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Welcome to the Zophiel


I'll send you a PM giving some details about the org. Though I will probably get this done tomorrow. But enjoy yourself here, and if you have any questions I'm usually aroun so send a PM or ask here.


*sits and wait to Zop introduce himself with a plate of cookies*


Thanks for the welcome, Elgee, damane and Talya!


About me, hmm. ..


Well, I got my bachelor's degree in Music Education in 2002, I now work for the US Military and tutor voice and music theory in my spare time, along with taking some business classes. I have an unholy love of manga, anime, ninjas, fruit bats, fanfics, chocolate, explosions, rock and roll, and green olives. I'm a chick who hates chick flicks, never cried from a movie until Terminator 2, and I like to practice my marksmanship on Saturday mornings at the NRA range in VA.


I've been reading WoT since the early nineties, so I can say for most of my life. However, after 2000~ish my collection was packed away. Recently unpacked, I re-read everything I had-- which did not include Knife of Dreams!, a fact soon to be remedied. In the meantime, I am wary of spoilers, as you might imagine.


I want to join this org because you all look like you have excellently twisted senses of humor. And, I'll be honest, the Asha'man are so much cooler than the Aes Sedai! Seriously, they hack me off. I don't go for the Seanchan slavery-thing, but sometimes, I sooooo understand. . . So, yeah, that's me in a nutshell ^_^!


*Grabs cookie and starts chewing* Ah! Yummmmmyyyyyyyyyy!! *sigh*


Fruit bats? Are those the cute ones that look like little dogs with wings? I soooooo want me one of those!!


Yes! The little ones with the cute lil noses and the BIG BLACK EYES and the wiiiiiide wings that wrap around your arm


They can get big, too. Like fox-faced bats, which look like mini-foxes with wings, about the length of your forearm.


Sooooo cute!


I agree fruit bats are cute too, lol.


As for a love for chocolate, there are a few of those around here... >.>


I can't say I'm a big lover of chic flicks neither, lol. There are one or two I like, but mostly I'm a sci-fi/action/thriller/fantasy kinda girl, lol. Same with my books.


Anyway would you like a cookie...double choc chip of course... ;)


And there aren't anything wrong with these...honest..


Totaly agree on movie and book genres (though I have been known to get lost in some good theology/philosophy/metaphysics). Trying to watch "chick-flicks" usually ends up with me yelling at the screen "C'mon! Quit yer whinin, you dumb broad!" or "Stop sniveling and stab him!"


Seriously, if there's not explosions or spaceships or some hard-core magic, there better be ninjas. Or at least some kick-arse kung-fu. . .


Yes, I'll have another cookie. Love double chocolate chip. . .


Although, your assurance . . . makes me a bit nervous. *sniffs cookie* hmm, smells chocolatey. . . <.<  >.>


These won't turn me into a canary, will they? Well, if they do, at least I'll still sing pretty . . .




Don't worry I wouldn't do anything to you the first day you are here, you have to wait a day or two for that. ;)


There are a couple of chic flicks that I do like, but there are few and far between. They include Mamma Mia, even went to the sing-a-long version :D And I enjoyed Bridget Jones's diary...Colin Firth had nothing toi do with that honest...>.>


Love the sig btw, I love Stargate...both of them, lol


Talking of movies, did you see the new Star Trek one, I thought it was the best out of all the films, yeah I'm a trekkie too, and a star wars freak and a few other things, but this is PG and I can't repeat them here ;)

So, you're that awesome?


I'm a classically trained diva, dear. Of course I'm that awesome. Ego is one of my middle names.


That said, you could also sum me up as "Nerd who appreciates the smell of gunpowder." *shrugs* either way.






Ok, I'll fess up. I do own both soundtracks to Moulin Rouge. And Fried Green Tomatoes and Steel Magnolias were the second and third movies to make me cry. I still prefer action flicks, though . . . ^_^


As for the sig, I've been a fan of Claudia Black from when she was Aeryn Sun on Farscape. She was so awesome in that role, and it was nice to see her again in Stargate.


Yes, saw the new ST. Was Excellent-- a lot of fun, good story telling, very respectful of the original. I, er, understand about that "PG" rating and all. I have to keep reminding myself that using the Japanese terms doesn't count as self-censorship. *Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more* ^_^


I never got into farcape, kept meaning to but didn't.


nothing wrong with Moulin Rouge, thats a bit of a kick a$$ movie, I liked it, and the soundtrack,lol.


lol, gotta watch what you say...>.>


we don;t have too much smell of gunpowder here, but the odd wiff of balefire can be found ;)


Yeah, Ben Browder ended up on Stargate, too. Both Farscape and Stargate were great fun. I'd say Farscape was . . .slightly more serious, but Browder's role was both star and comic relief. He kinda played that role "lite" for Stargate. Claudia Black's role, otoh, was almost completely opposite.


I'd recommend Netflix, since buying whole series can get pricey.


While I'm reccing Sci-fi, the quote in my sig comes from the movie Serenity, the movie from the show Firefly. Firefly is awesome, way too short, and should be memorized by everyone. Just, you know, while we're on the subject. . . ^_^


*backs into a corner*

Oh dear God its a bishie fangirl


There goes the Tower



But on a serious note, hi! :)

Seems you'll in well here ;)


Thats it Ben Browder, kinda like him ;)


Whats a Bishie fangirl, Riaj...new one on me, but then thats not hard, lol


I think she will fit in well too, we seem to have had a good bunch of new civies in latel ;D


Whats a Bishie fangirl, Riaj...new one on me, but then thats not hard, lol


I think she will fit in well too, we seem to have had a good bunch of new civies in latel ;D

Bishie is short for Bishonen. Bishonen is a fusion of two japanese words that when put together mean "pretty boy." Its often used in Anime/ Manga to refer to male characters who are "pretty" or have female characteristics to varying degrees.



The fangirls are notoriously protective over "their bishies" and will probably kill you in the most painful wait possible if you insult them :P



But yes, we have lots of good new people, myself included of course XD


Thanks Raij, I know I could have looked it up, but it was way to early in the morning to think about things like that...


I will make sure I stay away from her bishies then, lol


Of course I included you in that statement Raij... ;D


Of course I included you in that statement Raij... ;D

Uh huh,

And what what makes me so great is how modest I am :P


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