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*Is not pleased with Mensa*


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Did the stupid workout test thing then realised it didn't give you an IQ score. Got there from google 'cause I couldn't find it, so I didn't read about that. Nonetheless, I did terribly - 14 out of 30. Ran out of time, too. I might have done better if I'd been able to use Notepad or something, I can't hold all that stuff in my head at once...


Anyone else done it?

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I did the Mensa workout thing this morning and got 24/30, but I forgot to time myself, and probably took a few more minutes than I was supposed to. But the ones I just couldn't get well enough to even guess were the word ones, like What single four-letter word can be put in front of each of the following words to create more words? And the letter scrambles sucked for me. Bah!  ::)


I don't remember my exact facebook score, except that Pait beat me by one point.  >:(

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I did the Mensa workout thing this morning and got 24/30, but I forgot to time myself, and probably took a few more minutes than I was supposed to. But the ones I just couldn't get well enough to even guess were the word ones, like What single four-letter word can be put in front of each of the following words to create more words? And the letter scrambles sucked for me. Bah!  ::)


I don't remember my exact facebook score, except that Pait beat me by one point.  >:(


Heh, the "put another word before" ones were the easiest for me.  Didn't bother with the scrambles.  Got 25.

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I think the one I took was from mensa.dk which is Danish Mensa. Yeah, we all know those Danes are stoopid, so I guess it's cheating to brag about getting 130 on one of those... It still counts.


Yeah, plus that was entirely about visual/spatial reasoning, so you suck

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Heh, the "put another word before" ones were the easiest for me.


*slices open Kivam's skull*


*steals the "put another word before" section of his brain*


*implants it in own brain*


...  8)


She fits in well, doesn't she?

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If you like puzzles, they're fun. They alleviate boredom. Give you utterly trivial bragging rights. They aren't for taking too seriously. ^_^



*absentmindedly stabs pandy*


Yeah, I've visted before, I know how it works here.  ;D

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