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Official Notice of Address


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My dear wolfies,


I'd like to share with you a very special occasion. Our dear Owen has decided to open up and tell us all his real name... one that he has kept hidden for many years and wants us all to know first.  :D Isn't that great? From now on, you are all honoured with his confidence and may address him as Kirsty. ;D ;D It's a very pretty name and suits him well I think you'll all agree. Thank you for your prompt attention and adherence to his proclaimed wishes.  8)






Disclaimer: The actual reason for this is that his real name is unpronouncable to anyone speaking a civilised language... and I have it on good authority that it sounds even more girlie than Kirsty does.  ;) ;D



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*walks in as winter is put in the footlocker*

Hello, let us all here be nice to each other *gets glances from Tay*


I mean...um, well I-oh, look over there. A cookie *He goes to the cookie basket and starts eating the round chocolate cookies. *Offers Tay a cookie* 

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'Tis a sad day Winters when we have such blatent proof of Tay's uttter and total delusional state.


Truth of the matter is that during a conversation Sunday night it came out that Tay's middle name is Frederick...or Fred for short.


Now to cover up this slip of the tounge she then used a completely made up name and said it was mine......oh how far the once mighty have fallen to attempt sich an anorexic sleight of hand ;D

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