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Two thoughts..


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The Forsaken were able to find Rand when he was going to cleanse Saidin because he was using the CHoeden Kal and they were able to sense the power being used.


Moridin wasn't even there anyways. But it was stated in the cleansing chapters themselves, and in the forsaken chapters leading up to the cleansing, that the Forsaken will know where to find him based on the amount of the OP being used. Nothing to do with Moridin being in Rands head and giving a heads up to the rest of the Forsaken, in fact there are POVs stating explicitly otherwise.


Perhaps you are trying to get at something else though, and I just misunderstood.


I don't remember where I saw it, but there was discussion of Noal talking about what a fool Jain was for leaving his wife to go out adventuring.


Virtually everyone who knows of Jain knows that he was a great guy, how many people knew he had a wife? It isn't the feeling of a person reading of an adventurer, but an adventurer feeling regret from leaving his wife behind.


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