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Green Ajah RP ideas??


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So these are the rps I want to see happen.

1. Eladari returns to the Tower, Jaydena hooks up with her and they discuss the state of the Tower. At this point Jade thanks her for helping her decide to go Green and talks about a penance. Eladari do you want her to have one. Usually when someone leaves the Tower with no word for so long they get a penance.


2. Ladria, same thing, Jade will want to meet up with her and talk to her about things, let her know how things are going in the Tower.


3. Bonding rps, whenever someone bonds, they have to bring their bonded before the Ajah Head at some point. This means the bondeds know who the ajah head but of course can't reveal it because it might harm their Aes Sedai. With the upcoming Red bonding rps, their is the potential for some Greens to become bonded to BTers, which will be interesting. *G*


4. The Reds are going to come to the Greens and ask some very strange questions about bonding. So we will have those rps with them, anyone is welcome to become involved in those. An addition some of the Greens will come to Jade with their questions about what is going on with the Reds and their questions. This of course is after the Reds bond the BTers.


5. Trads vs Mods, so these are two different takes on how BTers should be handled, Trads believe they should be genteled and Mods believe they should be studied etc. So once the bonding happens and it's knowledge to the Greens and the rest of the Tower, there could be some big drama with this and if any Greens bond Ashaman and those Ashaman are within the Green Halls, that brings more drama.


So any other ideas for RP's you would like to do?

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LOL well it's up to you, I think only one other Sister has ever wanted to rp it out. *G* Ohhh and yup bonding between the Reds and Ashaman will happen first and then it will be opened up to the rest of the Tower but first they need a few more BTers. *ponders* So if you want to start the thread with us meeting or do you want me to? *winks* You know me, good at cracking that whip.

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Well when i'm all done with my Weapons score. BTW Jade I'll send you the link to my first one here in a second. I should have two boys to send to you to meet *ggls*


Elgee and I are gonna be doing the number four one after she bonds someone in the BT. We have the plan all worked out actually. LOL

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lol, you know me... just point me towards an RP and I'll post in it. ;)


Also, Lor and Kyn will probably be having a big snooty wedding in Cairhien soon. We're planning on a quiet one in the TR, but that won't be enough for the succession of her kids (which she's keeping hushed up, so she doesn't get in trouble), so they'll have to do another, bigger, ceremony in Cairhien. Lor's a minor noble, so it'll be rather haughty. *laughs* Anyone up for helping out?

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