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For the love of god...

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Did you know that I've actually had students turn in papers with "U" instead of "you"? I can understand messing up "your" and "you're" once in awhile, along with "it's" and "its". At least you are substituting a word for another word. But "u" must die. It must die painfully.


also called laziness... while i don't use 'u', i use lots of abbrieviations... and i've been known to use spanish words on an english paper because is shorter.... :wink:


*nods* I don't think I've ever used "u" or "y", etc, but I use a few abbreviations myself (but only in a casual typing situation, like here... lol). Especially ppl. I have used that forever.


Also, can I just say, while we're on the topics of spelling (my God, you should never have gotten me started, now there is no stopping me). The shift button is your friend, and please, capitalize your I's? It would make my life a lot easier.


I love you, though! All of you!


Haha! Regi, you're so funny! :lol:


What's the "DO" in "DOLMAO" stand for? That's the only part I couldnt get.


*checks to make sure all her I's are capitalised just for Mia* :wink:

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I will occasionally miss my shift key when I'm typing, but I am trying to hit it. I'm actually a very poor typist (I still do "hunt and peck")so I'm surprised I don't make more errors.


Thanks Regi!


You know the common error that I make that drives me nuts is spelling JUST like JSUT! :x :x :x It happens to me so OFTEN, and I cant deal with it!


Oh... but I refuse to put apostrophe's in all English contractions. Sorry, but that's my pet peeve. This is my list of anti-contracted words:






... and there are probably others.


Oh, and I spell, "though" like "tho" simply b/c there are so many letters in our English words that are completely superfluous. Yea, but that's where my silent protest on English spelling comes into play. I do my best to spell correctly at all other times, tho. I'm just anal that way. :P


I was taught how to type and still can only type 28 words a minute... with mistakes...


I capitalized that 'i' as an after thought... i forgot... :wink:


I know what you mean. Spelling errors kill me sometimes, and this AIM speak is the most annoying invention of the 21st century. :P The only thing I do like about it is the smileys.

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I actually detest smilies. I feel like I have to use them here, otherwise you won't understand my bitter sense of humor. Every time I forget them, I get a PM asking "Do you hate me or are you joking? I can't tell."


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