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The Best Laid Plans (attn Tai’Dashan, minisamus, Sieve)


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Ever since she’d taken on Dragar as an assistant the stack of papers at her desk each morning had decreased. She still took care of the trainee punishments and Aes Sedai requests, but much of the rest was passed on. At times she felt bad for making him do the grunt work, but he was young and she felt that someday he could reach the position of Commander of the guard. So she worked him hard and tried to groom him for the future.


Flipping through her paper quickly she saw one that was sealed in red wax and imprinted with the serpent biting its tail. Rarely was anything that came for her from Aes Sedai dire enough to need a seal. Cracking the wax she scanned the page quickly, and then read it again more slowly. A Red Sister wanting to use a female Gaidin made sense, but to request the Mistress of Trainee’s herself was a shock. Serena, her former bonded had not taken many friends outside of her Ajah and she couldn’t think of a Sister named Saline.


Refusing an Aes Sedai without good reason was always dangerous, but surely she would understand that Thera was a mother now and had to be more careful. She banished the thought the moment it came. Refusing her duty because of Lyss could cost her the position of Mistress of Trainee’s. All ready she was being watched for any signs of weakness and any shirking of duties, it seemed as if she would find no way out of this. Sitting down at her desk Thera wrote out a short reply to Saline and summoned a trainee to take it to the dovecots and send it off with the dove the sister had sent.


It had been requested that she bring no more than two men, though no requests had been made as to their station or rank.  The first name that came to mind was Perivar, he had recently been raised to a Blademaster in a rather harsh way and there was bad blood to be mended. She had also spoke with his Aes Sedai about him taking some time away from her to further his training. He would not like it, but in the end it would be for the best. Writing out a short message to Kabria Sedai she asked if she could use Perivar for this mission and requested that she be the one to break the news. It would go better coming from her.


From what Thera understood of the Mission it would be mostly scouting, and she and Perivar could do what was needed, but if she was being forced to go she figured that she may as well teach while she was there. Bringing up the name of a trainee was not difficult. She knew each one of them incredibly well, probably more than they would believe, and D’Ashan would benefit greatly from this adventure. Writing out one last order she went to make arrangements with Dragar and begin gathering supplies.


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Though appreciative for its promptness Saline fancied that there be the touch of mild contempt in the Mistress of Trainee's reply, and some might say the Aes Sedai had overstepped the bounds in making such a dire request, but strange to say she suddenly felt completely indifferent to anybody's opinion, and this decision took place in a flash, in one instant. Had she cared to think more, she would have been amazed indeed that she could have penned such a missive to the Gaidar like that, practically forcing her mission on the woman. Where had that particular brand of boldness came from? There were many resources to exploit in the Tower and the Warders simply happened to be one of many. It was, however, imperative for Rory to be found as soon as possible even though she skipped all the niceties. She was fine with the company Thera had chosen, figuring it should be people the Gaidar was most comfortable bringing. Time was of the essence, and although some precautions were taken she had no liking for internal disputes.


Thera had agreed to arrange supplies and more importantly, scout along the blight in exchange Saline would be offering her protection as per her oaths. These areas on Saline's map had been somewhat unknown and was to be treated as dangerous until the team led by Thera proved otherwise in their surveys.


A day later, the insufferable mugginess and its impression of rain completed the picture of perfect misery as she strolled along to the small gathering at the Gate.

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D'Ashan was just finishing his morning meal at the mess when a Trainee relayed Mistress Thera's orders. He was to meet at her office and then they would go to the gate to meet an Aes Sedai. That was about it and the bare bones instructions had his imagination positively whirling.


What were they needed for? Why was he chosen? He was just a trainee and there had to be more qualified people.


Shrugging he headed back to his room to gather what he would need. only time would tell what was to come of this and D'Ashan was not one to dawdle...

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Kabria was using her hours back in the Tower to study. She had missed out on much by fleeing the Tower as soon as she’d properly earned the shawl in the Green Ajah’s eyes. Still, she did not intend to stay long so many of her waking hours were spent in conference with other Green’s or with her nose buried in a book. Her one trip into the Blight had taught her that she would need to further her skills if she was going to keep both she and Perivar alive.


Some of her fellow Green’s had been shocked that she’d taken a Warder so quickly. Apparently many Green’s toiled with their first choice, wanting to chose the perfect man. Whenever they questioned her she gave them a smile small and assured them that Perivar was the perfect warder for her.


With so many of her hours consumed Perivar had been able to continue his training. He’d even been raised to the ranks of Blademaster. A fact that made Kabria increasingly proud, even if she’d had to punish him to make it possible. She could tell by the tightness around his eyes and the feeling from the bond that he was not completely over his anger with her, or with Mistress Thera. It made sending him away harder than it would normally have been, but she knew that she had to do it. For him and for her, this training would only make him a better Warder, making both of their lives easier. He of course would only be able to see it as protecting her, but she always let his small misconceptions pass.


Feeling him enter the Green Ajah Quarters Kabria quickly tossed the note from Thera in the flames that danced on their fireplace. Thera had been right, this would be better coming from her.


Meeting him at the door with a kiss she felt his suspicion building, he could feel her own internal struggle clearly, but she would counter it as she could with strong words. “My love, I have news for you.” For Kabria to use the endearment in the Tower was a sign of what a struggle this would be for her. Pulling him into their room she led them to the chairs in front of the fire. The day was not cold, but a fire always seemed the best place for breaking news. “I have decided that your training could benefit from time away, out of the Tower. I have learned of a scouting mission near the Blight that you can be of use on. Your skills there far surpass many, and my Sister is in great need of such skills. It will not be a long trip, but you will leave first thing tomorrow.” Kabria wanted to close her eyes against the outburst that was sure to come, but she held his gaze and tried to remain firm.


“You sound as if you are not going?” A hesitation entered his voice, and a hard edge she knew as anger yet to come. “I am not going. I cannot leave the Tower yet. You will be going with Mistress Trakelyn and a trainee.” Her heart was breaking at having to send him from her, but she knew it was for the best.




Kabria Delondre

Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah

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When at eleven o' clock punctually Saline went to the Gate after having sent her regards to Maegan Sedai for uses of her Eyes and Ears in the borderlands (a rougish informant named Beatrice), she was surprised at being kept waiting so long, it was at least a half hour before they got everything ready and mounted their horses. In that time she had gotten vaguely acquainted with D'Ashan, a trainee who clutched tremendously at his weapon as though confused about his role in this endeavor and Perivar, a blademaster whose heart and service was already bonded to a Green Sister, and sometimes she fancied he looked inward for guidance.


She's alive. I believe it. This conjecture had begun to grow strong the day before, in the midst of all her alarm and desperation. Thinking it all over now and preparing for a fresh conflict, she was suddenly conscious that she was trembling with fear at facing Rory Sedai; trembling . . . as though standing before her judge and the arbiter of her destinies. I have sinned: destroyed and betrayed her for nothing. The way before Rory, what if she was sinking into some depravity which obscured her mind and turned her heart into stone? What if rather than be sullied she decided it would be a thousand times better to leap into the water and end it all? If she does that, what will happen to me . . . I have chosen her


The candle-end was flickering out in the battered candlestick, dimly lighting up in the clearing the Red and her party who had so strangely been riding together. Five hours or more passed. Thera who had been scouting ahead, was riding back toward them. Another had been keeping watch, and covering their trail from possible pursuers.


"I came to speak of something," Saline said aloud, frowning. She shoved off from the saddle and went to Thera. Thera lifted her eyes to the Aes Sedai in silence. Her face was particularly stern as Saline handed her map over, and both women studied the areas Saline noted intently "Thera, I will not be coming further than the outskirts of Fal Dara until these areas have been scouted out. There is a camp of my sisters nearby I will be re-joining until you get back to us."


On a drier day the following week, looking bronzed and fit, she accompanied Thera and co. to the borders. At six p.m. just in time for dinner the small party alighted at Fal Dara. And at eight-thirty or thereabouts they parted with mutual expressions of esteem and slight relief--they to carry on and cool their heels in the blight, where they were expecting to gather intelligence and report back to Fal Dara; Saline to go to her camp, drop her luggage, clean up a bit and put on some tea preparation to pushing around her other sisters in pitching in with the search effort.

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OOC: Sorry, must have missed the notification :P


D'Ashan reached up and touched the handles of his scimitars, just poking above each shoulder and sighed. It was nice to have them back again. Thera had looked at him with a hint of something, maybe amusement, when she had told him that he could retain his blades. He had trained hard with those weapons, bought them with his own coin, and she had taken them at his arrival with no further ado. He understood the reasoning, but that did not calm the ache their absence had left.


He had gathered his things and met Thera at her office briefly before they had set out. She had not been too much more forthcoming, mentioning small details here and there. They rode with a fellow man from the yards, this one a full ranked Gaidin, and D'Ashan tried his best to emulate his manner in his boyish way. Oh if someone mentioned it he would be shocked at first. After a little introspection however he would realize he did this with all Gaidin and Gaidir he met. Save Mistress Thera...she was just, well...Mistress Thera.


He could see the Aes Sedai and Thera talking, but could not hear what they said. He followed Perivar's lead and stayed out of what was not his business, and remained with the horses. His thoughts however flew... What were they out here for beyond a simple task to preform for an Aes Sedai. Something told him that should be enough, but his curiosity was killing him.


Checking the saddle one last time to ensure it would not chafe the horse in the night he pulled a piece of dried, smoked meat from his bags and munched on it silently. As he chewed he watched the two huddled in the candle light...


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Thera waited at the Tower Guard stables for her companions to arrive. She had met with D’Ashan to try and help alleviate the nerves the boy was felling, but she didn’t believe it had done much good. There was only so much of their mission she could tell. With Perivar she had been more forthcoming, but only because the man had stormed into her office looking for a fight. Trainee’s still whispered and pointed, and Thera knew that their shouts had been heard throughout the yards. He’d taken being separated from his Aes Sedai no worse than she’d expected, and in truth his protests had been less fierce than she’d imagined.


D’Ashan was the first to arrive and Thera greeted him warmly, Mistress to trainee and went back to studying the yards for Perivar’s arrival. She had been worried during their fight that he would refuse her, but in the end orders spoken from his bonded’s lips carried weight. Finally just as Thera was about to depart to look for him, he came through the tree’s already leading his mount and packhorse. The tension between them was palpable, but she made no mention of it as they rode out through the gates.


The weeks it took them to reach Fal Dara were spent mostly in silence, except when they were giving lessons to the young trainee. The mood of the companions did not get better when they arrived at their Northern destination. Saline had been like most Aes Sedai Thera had known, preemptory and expectant, and Thera very much expected that she was just want the Aes Sedai had wanted. Immediately they had been sent out to scout, with no rest given or time to recover. In Thera’s mind that was just fine, the sooner they finished their work the sooner she could return to the Tower, and to sweet little Lyss.


For a week they quartered the villages in and around Fal Dara, each time coming up empty handed. With every ‘No’ she was forced to give Saline Thera grew more and more grim. This felt like she was chasing the wind, and such a chase could go on for far too long. It was then that she decided that their search would have to be expanded and late in the evening she led D’Ashan and Perivar North towards the Blight. Little more than two hours ride outside the city she swung West and North, intending to continue their search towards Fal Moran.


“We will stop for the night. There is only a few hours left until first light and I want you both fresh and rested tomorrow.” Hobbling BlueRose Thera took first guard and stalked out of the firelight to make a circuit around the camp. This close to the Blight Trolloc raids were not unheard of and she didn’t want to be caught off guard.


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A slight twinge of headache at the temples informed her that the interview had reached a point of satuation. Thanking her contact once again she took the stack of reports along with Thera's one syllable missives and, after marking the spots already scouted on her map, burnt her messages one by one. As the messages were crumpling in the flames Saline could not help but wonder if it were some sort of a test.


Yes, test. A part of herself was unable to escape the worth-measuring structure of being tested, after having lived through trials before to get where she was. She just didn't like where she was at the moment. In camp with Sisters whom she swore were trying her patience, particularly those who were convinced Saline's search was foolish. As Maegan Sedai already told her before the journey, Rory was not Saline's lapdog to be at her beck and call. But Saline could not help her actions. They were the only thing she could do at the moment, and she had to, just had to be doing something about the situation. If she could, if her training in weaponry extended beyond what little Lyssa and Corwin passed on, then without a second thought she would be at the forefront of every clash looking for the Green sister. But she needed assistance, and it was nearly killing her to sit and wait while others more equipped to handle those things perform their duties.


Without the narrative of being tested by Rory or her sisters although they had no reason to do so just to spite her, Saline would have to admit her chances were moot.


Even so, despite being through her three arches and many other tests designed to face her fears, as the messages pile in and territories on her map became charted, Saline felt the chill of fear deep in her bones. Still there was no use in despairing.

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  • 1 month later...

Since arriving in Fal Dara, D'Ashan had gleaned little more information than he begun with. Perivar had been quiet and if he had not been Gaidin, Tai would have said he was sullen. Thera was fairly tight lipped as well except for the times when she found oppurtunities to train him. Soon enough they were scouting out the countryside and homes, asking after a woman they knew nothing of save her description.


Immediately upon their arrival Thera had issued orders to move out and begin scouting, with no time to rest until later that evening. For the next week they combed the countryside; sometimes mounted, other times on foot. D'Ashan's instruction on the Blight and Shadowspawn, coupled with his life in Arafell, called for utmost vigilance this close to the Blight. Just when D'Ashan was wondering if they were supposed to be here for something else entirely, Thera announced that they would be moving north towards Fal Moran. D'Ashan felt the greasy cold feeling of fear stab through his gut at the mention of the Blight and cursed himself for growing soft.


They had pushed well into the night, stopping a few places but mostly covering ground. Thera Gaidin finally called a halt, announcing their intentions. “We will stop for the night. There is only a few hours left until first light and I want you both fresh and rested tomorrow.” D'Ashan glanced at the sky with surprise. He had not realized he had ridden so long. Preparing his horse and keeping his weapons close by, he lay down for the night. He was mildly surprised that they had a fire as he half expected Thera to tell them they were making a cold camp this night. He could not sleep even though his body was tired, so he lie awake. Staring up into the sky he wondered what they would do out here and when it would get exciting. A moment later he cursed himself for asking himself for excitement this close to the Blight...

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Thera was not sure why she’d made the decision to expand their search. It certainly had not been on orders from the Aes Sedai. The little woman was relentless in her need to find this woman, but there was something else tickling at Thera’s brain.


She took the watch again and the few times she stopped by the fire to warm her hands she saw that D’Ashan was awake. Rather than order him to sleep she was content to allow him the luxury of riding tired, after all they’d found no real danger so far. No more so than was normal this close to the Blight. Her turn came and went to run over her guard duty, but she felt fresh and rested so she allowed the others to sleep. No doubt Perivar would have words for her in the morning, but he was not in charge and she would set him firmly in his place.


Before the sun had crested the Eastern rise Thera had them changing direction again, headed back South towards Fal Moran. Perhaps the capital would reveal more secrets. No longer being a Warder there were certain gifts she did not possess, though she knew the signs, it was Perivar that gave warning of evil near. All too soon tracks of Trolloc’s began to appear, they were fresh, less than hours old….


Stopping her small party in the valley she sent Perivar out to scout further South and East and she went South, it didn’t take long for her to find the source of ‘evil’. Slowly she backed BlueRose away and when she was sure that she could not be seen she headed at a fill run back to the valley. “We have an issue” she said to the trainee and waiting warder. “There is at least 3 fists of Trolloc South of us, Perivar what did you find East?” He had the same to report, though his number was closer to 5. “Light! How could so many get pasted the Border patrols unseen? If we are to help we need to know exactly what we face. We will all scout and meet back here in one hour.” Sending them all in different directions she went South again to see how many more she could find.


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A small figure walked briskly to the far side of the platform, but stayed only a few minutes before she strode back to its edge on the other side. The winds tore at her satiny tailored shirt and breeches. They were very strong at such great heights.


Saline was restless. Part of the afternoon was left, but there was not enough time to start her excavations. No messages from Thera Gaidar? She wondered, then shrugged off the question and turned to the wind, letting her eyes roam from east to west. The sun made its way down the sky, bound for the mountains. Already in the west a glimmer of shadow draped itself over the toy figures of the watchtowers and the spiky fold which led to the valleys and forests making up the blight. She could see the specks that were Lavinya Sedai and other Sisters on their way out of the copper terraces. On the forests’ edges the workers, mostly borderland boys and men baring strips of earth which prevented fires still chopped and dug, adding to the gap between grass and the trees. The dry heat had been cause for concern. Dig too much and there’d be no topsoil left to prevent dust-storm in the winds; too little and there was a raging grassfire before long.


Saline reached for the pitcher.


“Allow me,” said a velvet-soft voice as a hand supported the pitcher. Saline jumped, and started choking. She felt some firm pats on the back.


“I’m sorry, Aes Sedai” said the Lord of Fal Dara, who always knew where everybody under his charge was “a manservant told me you were here. A little chat with him told me you hadn’t taken any food since the morning so I brought a tray. But I saw you were busy and stayed by the door. I did not realize you weren’t aware of me.”


“I was fascinated by your keep, your Grace. Did you know the torches lit every inch of all your walls?”


“Of course,” he said, “for over 3,000 years nations of the borderlands have stood despite its proximity to the Great Blight and Shayol Guol. Sometimes, even the well-lit places can be assaulted and our borders pushed back. There is a legend of a nation that once believed without certain rituals and songs in the night the sun will not rise again. We are its spiritual successors, constantly being pushed back and on the brink of becoming overwhelmed. But then you know this, Aes Sedai, which is why we’ve your assistance.” Putting the pitcher down on his tray the Lord asked, “supper?”


“Please.” Saline said; stomach rumbling at the wonderful smells. Some things she could not get used to in the borders were their communal baths but the grub was all they were cracked up to be and more, tempting the palate in every way.


He smiled; his big swordsman’s hands graceful as he put food onto her plate . . .


Her back cramped. She needed to stretch. Looking around she saw the top-knotted guards his Grace sent as her escort. Any men and horses he could spare went with her. And her search party for Thera and her scouts. Seemed like Saline’s thread was forever repeating her searching pattern. Searching for what, not to be so lonely?


At first she had been fully aware of where she was. At camp with her Sisters; some of the bonded men and women had seemed uneasy as they peered into the night and she decided to go for a nightly ride.  Hardly a half league passed before her escort caught up. On routine patrols, her left ovary! Each men bore swords on their backs and shields despite Saline carrying her own scimitar and a dagger gifted her by Tirzah, resolving not to warn any hostile target nearby of her ability to channel.


“You cannot rely on Saidar and intuition to take the place of learning,” muttered Saline, still tracking the others. She was beginning to read something very, very wrong.


The commander for her guard was frowning as well. Finally he confirmed her suspicions. “Trollocs, Aes Sedai. Heading toward Fal Moran.”


“Then that is where we’ll ride. Look sharp, boys.” Lifting her bottle of mulled wine, she drank deep.


Saline Wastrel

Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah


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D'Ashan had learned a little of tracking on his survival trip with Thera and the twins. So it was that he found himself watching Thera, watching the ground as they traveled south once more. She looked concerned and that had D'Ashan on edge. This close to the Blight, that concern could only mean one thing.


Stopping in a small valley, Thera sent Perivar to scout to the southeast and then told him to wait while she went south. As he sat atop his horse, attempting to keep an eye out for the two while watching his surroundings, he thought of the people they might be saving.


It wasn't long before Perivar came back. He didn't offer any information and D'Ashan was not going to ask, it just wasn't his place. By the grim look on his face, and the motion of his horse, it wasn't good. Soon enough Thera returned to report three fists of Trollocs, south of them. Light, three!? Perivar reported closer to five. D'Ashan sat his mount, utterly poleaxed. Nearly eight hundred Trollocs headed for Fal Moran? Thera instructed them grimly to scout out the area so they knew precisely what they were up against. Growing up in the Borderlands coupled with his training, sent his mount forward before he knew what he had been doing. Traveling south east he kept his eyes open.


A Short time later, D'Ashan had made his way a good bit south with nothing to show but occasional tracks. It was getting closer to the hour mark if the sun told true and he doubted he would make it back in time unless he pushed back north with haste. He hated coming up empty handed however. The thought of displeasing Thera made him frown. Maybe if he pushed just a short bit further...


Suddenly the trees opened up before him and the Trolloc that was relieving itself stared at him in shock for a moment. It recovered quickly however and it's snouted face contorted in a snarl as it freed the double sided axe from its belt. D'Ashan thought quickly as he slowly backed his horse away, freeing his blades and guiding it with his knees. If he took this one quietly he could make an escape...  Suddenly the beast tossed back its head and howled. There were answering howls from D'Ashan's right. At least five counting the one in front of him.


"Mother's bloody milk in a flaming cup!" He spat, sheathing his blades and spurring his horse around. "At least I didn't run into a whole fist!" he mumbled angrily to himself as his horse crashed through the trees. Eight hundred Trollocs would surely have Myddral driving them. He was no where near ready to fight a myddral, let alone trollocs as well. Urging his mount he sped forward, the crashing sounds from behind him signaling the pursuits continuance. Most Trollocs could outrun a horse, and so it was that he lay flat on his mount's neck urging for haste until he could return to the valley. He was not sure, short of the Creator's intervention, how he was ever going to make it back. He was going to die.

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She did not ride long before finding what she searched. Another fist, and this one had Fades with it to keep them focused and moving. Leaving BlueRose at the base of the hill she crawled on her belly towards the smells of wood smoke, and cooking meat. Wrapped in the void she didn’t even shudder at the vile mess below. By the flickering firelight she could see the mangled bodies that the Trolloc’s had gorged themselves one. Leaving the droppings for the vultures as they broke their camp.


It was obvious that orders had been given to move, and they had abandoned some poor soul missing half an arm, but still alive and screaming. His screaming echoed in Thera’s ears after the guttural voices and thud of hoofed feet, and boots faded away. Daring to crest the rise again she stood to a crouch and drew her bow. She always hated to kill someone so innocent, but with no Aes Sedai near all that was left for him were a few hours of tortuous pain. In one swift motion the arrow left her bow and took him through the heart. His screams stopped and suddenly the night seemed almost too still. Turning to head back down the hill and large hand, covered with hair and more of a paw connected to her face and she was sent sprawling. The putrid stench of decay and old sweat filled her nostrils as the ground came up to meet her; knocking out her breath. Clawing for her sword she brought it up in time to take off the Trolloc’s hand as it reached for her again. Now doubt this one had been greedy, and doubled back in hopes of more meat. As his dark blood sprayed at her Thera rolled to her feet and slashed at its head with her curved blade. A neat slashed spewed blood and the monster tumbled down the hill, letting out its last death rattle.


Throwing herself full force down the hill she leaped on the Blue Roses back and headed back to meet the others. Unless Perivar reported miraculous news this was going to be battle.


His report was no better than hers, and while they waited for her trainee they discussed the options they had. Above all else they needed to warn the capital and the Aes Sedai. Saving as many people as possible was the goal, but which came first? Aes Sedai who they’d all sworn to protect, or a Borderland city? Perhaps both could be saved.


Time began to pass with still no sigh of her trainee. She and Perivar chose not to split up and to head the direction he’d been sent. They walked the horses and kept sharp eyes on the country side. This would be no time to be surprised by another band. Perivar’s sixth sense and Thera’s ears were the first alarms to trouble. Standing in her stirrups she could see the trail of dust that accompanied the noise. “Blood and Bloody Ashes what has that child done.” Sawing her reins hard Thera told Perivar what she expected. “He may have brought the whole bloody fist down upon us. This will not be easy my friend, but I cannot let him die without trying.” Perivar nodded, he would no more leave the boy to his fate than she would.


OOC: I left it to D'Ashan how he was saved  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Speed. Forward. Faster.


He repeated these words like a mantra. He knew he was going to die but that didn't mean he wanted to. The trees had slowed the beasts pursuing him, which meant they stayed right behind him, and a snort to his right brought him out of his reverie. He glanced over to see a the slobbering, tusk-faced mug of a trolloc, its eyes watery and shining with glee.


D'Ashan, freed one of his blades in time to take the beasts head. A low hanging branch not only nearly unseated him, but also nearly took his blade! Cursing himself for a fool he sheathed his blade and pulled the dagger from his boot instead. Another of the hairy Shadowspawn maneuvered its way next to him, this time on his left. A hairy hand caught his streaming cloak and threatened to pull him from his mount. D'Ashan's dagger blossomed in its eye in time to send it crashing into a nearby tree, snapping its neck.


There were still three in pursuit and they looked to be gaining. Suddenly he caught twin flashes of light. Thera's blade bit deep and the beast doubled over, only to have its head removed by a second stroke. Perivar finished the other in nearly the same way. Both kills however were lost to D'Ashan as he sped past. He heard their cries and knew what had happened however. Thanking the Creator he whirled his mount. They had found him, he would not die this day. Three against one was not good odds for anyone, especially a lone Trolloc against two fully trained Gaidin and a Trainee. The beast bolted and Perivar followed to finish it off at a glance from Thera. There would be no alerting the rest of the fist.


D'Ashan dismounted and patted the horses neck. It was breathing hard and he would have to rest it for a while before pushing it again. He looked at Thera and reported as he had been taught to do, trying not to let his shame show.

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As Thera crested the hill she was relieved to see that it was only a few Trolloc’s not an entire fist with a Fade in toe. Still, it made saving young D’Ashan no easier. Laying low of Blue Roses back she never thought of turning aside as she and Perivar made a collision course towards the bared steel in the Trolloc’s hands. It was a wordless roar that erupted from her lips and she took the first one in the chest, removing his head with a downward stroke. The others fell quickly, except for one…… it knew death when it saw it and took its chances at trying to run.


With only a slight glance at Thera, Perivar booted his horse after it and managed to kill it before it could crest the next hill.


Turning all her attentions back on her trainee Thera’s eye searched him for any hurt. She had brought him here to help nurture and mature his skills, not to land him in a cook pot.


Seeing that we was well, beyond his wounded pride, she fixed him with a frown and listened to his report. It was no more grim than she expected, but so much worse than she’d hoped. “ You did well D’Ashan.” She watched his eyebrows climb. “We are all seen at times, but let this be a lesson to you on the importance of paying heed to your surroundings. A few more minutes and you surely would have been dead.”


At the sound of Perivar rejoining them Thera cut the rest of her lecture short. It could wait…perhaps forever if they did not find a way out of this. They all dismounted and allowed their horses to rest while they made plans. A choice still remained to be made…. Warn the capital first? Or save the Aes Sedai?


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Perivar had been even more introverted than usual.  He took any opportunity to leave the group and be on his own.  There was still a matter to be settled between he and Thera for her actions during his Blademaster trials.  She may have been right forcing him to fight a woman, it was something that should have been seen to long ago but the way she used Kabria as bait for him to fight her was wrong.  Uncomfortable silences were the norm whenever they stopped or were forced to be near one another.


Perivar sat Nightdancer staring south toward Tar Valon.  Other times he would have been found staring North though Kabria was still in Tar Valon while he was in the borderlands.  His heart and soul were with her, a shell of his existence is what roamed the borderlands.  Without realizing what he was doing, Perivar thumbed the ring that she had given him.  An intricate circle of roses complete with the thorns to remind him of her.  She was beautiful, more beautiful than any bouquet of roses yet she had a fiery passionate disposition that kept him on his toes and kept things very interesting.


Perivar respectfully followed Thera's orders doing whatever assignment she handed him in a timely and expeditious manner.  Duty was duty but allowing any hint of friendship between then was where he drew the line though.  Perivar was a stubborn fool and did nothing to bridge the gap between them...



Perivar did not even remember what he muttered.  Something about young fools he thought as he spurred Nightdancer following Thera’s lead.  The last Trolloc began running realizing it was hopeless to win against the odds it had been dealt.  Perivar looked to Thera who simply nodded. 


Perivar leaned from the saddle to wipe the blood from his sword on the corpse of the slain Trolloc before sheathing it.  He quickly drew his horsebow and strung it then booted Nightdancer after the fleeing Trolloc.  As soon as Nightdancer reached a steady gallop Perivar aimed, drew, and released.  The arrow struck sending the hairy trolloc tumbling.  Perivar let the horsebow hang across the saddle’s pommel then drew his sword leaving his singuata resting on his belt.


Nightdancer’s hooves thundered toward the Trolloc as it tried to stand and face it’s attacker.  A simple sword thrust would have been sufficient though Perivar was angry.  He had let the void go as soon as he saw the arrow strike home.  He needed to vent and this Trolloc was going to help him.  Perivar made several passes hacking the Trolloc for all he was worth.  The last pass he leaned from his saddle to gore the Trolloc from it’s groin to its neck.


Looking grim as death Perivar returned to his companions.  He pondered their choices briefly before speaking without emotion as if he were in the void.  “We are sworn to protect Aes Sedai first and foremost.”  I am sworn to protect mine he thought furiously.  Yet she is in Tar Valon while I am hundreds of miles away.  He directed a stern look at Thera which he hoped was taken for indifference.  Even though it was Kabria who broke the news to him he had no doubt that his presence here was Thera's idea.  "The Capital will have to hold out until we can get to them."


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