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Rand staying sane through the last Battle with the help of the Tuatha'an

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There have been other theories mentioned that the reason Rand is still going insane is because of the wound that he received in his side linking him to the Dark One and Moridin.  This theory implies that Rand will continue to go insane until Moridin or he dies, but I do not think that will happen until the Last Battle.  That part is pure conjecture on my part, but it leads me to my theory about Rand and the Last Battle and how the Tuatha'an, or rather the Da'Shain Aiel, will have an integral role in the Last Battle.  In The Shadow Rising, when Rand sees the life of his ancestors at Rhuidean part of his vision included the following:


"Do you know what happened to the Aiel at Tzora?"  He nodded, and she sighed, reaching out to smooth his short hair as if he were a child. "Of course you do.  You Da'Shain have more courage than....Ten thousand Aiel linking arms and singing, trying to remind a madman of who they were and who he had been, trying to turn him with their bodies and song.  Jaric Mondoran killed them.  He stood there, staring as though a puzzle, killing them, and they kept closing their lines and singing."


Because the Da'Shain Aiel served the Aes Sedai, and because this excerpt occurs directly after the breaking of the world and the ensuing madness of the male Aes Sedai, I believe that this is directly referencing one of the male Aes Sedai.  The man, Jaric Mondoran, killed the singing Aiel because he was mad from the taint. 


We have read so much about the lost song of the Tuatha'an and their search for it, that when I read the books again, and again, I finally placed the two together. Others have mentioned the growing power of the song used by the Da'Shain Aiel, the Ogier, and the Nym, but they then tried to adapt it so it seems. The Da'Shain Aiel tried to use their singing to heal the male Aes Sedai after the breaking of the world, and I think that they will do the same for Rand at the Last Battle.  It will be vital for Rand to remember that he is Rand and not Lews Therin and I think that this battle in some ways has been the greatest thus far for Rand.  Lews Therin wants to die again so much that he just might try to rest control from Rand and break the world a second time in the process to achieve this. The role of the Tuatha'an will be to prevent this from happening.


The Aiel in this case were sacrificing themselves in order to give the citizens of Tzora time to escape before Jaric Mondoran destroyed the city.  They knew they couldn't cure his madness, but they could keep his curiosity focused on them for a time.  In the end, he killed every last one of the singing Aiel.


This leads me to believe that no amount of singing Tinkers would be able to save Rand if he went over the edge.


The Tinkers of Randland ARE NOT Aiel.  After his trip through Rhuidean I got the impression Rand shares the Aiel viewpoint of Tinkers somewhat.


Also the reason Rand is still unstable is that the Taint did damage to him that has not been healed. He won't get any MORE mentally damaged now but the current damage is still there. Perhaps it can be healed.

There have been other theories mentioned that the reason Rand is still going insane is because of the wound that he received in his side linking him to the Dark One and Moridin
They are wrong.


The Da'Shain Aiel tried to use their singing to heal the male Aes Sedai after the breaking of the world, and I think that they will do the same for Rand at the Last Battle.
They didn't Heal him. He killed them all. And the Tinkers are not Da'shain, and don't have the Song. They might not even have the Talent. So your theory is that all the Tinkers will sing at Rand and get slaughtered for their pains?

The last remnants of the Da'Shain Aiel were the Jenn Aiel. They all died off with the building of Rhuidean. The only people that have any idea what the song is are Rand, the Aiel chiefs, and the Aiel Wise Ones. Even though all the Aiel now know of their past it is still very difficult for them to cope with it and trying to get them to sing the song would probably drive them all away. This theory is impossible. It could never happen.


There have been other theories mentioned that the reason Rand is still going insane is because of the wound that he received in his side linking him to the Dark One and Moridin
They are wrong.


They are highly unlikely, and most likely to be wrong, seeing as we don't know for sure yet, your statement should read "They are most likely wrong." Even if you are certain of it. That said, I don't disagree with you, they ARE most likely wrong.


The Da'Shain Aiel tried to use their singing to heal the male Aes Sedai after the breaking of the world, and I think that they will do the same for Rand at the Last Battle.
They didn't Heal him. He killed them all. And the Tinkers are not Da'shain, and don't have the Song. They might not even have the Talent. So your theory is that all the Tinkers will sing at Rand and get slaughtered for their pains?


I think you need to re-read the original post. She stated up front that the Da'shain weren't successful and died. The tinkers job is to make sure Rand doesn't forget who he is so that Lews Therin doesn't take over; so to keep him sane, not try and cure any potential insanity.


I think everyone did satisfactorily answer the original post, so no point in my repeating them all. I just don't see this theory being whats going to happen.


There have been other theories mentioned that the reason Rand is still going insane is because of the wound that he received in his side linking him to the Dark One and Moridin
They are wrong.


They are highly unlikely, and most likely to be wrong, seeing as we don't know for sure yet, your statement should read "They are most likely wrong." Even if you are certain of it. That said, I don't disagree with you, they ARE most likely wrong.

No, they are wrong. Rand's wound has nothing to do with his insanity according to any evidence presented in the books.


The Da'Shain Aiel tried to use their singing to heal the male Aes Sedai after the breaking of the world, and I think that they will do the same for Rand at the Last Battle.
They didn't Heal him. He killed them all. And the Tinkers are not Da'shain, and don't have the Song. They might not even have the Talent. So your theory is that all the Tinkers will sing at Rand and get slaughtered for their pains?
I think you need to re-read the original post.
I think you're wrong.


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