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August and Gleeman and School OH MY!


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Hi Kinsters!  Guess what?  I’m baaaack!  LOL!  I’ve had the last couple of months off from planning stuff…with the Red’s doing the Fantastic Birthday Celebration and Lor teasing me with Holiday Celebrations every day!    LOL  Maybe that will be a goal next year…for me to somehow celebrate all those daily holidays every day next year…hmmm..


In any case it’s August!  Do you like August?  Do you find it kind of a blah and boring month?  For the last several years I have.  I mean there isn’t any big holidays to celebrate, nothing special going on…*shrugs*  but I remember that in my younger days it was a wonderful month!  So I got to thinking about it…*grins*


My dad’s birthday was August 4th, which meant my birthday was just one month away!  Then there was always a week of church camp.  And back then, it was hard finding plus size clothes, so my mom and I would take the bus to downtown Denver to go shopping for a whole day!  We would meet my Aunt at The Denver tea room for lunch, shop some more and then come home.  We also got to go to the mall one Saturday.  LOL  That was back when Malls were in the big cities and not on every corner!  August also meant that school was starting soon and I got to get new notebooks, and crayons, pencils, pens and paper!!    August also meant that the holiday season was just around the corner!


*giggles*  So why did I just go on and on about all of that?  *grins*  Because our August fun is going to come straight from my ramblings by lifting out some of the things  I remember from those days! So..here we go!


Twinnie Sock Day!

LOL  Twinnie Sock Day started last year, and is on my birthday, September 4th.  Now as a September activity it is to late to plan it in September!  What I’d like is a group of volunteers to put together some fun stuff for it!  Siggies, games, jokes, and a sock exchange!


Kin Pen Pals!

One of the great things that happened with camp is that  when you went home..you had pen pals to write to!  We didn’t have online, or flat rate long distance calls, so we would write letters to each other!  Now Lor and I have discussed this many times, and both of us would love a pen pal!  I think many of you would enjoy it too!  There is just something wonderful about receiving a letter and writing a letter!  So this month we will sign up for pen pals in the Kin!  Watch for the sign up thread and more details!


Back to School Wish List!

Bill groans this time of year..knowing that every trip to a store will involve some time for me to look at all the school supplies!  I love a new box of crayons!  The thing is..with the economy the way it is..some folks will have a difficult time getting school supplies for their children, themselves or their class rooms!  So in the same spirit as the Christmas Wish lists, where folks can post about anything they wish for, we are going to do this for school!  Be sure to check out this thread..if you have kids and needs…and especially if you think you can help someone!

The Holidays are around the Corner!

We thought that this year, it might be a good idea to look ahead a bit to the holidays and our exchanges we do.  Also to remind folks about our Paypal account and the Adopt a Kinster activity we do in December!  With money being tight for most everyone, we know that getting into the exchanges might be kind of difficult!  So we thought maybe, if we start early, folks would have a  better chance to participate and plan to be involved!  Even have the time to make something!  Look for this discussion to be in the Knitting Circle!


And finally….

The Gleeman’s Tale!

*grins and bounces*  This is a great and fun activity the Kin has done every year!  It is the opportunity to tell stories!  Folks write a story, and post it to share.  Last year, Lor started a great tale, and then turned it over to her Kinster’s to finish!  We were on a pretty good roll when the thread died out.  SO!  We are resurrecting it to hopefully finish this year!  WOOHOO!  Off the top of my head, I don’t remember if it is in the Knitting Circle or at the Farm…but give it a read and then add your creative touch!  LOL  With so many new Kin folk, we think this could be really fun and the tale take some unexpected turns!  Of course, if any of you wish to write your own story and post it, that is fine as well!  Just remember the PG13 rating for those steamy love scenes!


That’s what is on board for August my Kinlings!  *grins*  Don’t forget to sign in on the check in thread, to have FUN, and as always spread the NICENESS!  *giggles and hides from mystie*


Love ya all!



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