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Riddle Game for Harry Potter Week! July 12 - July 18

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For the Harry Potter week I will be holding a riddle game related to Harry Potter from July 12 to July 18. This is how it works:


1. I'll be posting a riddle a day in this thread from July 12 to July 18, so that's 7 riddles in total.

2. PM your answers to me. Answers for all riddles will be accepted till midnight of July 19, my time.

3. You get two chances to PM an answer to me.

4. I will PM you to tell you if you got the right or wrong answer.

5. The overall winner is the one who answered the most riddles correctly.

6. The overall winner will be announced on July 20 and will be awarded a title and a siggie.



Ok, it's HP week! ;D Here's the first riddle of the week:


I appear solid

but am soft as air.

I am the gate

that you must dare.


Remeber you have two chances to answer this riddle correctly! Good luck!


psssst, Taei!


You're supposed to PM the answers to David!


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