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Prequel novels

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Before Robert Jordan's death there was talk about two more prequel novels (following on New Spring (I have just finished it, amazing! I didn't even know that it existed)). Will Brandon Sanderson write these as well, after he has finished aMoL?


    I would hope that if not him that someone would. It would be a shame to let any good story go to waste. I'm just glad that Harriet will always be involved so She won't let someone ruin Robert Jordan's works and memory.


The Prequel I would love to see most is the Story Of Tam and his journey outside of the Two Rivers. How did he get the Heron blade, Is he really a Blade master.... that sort of thing.


If it's not Brandon it won't be anyone. He directly stated that they would not let the Wheel turn into Star Wars, with different authors writing different books.


It's possible that Brandon will write these books, though he seemed unkeen--which is sensible. He is his own person, with his own stories--letting himself get bogged down in the Wheel would drown his career.


Also RJ did not dictate the plots of these books as he did with aMoL. Brandon seems to be wary of that, and rightfully so.


    I also would not like to see the other novels be done by a bunch of writers, but if Sanderson didn't want to do them and there was another author that Harriet liked...


    Basically, I would just like anything I can get my hands on that RJ has done.


    For those that know Tolkien, he did the Samrillion and my wife read most of it (too tough for me) but I think it was a compilation of his notes and other things he wanted to write about. What if RJ's notes and stories could be put in that kind of format.

What do you think?


If you're interested, in the video interview (top right of this page - at least in Firefox & Explorer), BS speaks about these and the outriggers for a couple of minutes. It's about halfway.

Basically, I would just like anything I can get my hands on that RJ has done.
The thing about the prequels and outriggers is that they are not something RJ has done, they are something he planned to do.


For those that know Tolkien, he did the Samrillion and my wife read most of it (too tough for me) but I think it was a compilation of his notes and other things he wanted to write about. What if RJ's notes and stories could be put in that kind of format. What do you think?
I think you should read the Silmarillion, it's an excellent book. It is comprised of various draft versions of the book, not notes.

    Thanks, Mr. Ares, on the advice about the Samrillion. Problem is, I tried and I got so lost. One of these days, maybe I can try again.


    About wether RJ has done it or planned to do it, I would like to read anything he has done, notes, or half finished book, doesn't matter to me! I just love his style, even if it gets a little long sometimes.


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