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Yellow Ajah discussion on spiritual healing - come join us!


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Hokay. So. After a certain lovable novice told us that our self-professed purpose as an ajah really isn't all that visible, we thought it might be neat for us to actually have serious discussions related to emotional, spiritual, and mental healing. We plan to have a new one roughly every month. (This is, of course, in addition to the rampant silliness I'm sure you all have come to expect from the Yellows. We would never give that up :P)



Our first one is up, and it's kind of an introductory, generic one so that anybody can participate. The topic is: What is spiritual healing? and you can find it here.


The topic is open to both spiritual and non-spiritual people (I happen to fall into the latter group, so I hope other atheists and agnostics will feel comfortable jumping in too). Please come join us! ;D

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