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Evening chaps


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and chapesses of course. Delighted to be here.


I've just finished my nth or something reread of the WoT series and felt the need to find a place to converse with other addicts and learn more about those lovely little details.


When not reading the Wheel of Time, I study military history and curse the infernal midges that have claimed my rugby pitch again.


I look forwards to meeting all of you.

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I hope you enjoy it here!


If you want, feel free to stop by and check out some of the Orgs... they're really fun.


Like, you're especially welcome at the campfires of the Band of the Red Hand. *nods*


Welcome again! ;D

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Welcome to DM!


The ORGs are groups from the books which have a focus on certain area, for example, the Band of the Red Hand is all about music and travel (and a few other things thrown in, like restaurants and having fun), and the Seanchan covers entertainment. They are little communities within the larger one of DM. You can join as many ORGs as you want, but it is recommended you start out with a few. I've been at DM 5+ years now, and only a member in 3 - but that is due to most of my time being taken up by the Band as I am the ORG Leader.


Any other questions?

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Welcome to the Mount!


Now, they have explained the Orgs, but now I have to mention the Divs to balance out the scales :P



The Divs (Which are at the almost bottom of the page) are DM's Rp comunity were we RP in the DRPSW (Dragon Reborn Portal Stone World).


It is an interesting place and the story is always growing :)

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