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I know this is the old greenie side of me (I blame Taya!) but is there anyway you guys can clean up the siggies? Please? They are a little distracting and I don't think you need to keep them 'all' up there. (hence a sticky linking important information)



Just a thoughtful question. :)

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Stickies, not siggies, I presume?


Thanks for the input, Aubrey  :)


Unfortunately, DM doesn't have the facility to put up announcements in a special section, or bump threads, like some other sites, so if we have something important that needs to stay there until we're sure everyone's seen it, we have to make them stickies.


Having everything in one sticky defeats the purpose of everyone being able to see at a glance that there's something new and important they have to read.


Rest assured, though, that at least 2 of those that I put up will be unstickied as soon as I think it's plausible to do so. Hopefully that will make it less distracting for you  :)


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Because no-one ever goes there, or to the Announcement board, or most of the 18 or so other boards on here  :P


But seriously: there are only 7 stickies up there, each one clearly describing what its contents are. Hardly something to confuzzle most people.


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Usually what I do is put it all in one thread and link in the first to a post below what it's about and what you can find in it. It may not work for some of the stickies but it may help condense some of the others. :)

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LOL we must be thinking on the same wave length cause I was just thinking the same thing no more than 2 minutes ago. As Elgee said we will have some being removed before and a couple that can be linked into the main sticky. Rest assured as Elgee said it will be taken care of. *G*

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This is ironic that I popped into this thread, because I had no idea what it was about...buuuut just a moment before I had come into this board and flinched severely at the number of stickies *g* Yes, Aubrey can blame me for passing her the sticky-hating disease :D


But I am a mere interloper, so ignore me *g*

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