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[PS3] inFAMOUS or alternatively, Prototype they are the same game after all!


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Okay, so one day after work, and having no choice but to walk home, (I hate walking home from work, when you walk all day at work, maybe then you'll understand this resentment) I thought, Hey, best buys on the way, why not go buy inFamous as my way to spite the fates for forcing me to walk home that day. :P


Anyways, I enjoyed this game. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as MGS4, but certainly more then Assassins Creed or GTA4 (Though, I really really enjoyed one of the first clubs you visit in that game, and no, not empis' hang out the strip club, the other one, with the magician.)


The main thing to remember here, is that if you enjoy this type of genre, action/adventure running around blowing shit up, and not in an FPS way, but more of a God of War style of combat, then you'll probalby find this game entertaining. I love blowing enemies up with Gernades made up of Electricity! The graphical explosions and wide array of abilities are just plain fun. Nothing like doing this to random people.



But, really one of the things I liked about this game is its seemless blend of various gameplay elements that you normally don't see in a game. Did I mention it has style?

Theres a reason I compared the game to Assassins Creed, GTA4, and God of War.

This game has Assassins Creed style of free-running/climbing of cities. Except inFAMOUS's system is FAR more forgiving. No more are the damned days of Lara Croft and missing a freakin ledge by half a milisecond, or not pressing a buton 'soon' enough or 'late' enough. Aka, no more chucking your control at the niebhor kids becuase you keep falling to your death on that one annoying jump. Course, if you have a Wii, you don't really need an excuse to chuck it...


How can I compare it to GTA4? Simple, GTA4 has this city system going for it. You have alot of buildings, alot of streets, you can virutally travel anywhere in GTA4. You have various pedestrians who spawn up all over the place and change depending on where you go. It even has this nice 'map' system, showing all the sections of the city, like 'downtown', and 'chinatown', ect. inFAMOUS is similar, Though you can't enter any buildings, its all outdoor play pen, with a couple of sewers here and there. Another thing they share, is the mission system, go up to random people/places, get a mission, complete for phat rewards. (GTA = money, infamous = 'xp') But there is one major difference here. In GTA you had only 3 or 4 types of missions, and they were ALL like that, go kill this, go kill that, go pick up this, go pick up that, destroy this, ect. Alot of games suffer from this, because lets get down to it,  Theres not all that much you can really do quest wise that actually has you 'do' something instead of just sitting htere listening to dialogue. But Somehow infamous imo somehow solved this for me. They didn't have 4002893423 Missions that repeated with only 3 or 4 types. Instead, each 'section' of the city, has lets say, 10-20 Missions. (I don't know the exact count)

I know there are exactly 5 Good Missions, 5 Evil Missions, probably 5-10 Side missions, and however many story missions per section. (If you do a good mission, it locks out an evil one.) Each mission (except plot missions) 'protects' a section of the City. In early GTA terms, it would become your 'turf'. Its a % based system, I believe it could take nearly 3+ hours per section to fully get 100% per section. On top of this, theres 2 types of collection missions running in the background, and no, its not nearly as tedius as assassin creeds Flag one. >_<

The way I found it, The missions did not become tedious or repetative, there was just enough variety in the actual mission, and enough randomness from mission to mission, that I never really did a 'kill that guy' followed by a 'kill that guy' mission in a row. I really like how they did this section of the game, and GTA needs to take a lesson or two from them. Less, can certainly be More.


The only comparison to God of War is basically the combat. No Quick time "Hurray!".


Finally, Style. The entire game start to finish doesn't have any cinematics/cg. Instead they replace them with a comic style slide show, Some say its cheesey, I loved it.


There is one other thing, If you actually follow the story of the game, (I know its hard for all you ADD kids out there) but the plot twist at the end... Its like getting hit by a curve ball from 3rd base... Yea, I need to work on my baseball analogy.

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Combat like God of War? But I thought inFamous is more about shooting than melee. Sure you can do it but your main weapons are focused on ranged (lightning bolt, grenade). The shield and dive bombing are fairly close range but that's not hacking and slashing.


Granted I only played the demo but it felt more like a 3rd person FPS.

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  • Community Administrator

Combat like God of War? But I thought inFamous is more about shooting than melee. Sure you can do it but your main weapons are focused on ranged (lightning bolt, grenade). The shield and dive bombing are fairly close range but that's not hacking and slashing.


Granted I only played the demo but it felt more like a 3rd person FPS.


Well, Its definately not hack and slash with giant weapons, but I wouldn't really call it a 3rd person shooter either. Most of the attacks are ranged, but there is definately melee attacks. Look at it this way, would you classify ratchet and clank as a 3rd person shooter? Or an action adventure?

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I saw the X-Play review for this game where they gave it a 5/5 and I get Game Informer each month, which game inFamous a 9/10. I liked what I saw in the in-game play they showed on X-Play and think I need to check this game out...I'd probably go evil but IDK. If I do it'd be mainly because your lightening is RED when you're evil!  :D


*sigh* I live in a crappy town though and don't want to take a chance on buying it out right. What does living in a crappy town have to do with it? The local video stores probably won't have this game to rent for quite some time... :( And I don't want to just go out and buy it because I'm nearly broke. X.X





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