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I'm not saying Egwene should (have) figure(d) out what Halima was, just taken the warnings from everyone else seriously, instead of clinging to her belief that Halima was just some innocent country woman with a heart of gold.


I can understand her need to believe that, though - Halima was the only one who treated her like a "normal" person, instead of the Amyrlin Seat / that jumped up Novice who should sit quietly in the corner and let her betters tell her what to do.


I give Egwene a pass on Halima, actually.  I mean, how exactly is she supposed to detect a woman who can channel saidin, or even know that such a thing is possible?  The disappearing maids situation was easily ascribed to collateral damage in the conflict between Lelaine and Romanda.


I mean, yes, its obvious to us as readers, but, lets not make Egwene responsible for what we know as readers.

You know, I didn't read that far, but I ' knew it. I knew she had to be channeling and saidin just made sense.


Please refrain from swearing when you are on the Dragonmount boards Arkinia. I do not want to have to edit one of your posts again.






That's one thing I like about Robert Jordan's writings. He places hints of things that the reader is aware of but the characters aren't because there's no way the could.


There's no way Egwene or anyone else for that matter could know Halima could channel. The only two were Karen and Anaiya and they would only be able to deduce that she didn't know Cabriana. Just put it this way, if two Aes Sedai you knew were killed with saidin, would you suspect every man or all men and women?


I think Egwene is a pretty strong person and she's pretty much going to be the greatest Amyrlin ever and most likely the longest serving one too. I think she will unite all the female channels together because she is one of the few Aes Sedai the Wise Ones trust.


I'd be careful about saying she'll be the longest-serving Amrylin. Tarmon Gai'don is coming, and many will die. The White Tower might not even exist after the second breaking. And she won't unite all channelers. The Ayyad and the damane are not going to become Aes Sedai anytime soon.


As for favourite charcters, I always thought Moiraine and Lan were both very cool. Thom is really neat too, and Tuon has some strong points. There a few weak characters in the Wheeel of Time.


I like all the Wonder Girls, especially Egwene. I've never understood the hate directed against her. And I like the Two Rivers Boys, Mat in particular, but I like Perrin a lot, too, and don't understand the hate directed against him. Jordan did create characters that elicit emotional responses from readers.


I don't have anything against Perrin exactly, despite some of my posts. It's just his parts are mostly boring to me, I think he's a fine character.


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