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An idea I never considered before....

el Nynaeve

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I was reading the paper yesterday and came across this letter:


I should like to suggest to the council an alternative means of fuel for Bonfire Night that should entertain many of the spectators.

If lit with copies of the MPs expenses claims, plus the new statute by Mr Brown allegedly promising a root and branch clean up. I am sure there would be a heart lifting atmosphere for everyone.

As for a guy...(Unfortunately the law prohibits a living entity...not like the Middle Ages), may I suggest either the last Prime Minister or the current one... or both.

As for hot potatoes I could suggest a few Lords who need a proper roasting.


Lol, this is what I love about British politics, the public gives them such crap and they deserve every bit of it. :D I know a few politicians who could do with having their nuts roasted. :P

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You'll have to wait until Christmas for the nut roasting ;)


But I have to say, I found that a very funny letter, with so much truth in it... :D


I can wait, just as long as I'm allowed to do the roasting.


I wish once, just once, that Americans would do to their politicians some of the things we do to ours. Like egging Ruth Kelly and throwing green custard in Peter Mandelson's face. ::)


I second the motion of El Nyn. Americans are (surprise!) far too polite to our political class, which is nothing short of dumb. Living just outside of DC, I can tell you-- every politician--every one, from any party- is, by definition, a dumb@$$. Simple fact that we should not be forgetting, nor letting them forget either. Egging sounds like a fabulous idea! And the letter was perfect!


You guys certainly seem to treat your politicians a bit like we treat our Royalty, lol.


Nothing like reminding a Politician, from any party, that they are there to repreenst the people not their own self interests, and to have some comupence when they don't, we have been a little soft at times.


*prepares the bonfire for Guy Fawkes night* This is a bit like it in reverse, lol


They should. *nods*


I remember when Phil Woolas got it right in the face with a custard pie at an immigration conference. That made me laugh for the rest of the day. :D Though I wish I could've gotten Jacqui Smith before she quit.


That letter is hilarious.


I wish that more people in America would have the courage to act on their feelings about the government.  It's sad, how many people want to do something but never will, unless someone else does it first.


Another thing about politicians: if they get celebrity support, then they have a whole lot more power.  Sickening thing, that video that Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore made.... *shudders*


I would like to meet with some of my "favorite" politicians and give them a piece of my mind.  Or my fridge (tomatoes, anyone?).

Sickening thing, that video that Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore made.... *shudders*


That was really hot, I can't tell you the... Oh wait, are we talking about the same thing?




Maybe we should have the gunk tank for all politicians we feel deserve it, we could have a phone vote on it, hehe


Now that would make good watching!


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