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I was thinking...


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... as Sandre was walking Lor out to do his little brother's TG ceremony, that Lor doesn't know any of these kids. lol, unlike the last crop where she was pretty involved (and having a blast, I might add).


So, is it about time for another round of drinks and talking about stuff? Lots of things have happened in these folks' lives to catch up on, after all...

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Honestly, I haven't gotten much past the "Lor doesn't know these kids she keeps doing ceremonies for" stage. It's spring, perhaps the wardies can take a night off and enjoy the weather?

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I have a nice idea, and it would be right up Visar's ally to participate in (since he's familiar with boats and the river to some degree).  How bout a boat trip up or down river on the Erinin for a night? (could be either really, I don't care which way, probably upriver first and then downriver on the return journey that would be easiest) Maybe some lavish party is thrown (sponsored by some big name, maybe a noble in the city or an Aes Sedai or someone like that) on a pleasure barge, and the White Tower people have to organize some entertainment/securty, etc, or are otherwise invited to participate in the fun?


That would potentially provide an evening of drinks, socializing, dancing, music, other interesting events, etc., and help us get to know each other a little. How does that sound? 



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*laughs* for the record, I have the req's met, I'm waiting on the one I have posted to get approved before I toss the other one up. :P


As for the boat trip, keep in mind it would be hard for Lor to slip away if it's an "official" thing. Lor may be Green, but she's restricted by a lot of things.


However, Visar, that would be an awesome trip for the trainees to take. Anyone want to plan us a field trip? *grins*


*grins at Kura* I guess he doesn't need much of a reason to party, huh?

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Well, U4ea, whats the point of being a dashing swordsmen if you don't get the chance to show off for osme ladies?


Killing things... that's always the point of being a swordsman, dashing or otherwise. But showing off for the ladies is good too, but flirting with them while showing off is even better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*nudges people*


Alright, let's see what we can get done here! I need some trainees (and Guards... whoever wants to jump in!) who want to sit around reminiscing about their time as trainees. This is for a WS raise (In the Town, requirement)... so, let's see how many people we can help get some WS points for!


Help me help you! *grins*

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I will join you with my Kennar if you like.  He is a TG and I could probably use it as a week in the life req.  He could answer any questions Edana has regarding the life of a Tower Guard or just hang out and BS / drink / gamble / pinch a bottom etc.

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Ed still needs to drink that old fart under the table, so bring him along, Kyn, dear! *laughs*


and that sounds awesome, Sieve! She's all giddy and stuff, so she probably won't slap him if he pinches. Sandre might do more than slap, but... *smirks* that might be fun, too...

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Ed still needs to drink that old fart under the table, so bring him along, Kyn, dear! *laughs*


and that sounds awesome, Sieve! She's all giddy and stuff, so she probably won't slap him if he pinches. Sandre might do more than slap, but... *smirks* that might be fun, too...

Ooh no I meant the serving girls not Edana!  :o  Even Kennar would not be so bold as to do that to another TG.  ;D
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Ooh no I meant the serving girls not Edana!  :o   Even Kennar would not be so bold as to do that to another TG.   ;D


LMAO chicken...


Sounds like fun! I'll start putting this one together this weekend, so we'll use this thread as our planning point. :D Anything ya'll want to do in particular? I say we keep the thread happy and cheerful. We'll save mournful and down in the mouth for something depressing. *smirks*

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