team meetings they'll discuss the poor showings of both Kurt Warner and Steve Smith.  I can't imagine Steve Smith not rebounding against Atlanta provide Jake Delhomme doesn't throw 8 or 9 interceptions and Kurt Warner should be much better against Jacksonville.  Kurt Warner shouldn't ever score less than 20, he's an injury risk, not a bad day risk.  Most of Empy's team was solid, but he does have a semi question mark at the Wr/Rb flex position.  Ronnie Brown looked bad this week, not only that, Ricky Williams actually got more carries (Why the Dolphins think the Dali Llama of Canibus is somehow a better runner than Brown I'll never wrap my mind around), He's got options at that position with both DeSean Jackson and Tim Hightower.  Though Jackson's points last week came on a big return, and Hightower's came through 100 yard recieving game (another indication of Warner acting strangely)  Boldin and Breaston should be better week two and Hightower should in theory go back to his 1.9 yards per carry while Jackson looses McNabb, so either/or and who knows, perhaps Brown is the best start against Indy.


One team goes to 0-2 while another pulls even but I cannot pick any team with Willie Parker as they're featured back to win anything...


Pick:  Empy's Sex Panthers


Yard Chiefs (1-0) vs. Hax's Hussies (0-1)


KC plays Oakland this week, and they were horrible last year though surprisingly good against SD last night, so I'm not ready to project big numbers for the Chiefs.  Fitzgerald is All World at WR so he'll be alright, and Gonzo is a beast so the Yard Chiefs could be respectable again this week.


Hax, it was a tough loss, and I actually thought you had it going into Monday Night,  Welker played well but LT just didn't do enough though, and here you are, licking your wounds against the Chiefs.  Good News, I have faith.  Peyton should be good, Shockey should be good unless Brees dies, Welker/Holt/Jones should all be dependable.  Tough game is LT against Baltimore.  Ed Reed takes his head off and the Hax curse, though delayed, could come through.  I don't know why I just have serious doubts about Tomlinson making it through the year.


Not a factor this week though


Pick:  Hax's Hussies


Corki's No Hopers (0-1) vs. Paityr's Pickles (0-1)


We got a cool new free toy with Yahoo this year, live stattracker, which has a nifty little button that you can push that will show you your optimum lineup for the week.  Corki holds the distinguished honor of being the only losing team in week one that would have won if both teams played their best possible lineup.  There were a ton of points on the No Hoper's bench in week one.  the question is in week two are they viable?  The No Hoper's went back to back QB picks in rd 3 and 4, and now there is a QB controversy.  Rivers played well, Ryan played better.  This week Matt Ryan plays Carolina, who got drubbed in week one, while Rivers plays Baltimore, who haven't been drubbed in 8 years.  Who will play QB? Will Corki hold out on telling us until right before kickoff like the Cleveland Browns would?  Second at RB Corki's first two picks were Saints Reggie Bush and Pierre Thomas.  Bad news is Thomas didn't play week one due to injury and veteran Mike Bell ran for 100 during his absence.  Thomas should be back in week 2 but does he deserve the go over Lion Kevin Smith, who had a good week one but does play Minnesota's tough tough D in week 2?  Also Bush, looked bad week one, had some yards, made some plays, fumbled twice.  While Fred Jackson put up 20 for Buffalo against the Pats, and has a fairly favorable matchup against Tampa Bay in week 2.  Concievably Corki has 4 different guys who could play RB for his team.  Tough choices. Finally Santonio Holmes played WELL on Thursday and looked like the Super Bowl MVP he is, whereas Antonio Bryant and Derrick Mason faltered in week one.  Holmes plays an Urlacher less Bears team while Bryant and Mason play Buffalo and SD respectively.  Who will the No Hopers look to in week 2? 


Pait claims his team had a good week in week one, which is not true.  Pait's team sucked just as bad as mine/Soy's/Empy's.  the only difference was that the Philly defense scored non stop throughout week one.  So where does Pait stand.  Matt Shaub played poorly, he needs to play better and there's no telling if he will.  The Houston offense is the biggest question mark coming out of week one.  They should have been good against the Jets, they weren't.  Garrard is not an option.  Colston was good, TO was not but should be better, I look for Pait's recievers to be acceptable.  Brandon Jacobs was bad, Brian Westbrook was okay, both are viable options.  The big difference between Pait and Corki is that while Corki has many options Pait's lineup is pretty much a non change week to week.  Which is good for Pait since he never checks that stuff anyway (He's too busy hugging trees).  The only real question I had was why Pait didn't start Greg Olsen at TE, turned out he was right, but I tend to think Olsen should be one of the best at his position this year.


Interestingly enough whatever direction the No Hopers go could wind up with having all the points on the bench again, and Pait should have another solid points day.


Pick:  Paityr's Pickles



Seggie's Sithlords (1-0) vs. ibleed(not)orange (1-0)


Who else is on the Tony Romo bandwagon?  No one?  Fluke you say?  Possibly, either way it should be a lot tougher for him to score points on the Giants defense.  Brandon Marshall plays (provided Brandon Marshall plays) the Cleveland Browns, so he should score a bit I reckon. Frank Gore should run all over Seattle and Steven Jackson is still a stud and should play better against Washington, maybe catch some passes n' stuff. 


For the Big Crush MJD should score a million points against Arizona this week, provided it doesn't turn into too much of a shootout.  Carson Palmer is still a bit iffy.  I keep waiting for him to break out with a huge Carson Palmer type game, he had the shot against the Denver Broncos and failed.  I expect Chris Johnson to play a bit better against Houston, though sharing a backfield with the TD stealing Lendale White always limits his upside.


This is a very good game, and I think Seggie could very well win this, but if I have to make a choice I'm going to go with MJD and ibleedorange, if Carson Palmer returns to Carson Palmer form I think the orange is the best team in our league.


Pick: ibleedorange


Matchup of the Week


Karana's Crusaders (1-0) vs. (Insert Team Name Here) (1-0)


Adrian Peterson.  All Day is all sorts of fantastic and all kinds of prime to score 800 fantasy points against the Detroit Lions.  I mean, the Saints guy ran for a hundred, AP could run for 300 yards in this game.  Mr. Calvin Johnson, aka Megatron, that's what they call him, should be good this week, what with the Lions playing from behind all day against Minnesota and Kevin Smith unable to run on that Purple People Eater Defense.  Kellen Winslow looked good in week one, as did Ray Rice.  Clinton Portis should bounce back against St. Lious and I am glad I don't have to play the Crusaders.  And yes I'll take the Under on Favre breaking his hip before week ten.


Empy's Bro will never lose a game all season!!!




Provided the Saints play the Lions every week.  They don't do that in the NFL?  Damn.  Well Brees should still be good, though Philly's D is a notch (or 18 notches) better than Detroit.  Randy Moss looked unstopable Monday Night, the only thing he didn't do was catch a bomb, I'm sure he'll look to rectify that.  Cooley scored the first of promised 6 scores and Marion Barber played well.  They should continue to be good starts.  Two problems with the Team to be named later, Eddie Royal has Kyle Orton problems, Denver looked aweful against the Bengals.  And Donald Driver is old, like super old.  I know he's had a bunch of 1000 yard seasons but really? A Flex starter?  He'll have to be until Marshawn Lynch comes back from suspension (provided he still has a job after Fred Jackson is done) Darren Sproles did look good though, and LT is just a broken leg away from making Sproles the reason Empy's bro is holding the Championship up in the air at the end of the season. 


It's a good game, but I like Karana because of matchups.  I'm glad not to be playing either one of them.  They can come play me once my backs get their stuff together.


Pick: Karana's Crusaders




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That was an excellent recap!  I had a really bad day Sunday.  I was at an Eagle bar watching the Panthers game... with my Beason jersey on and it was a terrible experience.  And then I keep checking my fantasy team and I get more bad news. 


I am just glad my bro put Pait in his place.  I can't believe Seggie, Sham and F Horn all won in the same week!

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Heh, if I had played Julius Jones instead of LT I would've won. Who'd have thunk it? I predict a loss next week. I always lose to the Chiefs and the oranges.


And now I will lose all confidence in my ability to pick the best players to start, and will change my line-up 10 times a day, untill the games start. Do I start LT who plays against the Ravens or Jones who plays the Niners? Shockey who plays the Steelers or Carlson who plays the Niners?

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Week 1 was a blip down to the fact I was away on holiday Sunday night and forgot to check my team. Time to make amends and get a nice string of results going - I think it took me 4 weeks to record a win last year but I did finish 3rd overall...

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