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(Moved from Tinker DG) Philosphies and rules


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Are we allowed to discuss philosophies about unpeacefull things here? Or is this like a pacifists forum?


Oh, and discuss some of you favorite philosophies.


heres one of mine: No where in any bible does it say that your soul and you concious self are the same thing. What is your concious self? its the part of yourself that experiences things. It says I am sitting down reading this guys rambling post on dragonmount.


What are the implications of this. One is that you do not experience reality through your soul. So if you die, it might feel like the end. Ceasing to exist. You might feel like aetheists were right all along. Your soul could go to heaven, hell, or hawaii, and you would never know. If you are one of those incentive driven people people who are good because you're afraid of hell, it could all be for nothing. You would not experience the torment of your soul.


It strikes me as odd because this is a huge assumption made by almost everyone.


hmm, allow me to ponder on this for a day? i have to figure out exactly how to word this. it's come across in some of my studies


edit: but you can discuss anything here. we've discussed the war, the military, and all sorts of things


    I'm not exactly clear in what your asking, Rinkai, so forgive me if I'm way off topic with this.


    My feeling is that wether you are in a religion or not, if you feel that the good things that you do will take you to a better place than I feel it will happen. I'm kind of an 'eye for an eye' type. Where if you do your best to bring out the best in people that it will come back and help you even more.

It might not be in the way you are expecting (a million dollars landing in your lap for instance) but somehow your life will be changed for the better.


Hope this is what you were asking. :)


sorry, I've been busy as of late :)


I think that was one part of what he was asking about. I have a comment on the conscious self/soul part.


Yes, your conscious self is what allows you to experience things and to function, but I believe the soul is what helps you to really feel them and enjoy or dislike things. Basically, the emotion part of your body. like the Mind, Body, Spirit triangle. the mind is the conscious self that helps you think things through, the spirit is what helps you experience feelings and the like, and the body is what houses them.


And like Bonzo said, I think it's a matter of what you believe in as to where you go in the afterlife, or after you die for thoe who don't believe in them. Imho, there's too many people who believe in the various types of afterlives for them to be fake - and that if enough people believe in something, it will become true. that last part imo is a part of the power of imagination and the will/magic strong enough to believe it's there will create it. It's like gods and goddesses. Not all of them were physical people, but symbols that made it into human form and is now worshiped as a physical god/goddess and not as s symbol or ideology.


So all in all, if you believe in Heaven  - that's where you'll go. If you believe in Hell - that's where you'll go. If you believe in the Summerland and reincarnation - that's where you will go to be reincarnated. If you believe in some place that will give you 32 (dunno the number atm) virgins will appear just for you - then that's where you'll go. And if you don't believe in anything - then that's just that; you're done.

  • 4 weeks later...

heres one of mine: No where in any bible does it say that your soul and you concious self are the same thing. What is your concious self? its the part of yourself that experiences things. It says I am sitting down reading this guys rambling post on dragonmount


Difference between soul and concious self. Here is my definition, concious self is the sum of all you have experienced and the lessons you have learned. Soul is what makes you who you are, how you react to things. The body with out a soul would be like a computer, accumilating data storing it. The soul is what takes that information and says "what if".


I believe our soul responds to life, to nature, it longs to be a part of something greater something it may have glimpsed at the moment of its creation.


I have read the Bible and studied alot of it, most of it. When God created Adam, he created the body first. Then he "breathed life" into it, I believe that was when the first soul was created. Without the body the soul will still exist, either in Heaven or Hell. The body however is a finite thing lasting only so long.


Well, if one believed in the bible, then most likely they would believe that their God would never let that happen, unless they think of God as some soul harvesting reaper that feeds upon the souls of the dead.  Muahahaha.  Most believe that the soul is the essence of ourselves, but more importantly, that if God can do anything, there's nothing to worry about.  Either way, God can do whatever he wants, and therefore they will be in heaven or hell.


Also, you could argue that if the soul is intangible, there is no way to define it by our puny earth language and reasoning.  Only God, or a God, could know what a soul truly is.  It's hard to define things we can't touch, see, or feel, or taste, or hear....a big reason it's so hard to describe/agree upon God.


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